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Alexander's first encounter, and victory.

' Look on me ' * quoth he 'that speaks to them: For I swear the
be my Father hele, & I anes spit in thy face, thou shall die'
And with that he spit at Alexander, & said: 'Take the there,
thou bitch whelp, that the seems to have.' And Alexander stepped further, & said unto him. 'For thou' quoth he 'has despised me, because I am little; I swere thee, by the pete of my
Father, & by my mother's womb, in the whilke I was consayued
of god Amon, that thou shall see me, are oughte lange, in
thy room, ready to fight with them; and other I shall win
thy room with dint of sword, & bring it under my subjection,
or thou shall make me subject un-to them.' And there they
assigned day of Batelle; and other of them went hame fra
And against the day of Batelle, Alexander, by ascent &
ordinance of king Philippe, gathered a great Oste, & went to
the place there the Batelle was assigned, and found already there,
king Nicoll and his oste. And they trumped up upon both
the parties, and began to fight, & many men were slain on
both sides. But at the last, Alexander had the field
& took king Nicholl, & gart smytte of his head, & went unto
his land, and conquered it ; and his knights went and crowned
him king thereof. And sythen he went hame to his father,
king Philippe, and found him sitting at the mete at a bridale :
For he had put away from him his wife Olympias, Alexander's mother, and taken him another that highte Cleopatra; And
Alexander went into the hall, and said unto the king
Philipp : 'Father,' quoth he, ' I pray now, that for a reward of
my first journey that I have now made, thee grant me to take
my Mother Olympias again unto now, & do to her as ought
to be done to a queen, rather than I give her to another
king; so that I be not your enemy forever. For this
wedding that we have now made here is unlawful! ' When he had said thir words, any of them that sat at the king's burde,
whose name was Lesias, answered & said to the king : ' lord'
quoth he 'thou shall have a son of Cleopatra, and he shall
reign after thee!' Alexander, then, was greatly grieved at his words, and with a wardrere that he had in his hand, he went

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