King Philip's death and burial. Alexander's harangue.
in to the tethe, & slewe hym. And ane of the Oste said till
Alexander: 'Philippe thi fader' quoth he, 'lyes dede in the
felde.' And than Alexander went thedir thare he laye, and
4 saw hym euen at the dyinge. And than he began faste for to
wepe. And Philippe luked apon hym, & said. ' A A, my dere
son Alexander,' quoth he, ' wit a glade hert [I] may now dye,
for that thou so sounwe hase venged my dede,' & euen wit * that
8 worde he yalde the gaste. And Alexander wirchipfully gert
hym be entered.
1When kyng Philippe was entered, Alexander went and sett
hym in his trone, and gerte calle by-fore hym alle the folke that
12 was gaderd thedir, lordes & other and said vn-to tham on this
wyse. 'Men,' quoth he, 'of Macedoyne of Tracy, and of Grece
byhaldey the fegure of Alexander and puttey oute of your
hertes drede of all your enemys. For sekerly, and ye will take
16 gude hertis to yow, thurghe the helpe of oure goddis he schall hafe
the ouerhande of att youre neghtebours, and your name schall
spred ouer alle the werlde. And thare-fore ilkane of yow that
hase Armour, makes it redy, and he that hase nane come to my
20 palace & I satt gerre delyuer hym all that hym nedis, and ilk
a man make hym redy to the werre.' And when the lordes and
knyghtis that ware of grete age, herd thir wordes thay ansuerd
Alexander, & said vn-till hym: 'lorde,' quoth thaye, 'we hafe
24 seruede youre fader a longe tyme & traueld wit hym in his
werres, & thare-fore we ere now so bryssed in armes that thare
[es] no myghte lefte in vs for to suffre disesse that often tymes
falles to men of werre. For we ere streken in grete age. And
28 thare-fore, if it be plesynge vn-to yow, we consaile yow & we
beseken yowe, that ye chese yow yong lordes & yong knyghtes,
that ere listy men & able for to suffre disesse for to be wit yow.
For here we giffe vp att armes if it be your will & forsakes
tham for euer.' And than Alexander answerd & said: ' I will
rathere,' quoth he, ' chese the sadnesse of an alde wyse man than
the vnavesy lightenesse of yonge men. For uong men often
tymes traystand? to mekitt in thaire awenn doghtynes thurgh
yjaire awen foly ere mescheued. Bot alde men wirkes all by
consaile & by witte.' When he had said thir wordes all me
Notes and Questions
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'ilkane' isn't online anywhere, it obviously means 'those'
The upward-and-leftward curve from the final 'n' or 'm' of a word is probably the typed version of a tilde, so that final 'n' or 'm' should be doubled, e.g. menn and hymm. I'm not certain, though, so I won't double the letters.
The thing which is only at the top right of the last letter of a word, like 'said' in line 1, may indicate a missing 'e', so 'said' should be 'saide'. Again, I'm not certain, so I won't add an 'e' when that thing is present.