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Darius writes to his Satraps.

the emperor [garte] read them. And when he heard them read, he was wonder wrathe, and sent a letter [belyue] unto the great lords that had the governance of the empire under him say unto them on this [wiese].

Darius king of kings and lord of lords unto our true lieges Primus & Antyochus, greeting and ioy. We hear tell that Alexander, Philippe son of Macedonia, is so heghe raised in pride, that he is rebelling against us, & is coming into Asye, and has destroyed it utterly. And [shall?] him think not this enough, but he proposes him for to come near us, and do the same to other countries of our empire as he has done to Asye. Wherefore we command thou [o pain] of your legeance, that they semble the great men and be worthy of our empire, with other of our true lieges; and, in all the haste that they may, [gase & counters zone] childe, taken him, and bringen him before our presence, that we may lash him well, as a wanton child should be: and clothe him in purpose; & so send him to his mother Olympias well chastised. For it seems not to be a fighter : but for to use child games.

Their two lords Primus and Antiochus, when they had read this letter of the emperor, they wrote again unto him on this ways. 'Unto Darius, king of kings, great god', Primus & Antiochus, service that they can do. To "our high majesty we make it known, that the child Alexander, which thee speak of, has all utterly destroyed your country. And we sembled a great multitude of folk, and fought with him; but he has discomfitted us, and wer were fain for to flee. For [unneth] might any of us win away with the life. Therefore we that [5e] say are helpers unto thou, beseek your high majesty that you send some succor to your true lieges. When Darius had read his letter, there come another messenger to him and told him that Alexander and his Oste had [lugede] them upon the water of Strume. And when Darius heard that he wrote another letter unto Alexander, of which this was the tenor.

Darius, king of kings, and lord of lords, unto our [servant?] Alexander. Throughout all the world the name of

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