The Persians defeated in three days battle.
our Mother Olympias, who looked grief-struck. But [wete] thou well, within short time, we shall haste us again, with a great number of fresh knights. And right as thou sent us a mouthful of [chessebolle] seed; [right?] so we send thee here a little pepper. For thou should with that [ri^te] as the sharpness of this little pepper passes the multitude of the [chessebotte] seeds, [ri5te] so the great multitudes of the Persians shall be overcome with a few knights of Macedonia.
This letter beckoned Alexander to the knights of Darius, the pepper also, & bade them there to the emperor. And he gave them great gifts and rishes, and sent them further. And then he turned again with his Oste toward Macedonia.
There was the same time a wonder wise man) of [war?] the [whilke highte] Amorca, and he was [prynce-werres] in Araby, and lay there with a great multitude of men in await of Alexander & his Oste. And when he heard tell of the coming of Alexander, he readied him for to keep him. And when they met, they fought together all the days from the morn to the evening. And so they did all these three days. And there was so much folk dead in that battle, that the sun was eclipsed and withdrew his light, [vggande] for to see so much shedding of blood.
But at last the Persians were so thick-fold felled' to the grounde, that their prince Amorca turned thee back and fled, and [vnnethe] might win away, a a few with him. So hastily fled Amorca, that he come [nerehand] alone to Darius, as his messengers did that come from Alexander, and found Darius holding the letter in his hand, that Alexander sent him, and [spirrande] what Alexander did with the [chessbotte] seeds. And the messengeres answered and said, 'He took of the [chessbotte] seeds,' quoth they, 'and chewed of them, & said 'I see well,' quoth he, ' that Darius has many men), but they are wonder soft ; and then Darius took of the pepper, that Alexander sent, and put in his mouth and chewed it. And when he felt the strength of it, and the great heat, he sighed [sare], and said: 'Alexander's knights ', quoth he, 'and they be as strange as themselves, as this pepper is in itself, they shall finde none in this world that may again stand them.' And then answered Amorca & said, 'Forsoothe, lord,' quoth he, 'thee
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