^0 The adventures with wondrous beasts.
pond. Alex- a wodd bat growed faste bare-by three myle on lenthe, & atts
ander bids ^
that they mektt on brede. Pat wodde was at of be rede Bat 1 spak of
fell a great^
wood of bi-fore, and be stanke was a myle on lenth. Pan Alexandder
huge reeds comanded bat bay sulde make many fires in be Oste, and gerte 4
that grow^
around it. trompe to be mete. And alson be mone be-gan to schyme
When the )pare come a grete multitude of scorpyons to-warde ]>q stanke
a great ^^r to take f)am) a drynke. And )?an) J?are come o\>er manere
crowd of Qf nedders, and dragones wonder grete of dyuerse colo?/rs. 8
scorpions ' ° ^ •' ^ ,
come down And att j^at cuntree resounded? of ]?e noyse & j^e hiss3inge5
And there V^^ t'^J ^i^de. pir dragon^s come dounwe fra )?e bye moun-
^°^if taynes for to drynke of )?e stanke, and f)ay hadd" crestis one
and many- J?aire hedde^ & Ji^aire breste^ ware brygbte lyk golde, & ]?aire 1 2
dragons. mowthes opefD. paire aande slewe any qwikk thynge \>2X it
These have gmate apon), and oute of f>aire eghne )?are come flammes of fyre.
heads with And wben) A\ey.ander Sc his Oste saw J>am) ]?ay ware ri^t
♦Leaf 28 *fered' for ]^am). For f)ay wende J)ay schulde hafe weried" J^am) 16
' ilkafD. And ban) Alexander comforthed" bain) and saide vn-to
golden / ^
breasts and ]:am) : 'Mi wirchipfutt knyghtes/ quo]) he, 'bees no^te agaste of
mouths. f>am), bot does ilkane as ^e see me do.' And ]?an) he tuk a nett
!J^®\^, , & sett it bi-twixe bym & bam) and tuke his schelde & his spere ao
breath slew . .
any quick & faughte Wit f)am) manfully. And when) his knyghtes saw ]:>at
sm^oteupon P^J ware gretly comforthed' & be-lyfe tuke J)aire wapynne^ &
and out of didd" als ]?ay sawe Alexander doo, and slewe of )5am) a grete
came fiery multitude, wbatt thurgH dyu<?rse wapynne^, what in fjaire fyres. 34
Alexander ^^^ ^^ Alexa?2c?er knyghtes "pe dragones slewe xxti & xxxti
comforts fotemefD. After ]:>am), Ipare come owte of pe forsaide wodde of
ened rede^, Crabbes of a wonderful! greteness ; and J)aire bakkes ware
Alexander harder f)an) cocadrille^. And when) pe knyghtis smate )?am) one 28
+^fi^r,?°^ J^e bakkes wit j^aire speres, f)ay my^te no^te p^rche ]?ain), ne na
thiem with harme do J^am). Neu^r-J^e-lesse psty slewe many of J)am) in
slays many P^^^^ Fires and J^e remenant of J)am) gatt in-to ]?e staunke. And
of them. aboute pe sexte houre of pe nyghte pare come apon) ]?am) whytt 33
How many
men of lyones grettere ]?an) Bulles, and ))ay schoke J^aire heuede^ at
felUliere- 1^^^ ^ grete manace made in J?aire manere. pafD pe knyghtes
^y- keped? J^arn) in )?aire nettis and slew )?am. Aft^r this Jjare com)
drous crabs apon) ))am) ])an) a grete multitude of swynwe pat ware all of a 36
ntfflpk ^^ wonderful! mekilness, wit tuskes of a cubett lenthe. And wit
Then c.^...^^ , 111 • •
white Liona sex hende. Bot Alexander & his knyghtes keped J?am) m )?aire
them. bam) bare come wilde men) & women) of be whilke ilkan) hadd?
Then come ^ ^ ^
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