The prose life of Alexander



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liis tale he badcT liym gange agayne titt his tent and do a corouiD oil) his hede and putt apon) hyiiD ]?e kyngej clothynge, * and sett hyni in the kyngej trone & say vn-to Candeolus pat he was kyng Alexander. ' And bidd an of thi men),' 4. quop he, ' feche vn-to f)e Antyochus, And late hym bryng me to J)e insteeddr of Antyochus, and whefi) I come bi-for thee telle me bi-fore Candeoh^s* aH ]:>at he talde the. And aske me consett, als I ware Antyochus, what es beste to do in fat mater/ 8 Tholomews went and didd? alt als Alexander badd' hym. And he asched' Alexander in stedd" of Antyochus be-fore Candeolus what was beste to do. And Alexander ansuerd" & sayde on lierand? Candeolws: '' Wirchipfutt 'Emperour,' quo]) he, ' if it be 12 plesynge to '^our maiestee I wilt go wit Candeolus J?is same nyghte to Ipe kynge of J?e Bebrikes, and comande hym one ^our byhalue j^at he ^elde Candeolt«5 his wyfe agayne. And if he wilt no^te do soo, I satt late hym, witt J^at ^e salt sende a grete 16 powere to his Citee & bryne it vp stikke & stourre.' When Candeolws hadd' herde hym say J^us, he knelyd? vn-titt hym & said? : ' A a, wirchipfutt Antyochus,' qudp he, ' wele walde it seme pe for to be a kyng for pe liye witt and pe manhede J^at es 20 in the.' Than) kyng Alexander tuke wit hym a grete powere and went apon) Ipe same nyghte wit C-dndeolus vn-to J^e Citee, whare fe kyng of J^e Bebrikes lay. And whan) J^ay come to Ipe citee, pe waytes cryed? apon) J)ain), and askede what f)ay ware. 24 And Alexander ansuerd'& sayd': * Candeolz^s,' quop he, 'es here wit ane Oste of mefD, and pe cause of his commynge es to be restorede agayne of his wyfe pe wliilke ^our kynge raueste away fro hym) }?is same day. And my lord? kyng Alexander com- 28 mande3 50W pat 30 delyuer hir anone, or sewrely we salt brynne this citee & ^our selfe are we passe hethyn).' And when) ])e men) of pe citee herde this, J^ay ware ferde ynoghe ^ and onane went to pe kynge^ palace & brakke vp pe ^ates, & tuke Candeolws 32 wyfe & delyuerd? hir titt hir lorde. pan) Candeolws kneled" doun) till Alexander & saide vn-titt hyr/i : ' A a, my dere frende,' quop he, 'wirchipfult Antyochws, Blyssed mot pou be for )?is grete gudnes pat pou. base schewed? mee. And I beseke the nowe pat 36

^ The scribe has written Antyochus instead of Candeolus, then scratched it out, and written Candeolus again.

2 The scribe has first written ynghe and inserted the above.

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Alexander and Queen Candace. 99

thou will vouche-saffe for to wende with me vn-to my moder quene Candace, that scho may rewarde the for this that thou hase done for me.' And when Alexander herde this he was riyte gladde. For he had gretely desyrede for to see quene Candace & hir citee also. And than he sayd: 'Goo we,' quoth he, 'to the emperour and asche hym leue.' And thay did soo; and when he had leue, he went wit Candeolus. And as thay went to-gedir thay come till heghe mountaynes that reched vp to the clowdes and apon tham thare growed trees of a wonderfull heghte lyke * vn-to cedres that bare appills of Inde riyte grete, Of the whilk Alexander wonnderde hym gretly. Thay saw also thare vynes growe wit wondere grete bobbis of grapes; for a man myyte vnnethey bere an of tham. Thare ware also trees that bare nuttey als grete als gourddey. And thare ware also many apes. Fra theine thay went & come to the citee of quene Candace.

And when) Candace herd tett pat hir son) Candeolus and They come to

his wyfe ware comande and ware safe & sounde, And at i^ountams

•^ 'that reach

a messangere of kyng Alexarider come wit pam), scho was np to the sky,

T , T , T , -1-1 1 • 11 with wondrous

wonder gladde; and onane scho arayed? hir ryally as a tall trees and

20 quene suld be, and sett apofD hir hedde a croun) futt ryche vmeswith

-^ -^ "^ great bunches

att of golde sett fult of pr^cyouse stanes, and went furthe of grapes and

wit hir lordes to J^e ^ates of hir palace, for to mete hir son) gourds and

Candeok^s and Alexander messanser. This quene was a won- ^lany apes

^ '■ ^ were there.

24 derefaire lady & a semely; And when) Alexander saw hir, hjm They come to

thoghte als he hade sene his moder Olympias. Hir palace was comes arrayed

wonder ryatle & pr^cyouse and att be ruffe bar^-of schane wit *^ ^^^t them

■'-' as a queen.

golde & precyouse stanes. Than) quene Candace tuke Alexander she is of

28 bi J^e hande, And ledd hym vp tilt hir chambir, whare ]?are f^Ther palace

ware beddes arayed? wit pe fyneste clathes of golde J?at myghte ^^ ^^ch,

be getyfi); And pat chambir was of golde & precyous stanes, to her privy

pe whilke are called Onychyns & pe burde; & pe bynkes of l£''^onderfu?

32 euour & Smaragde5 & Amatistes. pe Pelers of pe Palace ware works of art. alt of Marble, And ]:>ar ware grauen) in psiufi cartes of werre, pat semed" to mannes sighte as psij hadd' bene rynnand"; And Ob^phauntes tredand" men) vnder faire fete. Vndernethe J>at 36 Palace rane a water wonder swete, & clere as any cristatte.

1 The scribe first wrote ' a?i heghe', but />e cedres. On leaf 42 it continues li/ke then scratched out the an. vn-to cedres.


On leaf 41 we have the words lyke to


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Queen Candace confronts Alexander.

That day Alexander ete wit quene Candace & hir childire. Apon the morne quene Candace tuk Alexander by the right hande & ledd hym in-till hir bedd-chambir, and nane wit tham, Bot thay twa allan. This chambir was couerde all ouer wit-in wit golde & precious stanes. And it schane wit-in, as it had bene the sonne. And oute of this chambir scho ledd hym in-till a wit-drawyng chambir made of cypresse. This chambir was sett apon foure wheles by crafte of clergy; And twenty xx Olyphauntis drewe it whedir as scho wolde hafe it. And when Alexander & the quene ware entrede in-to that chambir, onane it stirredd & by-gan for to remowe. And than Alexander was astonayde & meruaylled hym gretly & said vn-to the quene: 'For sothe,' quoth he, '& thir meruaills ware in oure cuntree thay ware riyte commendable & mekill worthy to be praysede.' The quene answerde: 'thou saise sothe, Alexander,' quoth scho, 'thay ware mare commendable amangey the Grekey, than amangey vs.' And also sone als Alexander herde hys name be neuenede, he was gretly trubblede, and his vesage bi-gan to waxe pale, and his chere to change. And than the quene said efte vn-to hym: 'Alexander,' quoth she, 'for to schewe the mare verrayly that thou ert Alexander, com with me.' And than scho tuk hym by the hande & leedde hym in-till another chambir, and schewed hym thare his awenn Fygure purtrayed in a parchemyn skyne. And when Alexander saw that, he wex pale & wanne & biganne to tremblee. And than the quene said vn-till hym: 'Alexander,' quoth scho, 'where-fore ert thou ferde, & why chaungey thow chere. Thou that hase distroyed all the werlde; conquerour of Perse, of Inde, of Mede, and many other rewmes & landey, Now arte thou witowtten scheddynge of blode fallen in the dawngere & in the handey of quene Candace vnauysyli. And thare-by may thou wele knawe that a manes hert sulde on na wyse be enhanced in pride. For if all it bee that ofte tymmes grete prosperitee fall to man, Sodaynly falley adversitee till hym when he leste wenes.' When Alexander herde this he bigan to grayste wit the teethe and to torne his hede hedir & thedir. And quene Candace saide vn-till hym: 'Whare to angers thou the,' quoth scho, ' & trubley thi selfe? What may now thi grete Imperiall glory, thi witt & thi mighte serue

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Queen Candace and Candeolus save Alexander. 101

the offe ? ' Alexander ansuerde & said': ' Forsothe ', quoþ Alexander, ' resonably I am angry at my selfe bi-cause I hafe na swerde here.´ Quoþ þe quene : ' I suppose þou hadd a 4 swerde, nowe, what walde do þare-wit ? ´Sothely,´ quoþ he, ´bi-cause I hafe wilfully betrayed ? my-selfe vn-to þe. First I solde sla þe and þan, I dowte it noȝt, I sulde be slayne for þe.´ ' Now for sothe,' quoþ scho, ' þis was wisely & manfully sayde. 8 Neu€r-þe-less be nathynge heuy. For as þou delyuerde my son wyfe Candeolus oute of þe daungere of þe kyng of Bebrikes Swaa sall I delyuer the oute of þe daungere of thyn enemys þat þou base here. For I say þe in certayne, and it ware 12 knawen þat þou ware here vn-to my menȝee, onane þay walde slaa þe by-cause þou slewe Porus þe kynge of Inde. For my son wyfe Carator was his doughter.' And when scho had said þis, Scho tuk Alexander bi þe hande & ledd' hym forthe i6 in-till hir forchambire and said' vntill hir sones : 'My dere sonnes,' quoþ scho, ' I pray ȝow late vs make þis knyghte of Alexander gude chere, and schew hym all be humanytee þat we can. For Alexander has schewed' vs grete frendchipe 20 and grete gudnesse.' And pan hir ȝongeste ansuerde & said': ' Moder,' * quoþ he, 'sothe it es þat he es a messangere of Alexanders, & a knyghte of his, and þat he delyuerde my broþer wyfe of þe handeȝ of þe kyneje of þe Bebrikes and broghte hym 24 & hir hame vn-till vs bathe safe & sownde. Neuer-þe-lesse my wyfe constreyneȝ me for to do Antyochus to dede bi-cause of þe dede of hir Fadir Porus, whilke Alexander slewe, So þat Alexander may hafe sorow for his knyghte. Quoþ quene 28 Candace þan : ' Lefe son, what wirchip may we get þare-offe if we slaa this knyghte þus traytourusly.' And þan Candeolus sayde wit a grete Ire, ' þis knyghte,' quoþ he, ' saued me & my wyfe & broghte vs hedir safe & sonde : And als saffe sall I hafe 32 hym, agayne till his lorde, or I sall be dede þarefore.' And Carator ansuerde & saide : 'Broþer,' quoþ he, ' what says þou? will þou þat aythere of vs here slaa oþer ? ' ' In gud faythe boþer,' quoþ he, ' it es noȝte my will, ne my liste. Neuer36 þe-lease if it be thi liste, I am redy, rather þan þis knyghte be dedde.' And when þe quene saw þat hir sonnes walde ayther of þam slaa oþer, scho was wonder sary, and tuk Alexander on syde, and saide vn-till hym preualy : ' A, a , kyng Alexander,'

[right margin] Alexander is angry at himself. Had he but a sword he would slay her and die for it. She commends him, therefore she bids him not fear, for since he helped her son she will deliver him from another son who is Porus' son-in-law. She introduces Alexander as one of his own knights, Antiochus.

* Leaf 43 Her younger son would slay him for his wife's sake, to grieve Alexander.

Candeolus offers to defend Alexander with his own life.

Candace appeals to Alexander to save her sons from

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102 Alexander's stratagem and 2^arting. The cave of the Gods.

combat by his wit, so that either slay not other. Alexander promises to do so. Alexander offers to betray Alexander to Carator.



Queen Candace parts from Alexander with many gifts.

* Leaf 43 bk.

Alexander and Candeolus come to a cave. Alexander, sacrificing, goes in. He sees a great god sittingwith eyes like stars. The god greets him.

qudp scho, ' whi wilt f»ou no^te schewe thi witt, and helpe thurgti thi wisdom) )?at my sonnes slaa ii05t ayther of f)am) o\)er 1 ' And Alexander answerde and said": * Late me goo speke wit J>am/ quolp he. And echo lete hym goo. And 4 he went to J)ani) and sayde vn-to Carator : * For sothe, Carator,' quo]) he, ' I late J^e wite pat if ]:»ou slaa me, J>ou salt wynne bot lyttitt wirchipe Ipareoffe. For I say J^e, kyng Alexander hase many worthyer knyghtis wit hym ]?an) I am) ; And pare-iove he s witt hafe littilt sorowe for my dede. Trowes pon f>at and Alexander hadd" lufed me wele pat he walde hafe sent me hyder to be killed" amange^ 5owe. Bot if ):ou witt )?at I beken) the Alexander pe slaere of J'i wyfe fader & bryng hyw bi-for the, 12 Swere me f)at what so I asche pe, pon satt graunte mee it, And I sure pe bi pe faythe of my body, I satt bryng Alexander in-to J)is palace be-fore pe.' And when) Carator herde this, he was ri5te glade, and trowed f>at that Alexander saidl And so ware 16 pe twa brej^^r pesede, And highte Alexander f)at his askynge sulde be fulfilled' als ferforthe als p&he powere reched', if so ware pat he helde couenant. pan) queue Candace leedd Alexander on syde & sayd'vn-titt hym in preuatee : 'Wele ware me,' quop scho, 20 ' myghte I ilke day hafe pe present be-fore myn) eghne as I hafe myn) awenii) childere. For thurgh the sulde I ouercome att myn) Enemys.' And f)an) [scho] gaffe Alexander a coroun) of golde sett futt of precyous dyamande5, and a mantitt Imperiatt 24 of a clathe of golde * wit sternes wofen pare-\i^, and sett futt of pr^cyouse stanes. And ]^an) scho kyssed' hym & oj^dr preuee thynge^ didd" titt hym, And badde hyw goo in hir blyssynge.

^ Than kyng Alexander and Candeolus went furthe att that 28 daye. And come titt a grete speluyic, and J?are f)ay herberde J^am). And Candeolus saide titt Alexander : ' In this spelu^ic/ quop hee, ' J^at you here see^ att godde^ ere wount for to ete and halde ]?aire consaitt.' And })an) onane Alexander made sacra- 32 {jce'^ titt his godde^ and enterde in-to pe caue by hym ane. And ]?are he sawe a myrke clowde, & in ]:>at myrknesse, he sawe as it ware bryghte sternes, and amange5 J?ase sternes he saw a grete godd'sitt, And his eghne lyke twa lanternes. And when) 36 Alexander saw hym) he was so fered" pat he was as it hadd? bene


^ Red capital T in four lines space and small t in margin.

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