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GSM specimens book 1: GSM 1 - 4658
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 238
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4056 | Orbiculoidea elougata (Portl.) | Llandeilo | Ardmillan Brae | Mrs. R. Gray Collection Purchd 1891 | Seed 13102-3 [uncertain J.R.C.R.] |
4057 | Orbiculoidea perrugata (M'Coy.) | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 13104-6 | [Orbiculoidea medioradiata sp. nov.] |
4058 | Orbiculoidea perrugata (M'Coy.) | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 13107 | [Orbiculoidea perrugata var. nov. girvanensis] |
4059 | Stricklandinia leus (J. de C. Sow.) | U. Llandovery | Bargany Pond Burn | ||
4060 | Acrotreta ? nicholsoni Dav. | Llandeilo | Ardmillan Brae | ||
4061 | Acrotreta ? nicholsoni Dav. | Llandeilo | Craighead | ||
4062 | Acrotreta ? nicholsoni Dav. | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 12937 | |
4063 | Siphonotreta micula M'Coy. | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 13110 | [Acrothete granulata Linn.] |
4064 | Siphonotreta scotica Dav. | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 13111 | [Schizambonella scotica (Dav.)] |
4065 | [Plectambonites] Sowerbyella cf. rhombica (M'Coy.) | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 13023-5 | ?Cited in error O.T. Jones Mem. Geol. Surv. Palaeont. Vol. I. pt5. p.429 ? |
4066 | [Orthis] Rhipidomella cf. reversa (Salt.) | U. Llandov | Penkill | See 12957-2 See Reed ibid. p.968 | |
4067 | [Pholidops] Craniops implica (J. de C. Sow.) | U. Llandov | Bargany Pond Burn | See Reed, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. Vol. LI, pl.4 1917, p.967 Pholidops implicata | [Pholidops impicata (Sow.) |
4068 | [Orbiculoidea cf. rugata (Sow.)] Philhedra siluriana (Davidson) | U. Llandov | Woodland Point | See Reed, Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin. Vol. LI, pl. IV., 1917 p.966 | [Crania siluriana Dav.] |
4069 | [Orbiculoidea cf. perrugata (M'Coy)] Philhedra siluriana (Davidson) | U. Llandov | Woodland Point | See Reed ibid p.966 | [Crania siluriana Dav.] |
4070 | [Crania siluriana Dav.] Philhedra mullochensis Reed | U. Llandov | Mullock Hill | See Reed ibid p.966 | [Trematis cranioides? sp.nov.] |
4071 | Siphonotreta scotica | Llandeilo | Minuntion | See 13112-3 | [Schizambonella (gen.nov.) scotica (Dav.)] |
4072 | Paterula Balcletchiensis | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 13108-9 | [Paterula balcletchiensis (Dav.)] |
4073 | Spirifer plicatellus (Linn.) var. radiatus Sow. | U. Llandovery | Bargany Pond Burn | See 12950 | |
4074 | Meristella angustifrons | Low Llandovery | Mullock Hill | See 12953-6 | |
4075 | Hindella (?Whitfieldella) | Low Llandovery | Mullock Hill | See 12957-8 | |
4076 | Hindella sp. (Meristella ?) | Low Llandovery | Mullock Hill | ||
4077 | Merista? cymbula Dav. | Up. Bala | Thraive Glen | See 13018 | |
4078 | Sowerbyella? etheridgei (Dav.) | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 12998-9 | |
4079 | [quinquecostata] Sowerbyella depressa (Reed) | [Mid Bala] Base of Upper, Whitehouse Beds O.T.S. 1911 | Shallock Mill | See 13000-2 | |
4080 | Sowerbyella cf. sladensis O.T. Jones [?] | Low. Llandov | Auld Thorns | ||
4081 | Sowerbyella cf. rhombica (McCoy) var. conspicua (Reed) O.T.J. | [Llandeilo] Caradoc. | Minuntion | ||
4082 | [transversalis] Sowerbyella penkillensis? (Reed) OJT. | Up. Llandov. | Penwhapple Glen | Cited O.T. Jones. Mem. Geol. Surv. Palaeont. Vol 1. pt 5. p 443. | |
4083 | Pentamerus undatus | Up. Llandov. | Penkill | See 12966-7 | |
4084 | Pentamerus rotundus | Up. Llandov. | Penkill | See 12963 | |
4085 | Pentamerus globosus Stricklandinia? undata var. Sow. sp. | Up. Llandov. | Bargany Pond Burn | See 12960 | |
4086 | Stricklandinia? sp. | Up. Llandov. | Penkill | See 12961 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4211 | Encrinurus punctatus | Lower Llandov. | Mullock Hill | Mrs. R. Gray Collection Contd Purchd 1891 | |
4212 | Encrinurus punctatus | Up - Llandeilo | Penkill | See 32933 | |
4213 | Trinucleus ? | Balcletchie | Balcletchie | ||
4214 | Illaenus Bowmanni | Llandeilo | - Cong | See 32970 | |
4215 | Illaenus Bowmanni | - | Craighead | See 32972 | |
4216 | Phacops | Mid Llandov. | Newlands Beds | See 32913-15 | |
4217 | Phacops | Up - | Bargany Pond Burn | ||
4218 | Phacops | Low - | Mullock Hill | See 32912 | |
4219 | Phacops Brongniarti | Llandeilo | Ardmillan Brae | See 32906-8 | |
4220 | Phacops Brongniarti | - | Dow Hill | 32909 | |
4221 | Phacops Downingiae | Mid Llandov. | Woodland Point | 32910-11 | |
4222 | Lichas hibernicus | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | ? figd Nicholson & Etheridge 1878. Mon. ? fasc.I, pl.IX, fig.10 | |
4223 | Lichas hibernicus | - | Craighead | See 32939 | |
4224 | Cheirurus | - | Balcletchie | See 32918 | |
4225 | Cheirurus gelasinosus | ? | - | See 16193 | |
4226 | Cheirurus clavifrons | Llandov? | Drummuck | ||
4227 | Cheirurus bimucronatus | Mid Lldovery | Newlands Beds | See 32916 | |
4228 | Cheirurus bimucronatus | - | Woodland Point | See 32917 | |
4229 | Cheirurus trispinosus | Up - | Penkill | See 32919-20 | |
4230 | Ampyx ? | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 32997-99 | |
4231 | Ampyx ? | - | Balcletchie | See 32993-96 | |
4232 | Ampyx Hornei | - | - | See 32989-92 | |
4233 | Diomide Lapworthi | Mid Bala | Whitehouse Bay | See 33000 | |
4234 | Staurocephalus unicus | - | Woodland Pt. | ||
4235 | Cyclopyge rediviva | - | Whitehouse Bay | See 32965 | |
4236 | Cyclopyge armata | - | - | See 32964 | |
4237 | Acidaspis Grayae | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32936-38 | |
4238 | [Dindymene cordai E&W] | - | - | See 32928-29 | |
4239 | [Acidaspis hystrix W. Thomson.] Cybelid thorax-determinable, but not by me at present R.T? 9/11/52 | Up. Bala | Thraive Glen | ||
4240 | Salteria primaeva | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 33003 | |
4241 | Harpes | - | Ardmillan Brae |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4242 | Agnostus agnostiformis | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | Mrs. R. Gray Coll (Contd), purchd 1891 | |
4243 | Agnostus agnostiformis | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 33019-21 | |
4244 | Agnostus perrugatus | Mid Bala | Whitehouse Bay | See 33023-24 | |
4245 | Staurocephalus globiceps | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32921 | |
4246 | Staurocephalus unicus | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32922 | |
4247 | Staurocephalus unicus | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 32923 | |
4248 | Staurocephalus globiceps | Up Bala Starfish Beds | Thrave | ||
4249 | Dionide | Up Bala Starfish Beds | Thrave | See 33001-2 | |
4250 | Asaphus gigas | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 32960-63 | |
4251 | Remopleurides Barrandi | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 32955-57 | |
4252 | Remopleurides Barrandi | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32952-54 | |
4253 | Remopleurides laterispinifer | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 32958-59 | |
4254 | Remopleurides laterispinifer | Llandeilo | Minuntion | ||
4255 | Illaenus | Mid Llandov. | Woodland Pt. | See 32978 | |
4256 | Illaenus | Mid Bala | Shallock Mill | ||
4257 | Illaenus ? | Low Llandov. | Mullock Hill | See 32975 | |
4258 | Illaenus aemulus | Up Llandov. | Penkill | See 32966-67 | |
4259 | Illaenus Bowmanni | Llandeilo | Ardmillan Brae | See 32968 | |
4260 | Illaenus Murchisoni | U. Llandovy | Penkill | ||
4261 | Illaenus [nexilis] (Bumastus) barriensis Murch. var. | U. Llandovy | Penkill | See 32976-77 | |
4262 | Illaenus Bowmanni | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 32971 | |
4263 | Illaenus Bowmanni | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32969 | |
4264 | Illaenus Bowmanni | U. Llandov. | Penkill | See 32973-74 | |
4265 | Bronteus andersoni | U. Llandov. | Penkill | See 32979-80 | |
4266 | Bronteus andersoni | Mid Llandov. | Woodland Pt. | See 32981 | |
4267 | Bronteopsis scotica | Llandeilo | Balcletchie | See 32982-86 | |
4268 | Encrinurus punctatus | Up Llandovy | Bargany Pond Burn | See 32930 | |
4269 | Encrinurus punctatus v. arenaceous | Mid Llandovy | Newlands Beds | See 32931-2 | |
4270 | Encrinurus punctatus | Mid Llandovy | Woodland Pt. | See 32934-35 | |
4271 | Encrinurus punctatus | Llandeilo | Craighead | See 16194-16195 | |
4272 | Calymene | M. Bala | Shallock Mill | See 32951 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4273 | Calymene Blumenbachii | Llandeilo | Craighead | R. Gray Coll. Contd, purchd 1891 | See 32940-42 |
4274 | Calymene Blumenbachii | Up Llandovery | Penkill | See 32949 | |
4275 | Calymene Blumenbachii | Up Llandovery | Mullock Hill | See 32943-45 | |
4276 | Calymene Blumenbachii | Mid Llandovery | Newlands Beds | See 32946 | |
4277 | Calymene Blumenbachii | Up. Bala | Thrave | See 32947-48 | |
4278 | Trinucleus Bucklandi | Up. Bala | Thrave | See 33004-12 | |
4279 | Trinucleus ornatus | Llandeilo | Dow Hill | See 33013-14 | |
4280 | Trinucleus sp. Tretaspis hadelandica convergeus Dean | Mid. Bala | Shallock Mill | See 33015-33018 | |
4281 | Nucleospira pisum | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | |
4282 | Bilobites biloba & C. expornata | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4283 | Orthis lewisii | Up. Silurian | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4284 | Strophomena rhomboidalis | Up. Silurian | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4285 | Phacops stokesi | Up. Silurian | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4286 | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock | |||
4287 | Encrinurus punctatus | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4288 | Orthis | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4289 | Orthis polygramma v. pentlandica | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4290 | Dictyonema sp. | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Gutterford Burn, Pentland Hills | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock One specimen now 51242 See note in list |
4291 | Amphispongia oblonga | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | N. Esk | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4292 | Orthonota undosa? | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4293 | Orthonota amygdalina | Up. Silurian | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4294 | Modiolopsis | Up. Silurian | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4295 | Modiolopsis | Up. Silurian | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4296 | Up. Silurian | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock | |
4297 | Monograptus cf. scanicus Tullberg | Up. Silurian ?Low Ludlow | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4298 | [Euomphalus] Cyclonema? | U. Ludlow | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4299 | [Euomphalus] Cyclonema? | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4300 | Loxonema | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Deerhope | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4301 | Orthoceras | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | Pentlands | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
4302 | Bellerophon | Up. Silurian Wenlock? | N. Esk | Purchased FH Butler Feb 1891 | Now in MR? Wenlock |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4303 | Prognathodus Guntheri | Lias | Lyme | Purch. Mrs Dollin Dec 5 1891 | |
4304 | [Ammonites capricornus] Homarus gammaroides (M'Coy) | Low Lias | Charmouth | Purch. Mrs Dollin Dec 5 1891 | Decomposed August 17 1933 |
4305 | Pseudodiadema sp. nov. ? [Liparoceras? vesta (Reynes) | U.G.S. | Nr Lyme | Purch. Mrs Dollin Dec 5 1891 | |
4306 | Ptychodus polygyrus | U. Chalk | Barton on Humber | Purch. FH Butler July 1891 | 6 specimens now renumbered 54660-54665 |
4307 | Ptchyodus decurrens | U. Chalk | Barton on Humber | Purch. FH Butler July 1891 | |
4308 | Ptchyodus rugosus | U. Chalk | ? | Penney Coll. | |
4309 | Actinoceras | Carb. Lst | ? | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4310 | Ammonites gemmatus var. | Kel. Rock | Scarbro | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | For these see register of ? M150-M158 |
4311 | Miliolina agglutinans | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | For these see register of ? M150-M158 |
4312 | Miliolina tricarinata | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4313 | Miliolina ferussacii | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4314 | Miliolina venusta | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4315 | Nubecularia nodulosa | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4316 | Ophthalmidium tumidulum | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4317 | Cornuspira cretacea | Gault IV | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4318 | Cornuspira involvens | Gault V | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4319 | Cornuspira foliacea | Gault XI | Folkestone | Purch. R. Chapman 1891 Dec 14 | |
4320 | Pterodactyl cast of brain | U.G.S. | Cambridge | Cast of sp. in Cambridge Mus | |
4321 | Hyracotherium cuniculus Owen | Low. Greene | Kingston, Suffolk | Cast of sp. in Ipswich | |
4322 | Monotrypa crenulata | Wenlock Lst | ? | Stores | |
4323 | Monticulipora? | Wenlock Lst ? | ? | Stores | |
4324 | Pteraspis rostratus? | Old Red S. | Whitback | Stores | |
4325 | Ostrea sp. | L. Calc Grit | Marcham, Abingdon | Pres. Clement Reid | |
4326 | Palaeotherium sp. | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | 4 specs. rereg. 96784-87 |
4327 | Palaeotherium [minus] Right M3 Plagiolophus anectens (Owen 1848) | Bembridge marl. (almost certainly marl) | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4328 | Palaeotherium sp. Left P2 Anoplotherium sp. | Bembridge marl. | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | 3 specs rereg. 88321, 88322 |
4329 | Crocodilus hantoniensis | Bembridge | Priory Bay, St Helens | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | 3 specs rereg. 88323-5 |
4330 | Chelonian | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4331 | Diplocynodon hantoniensis? | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4332 | Theridomys aquatilis? | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4333 | Amia vertebra | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay | Purchd. W. Loe Nov 1890 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4334 | Notidanus | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay, I.W. | Purch. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4335 | Fish teeth | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay, I.W. | Purch. W. Loe Nov 1890 | |
4336 | Aporrhais young | Gault | Folkestone | Price Coll purchd 1886 | |
4337 | Pulvinularia caracolla | Gault | Folkestone | Price Coll purchd 1886 | |
4338 | Pollicipes | Gault | Culham, Abingdon | Pres Clement Reid May 91 | |
4339 | Palaeospondylus Gunnii | L. Old Red | Achanarras, Caithness | Pres RH Traquair Esq Nov 91 | See 56923-4 |
4340 | Fish remains | Forest Bed | Norfolk | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4341 | Frog | (Unio Bed) | Mundesley | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4342 | Fish remains | (Unio Bed) | Mundesley | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4343 | Fish remains | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4344 | Fish remains | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4345 | Platax remains | Weybourn Crag | W. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4346 | Gadoid ? Pollachius virens FCS. | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | (see also GSM 116743_ |
4347 | Raia | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4348 | Raia batis | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | CR 981 |
4349 | Raia clavata | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4350 | Arvicola see GSM. 115496-115501 | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4351 | Mammal | Weybourn Crag | E. Runton | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4352 | Pike | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | CR 872 reregistered GSM 116025-34 |
4353 | Leuciscus | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4354 | Fish vertebrae | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4355 | Fish scales | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4356 | Perca fluviatilis | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4357 | Various | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4358 | Bone | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4359 | Indet | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4360 | Arvicola intermedius | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4361 | Myogale (lt. tib. & fib) | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4362 | Rana temporaria | Forest Bed | Beeston | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4363 | Bithynia tentaculata | Pleistocene | St Cross Southelmham | Col. Clement Reid Esq | |
4364 | Pisidium pusillum | Pleistocene | St Cross Southelmham | Col. Clement Reid Esq | See 16362 |
4365 | Valvata piscinalis | Pleistocene | St Cross Southelmham | Col. Clement Reid Esq |
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 248
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4366 | Ranunculus repens | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | Collected Clem Reid Esq | ||
4367 | Ranunculus aquatilis | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4368 | Potamogeton | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4369 | Thalictrum | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4370 | Stellaria media | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4371 | Menyanthus trifoliata | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4372 | Scirpus pauciflorus | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4373 | Scirpus lacustris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4374 | Salix polaris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4375 | Salix reticulata | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4376 | Salix repens | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4377 | Stachys palustris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4378 | Hippuris vulgaris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4379 | Isoetes lacustris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4380 | Eleocharis palustris | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4381 | Empetrum nigrum | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4382 | Ajuga reptans | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | |||
4383 | Alnus glutinosa | Hailes, nr Edinburgh | 1900 | ||
4384 | [Hoploparia Belli] Homarus gammaroides (McCoy) | London Clay | Merton Hall, Wimbledon | Pres. Wimbledon Local Board | (W. Santo Crimp Esq) Apl |
4385 | [Otodus] Lamna obliqu[us]a (Agassiz) | - | - | Pres. Wimbledon Local Board | |
4386 | Hoploparia n sp. | Woolwich | Park Hill, Croydon | Pres. E.B. Sturge Esq | |
4387 | Malaptera Bentleyi | Inf. Oolite | Lincolnshire? | Pres. T. Jesson Esq | |
4388 | Pachytheca spherica | Low Silurian | Rhymney | Pres. J Storrie Esq | Lantern slides |
4389 | "Battersbya" inaequalis Amphipora ramosa (Philips) Thamnopora cervicornis (de Blainville) | Mid Devonian | Paignton | Pres. W.M. Redaway Esq | |
4390 | Cypricardia pectinata | - Eocene | Barton | Purch Damell ? | |
M3609 | Cone | Coal Meas | Highley Coll, Bridgnorth | SC | |
Re-registered as 63007 | |||||
4392 | [Trophon] Sipho sarsi Jefferie | Red Crag | Butley, Suffolk, 1"208 | Purch of A Bell 1888 | |
4393 | Phasianella elegans | Gt. Oolite | From stores | Figd Pal Soc 1892 | |
4394 | Hippopotamus amphibius | Forest Bed | Mundesley | Pres. ? Elsie Silley Feb 1892 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4395 | [Parkinsonia (garantiana)] Garantiana baculata (Quenst.) | Cadomensis Beds, niortense subz. | Sherborne, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4396 | [Pleuroceras pseudo-costatum] Palto pleuroceras polaris (Phillips) | Marlstone, spinatum z. | S. Petherton, Somerset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4397 | Gryphaea [incurva] obliquata J.Sow. (Hyatt) | L. Lias | Cheltenham, Glos. | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4398 | [Trigonia] Myophorella striata (J.Sow. Miller MS.) | Inf Oo | Beaminster, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4399 | Astarte rhomboidalis? | Inf. Oolite | Stoford, Somerset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4400 | Tooth | Bradford Abbas | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | ||
4401 | Hyboclypus gibberulus | Broad Windsor, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | ||
4402 | Clypeus Plotti Klein | Fullers Earth | Sapperton Tunnel | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4403 | Serpula complanata | Opalinus z. | H.Way.House, Compton, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4404 | Serpula circinnalis | Opalinus z. | H.Way.House, Compton, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4405 | Serpula flagellum | Murchisonae | Bradford Abbas, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4406 | Serpula sp. | Murchisonae | Bradford Abbas, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4407 | Serpula socialis | Opalinus z. | Bradford Abbas, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4408 | Montlivaltia Delabechei | Murchisonae | Bradford Abbas, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4409 | Montlivaltia trochoides | Burton Bradstock, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | ||
4410 | Montlivaltia sp. | Stoford, Somerset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | ||
4411 | Encrinites | Inf. Oolite | Crickley | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4412 | Discocyathus | Inf. Oolite | Burton Bradstock, Dorset | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4413 | Discocyathus Eudesii | Humphriesianum | Milbourn Wick | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
4414 | Anabacia orbulites | Gt. Oolite | Pewsdon, Northleach, Glos. | Purch of SS Buckman 6 Feb 1892 | |
RH975 | Bythotrephis worstonesis Kidst? | Carb. Lst. | Worston Beck, Skipton, WR. Yorks | SC | |
RH979 | Bythotrephis worstonesis | Worston Beck, Skipton, WR. Yorks | SC | ||
4415 | Ocadia [n.sp. near ? crassa] | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay, I.O.W. | Purch of H.Loe. Nov 1890 | |
4416 | Ocadia [n.sp. near ? crassa] | Bembridge | Whitecliff Bay, I.O.W. | Purch of H.Loe. Nov 1890 | |
JR3149 | Serpula granulata | Up Chalk | Watford Tunnel | SC | |
R3433 | Lepidodiscus Milleri | Lower Carb | River Irthing, Cumberl | SC | |
4417 | [Chlyctenaspis] Kujdanowiaspis anglicus (Traq) | Low O. Red | Heightington? Worcestershire | From stores | See Traq. Ann. ? Nat. Hist. Sen VI. Vol. XIV, 1894. p.370. counterpart of 21458. Figd. White 1961, Bull. B.M. (N.H.) Vol.5 no.7, text fig.14. |
4418 | ? | Carb. Limest | Avon Section, Bristol | Purch J. Stock Nov 1891 | |
4419 | Ctenacanthus major | Carb. Limest | Avon Section, Bristol | Purch J. Stock Nov 1891 | |
4420 | Cochliodus contortus | Carb. Limest | Avon Section, Bristol | Purch J. Stock Nov 1891 | |
4421 | Delloptychius? | Carb. Limest | Avon Section, Bristol | Purch J. Stock Nov 1891 |
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 250
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4422 | Orodus cinctus (cast) | Carb Lst | Bristol | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4423 | Orodus ramosus | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4424 | Chomatodus linearis | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4425 | Oracanthus | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4426 | Deltoptychius | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4427 | Psammodus rugosus | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4428 | Psammodus sp. | Carb Lst | Cooks Folly | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4429 | Psammodus sp. | Carb Lst | Cooks Folly | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4430 | Tomodus convexus | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch J Stock Nov 1891 | |
4431 | Ctenacanthus major | Carb Lst | Avon Section | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4432 | Eurynotus crenatus | Coal Measures | Gilmerton | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4433 | Hybodus keuperinus | Trias | Frome | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4434 | Labyrinthodont? | Trias | Frome | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4435 | Crustacean | Ludlow | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | ||
4436 | Nucula | Thanet | Pegwell Bay, Kent | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4437 | [Turrilites] Turrilitoides (Proturrilitoides) densicostatus (Passendorfer) | Gault, lautus-nitidus zone (Bed VI) | Folkestone | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4438 | Turbo | Gault | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | ||
4439 | Nautilus | Gault | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | ||
4440 | Trigonia costata | For. Marble | Cross Lanes | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4441 | Trigonia Goldfussi | Cornbrash | Shorncote | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | |
4442 | Carb. Lst | Townhead, Edinburgh Loan? on specimen | Purch FH Butler March 1892 | ||
4443 | Ctenacanthus heterogyrus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4444 | Ctenacanthus sulcatus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4445 | Polyrhizodus magnus | Carb. Lst | ? | Norris Coll. | |
4446 | Polyrhizodus magnus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4447 | Petallorhynchus psittacinus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4448 | Petallorhynchus psittacinus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4449 | Cladodus mirabilis | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4450 | Cladodus sp. | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4451 | Cladodus striatus | Carb. Lst | ? | No history | |
4452 | Cladodus striatus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | No history | |
4453 | Cladodus striatus | Carb. Lst | Ashford, Derbyshire | No history |
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 251
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
4454 | Cladodus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | No history | |
4455 | Petalodus acuminatus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Purch Charlesworth | |
4456 | Petalodus acuminatus | Carb. Lst | Deepdale, Barnard Castle | No history | |
4457 | Petalodus acuminatus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4458 | Petalodus acuminatus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Norris Coll. | |
4459 | Petalodus Hastingae ? | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4460 | Ctenoptychius serratus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Purch Charlesworth | |
4461 | Pristodus falcatus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Purch Charlesworth | |
4462 | Ctenoptychius dentatus? | Carb. Lst | ? | Norris Coll. | |
4463 | Ctenoptychius serratus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4464 | Ctenoptychius serratus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
p298,302,303,304,307 | Pristodus falcatus | Carb. Lst | Richmond | Pres Mr Wood | |
p296,305,306,297 | Yorkshire | ||||
4465 | Acondylacanthus distans | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4466 | Acondylacanthus tenuistriatus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4467 | Acondylacanthus ? | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Purch Charlesworth Oct 1878 | |
4468 | Cladacanthus paradoxus | Carb. Lst | ? | Norris Coll. | |
4469 | Cladacanthus paradoxus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4470 | Cladacanthus paradoxus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | ? | |
4471 | Cladacanthus sp. | Carb. Lst | Armagh | ? | |
4472 | Asteroptychius ornatus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Enniskillen Coll. | |
4473 | Oracanthus | Carb. Lst | ? | No history | |
4474 | Psammodus porosus | Carb. Lst | Richmond | No history | |
4475 | Psammodus porosus | Carb. Lst | Bristol | Pres J Jordan Esq | |
4476 | Psammodus rugosus | Carb. Lst | Armagh | Norris Coll. | |
4477 | Psammodus rugosus | Carb. Lst | Avon Section | Pres Jordan Esq | |
4478 | Psammodus rugosus | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | ? | |
4479 | Poecillodus jonesi | Carb. Lst | Armagh | S.C. | |
4480 | Oracanthus milleri | Carb. Lst | Yorkshire | Purch Charlesworth | |
4481 | Deltodus n sp. | Carb. Lst | Cults, Fife | No history | |
4482 | Deltodus sp. | Carb. Lst | Mitchel Dean | No history |