GSM registers

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GSM specimens book 1: GSM 1 - 4658

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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 146

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
960 Cadulus [Gualtimus] Gault Folkestone, kent Pres by JS. Gardner 1874 43/92a
961 Rissoina incerta ?(Desheyes in Leymerie) do do see also GSM. 111196. do 43/4a
962 Orthoceras annulatum Wenlock Llangollew, merianeth Pres by Chas. Pueketts MD. formation haz y,
963 Cystidean ? do do See letter on file
964 Reguleacysti's inconstans Paul [Pleurocystites Riyer] Lower Sil Cynioya, Corwa Paul 1984, Pal. Soc Mon pl. 24 Pig. 4, text. Pj. 84B, p. 136-8
965 Paloester + Poetue sp. Bala b, of Bala Lake {2sp 2 Casto. do see 25344
966 Protaster Salteri do do do see 28818
967 Spirifera disirncta Up. Devoman Delabole, Cormevell Punch Butler ? 1884 D 34/43
968 Casto Budleigh Salterlon do See 33074-80
969 Homalonotus Bronyriarti do do see 33065 D16/38
970 do sp. do do D 16/3c
971 Phacohs do do D16/3 c
972 trilobite do do D 16/69
973 ?bleidophorus?amygdalus do do see Note in list. lo.It. D 17/48a
974 Grammysia sp. nov. [Henid 1914] do do D 10/40a
975 Arca ? naranjoana devern. do do D 17/ 42 a
976 Dinabolis Brimonti (ronault) do do D 16/34a
977 Murchispnia Mid Devomian bhudleyh, Devon do (see 51061-3) 33/9
978 Micraster flintcast Up Chalk Haldow, Devon 1"339 do MScat XIII 6/80 .
979 [Cliona] Polyzoan do do do [1878 cat add. XIII 9/87a] MScat.XIII 6/21
980 Bourzuetscrune do do do
981 Clyphosma do do do MScat XIV 4/64
982 Cidaris clairgera do do do MScat XIV 3/103
983 behinocomis castanea Lower Chalk Beer, Seaton, Devon do [1878 cat add XIII 2/84a]
984 Orbitutina concava Lamarck. UGS KingsKerswell Devon, 1"339 do [1878 cat add XII 3/1D]
985 [Holectytws] ? Anorthopygas sp. prob orbicularis do do do [1878 cat add XII 3/13B]
986 bardiaster Perizic do do do [1878 cat add XII 3/7A]
987 do sp- do do do [1878 cat add XII 3/20a]
988 Eschara do do do [1878 cat add D 38/6a]
989 -Limarula Fittoni, (d'Oibigny) [Lima semisulcala] do do do see also 65m . 20628 . [1878 cat add. D 38/68] MS all. D 38/7
990 do sp do do
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register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 147

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
991 [Pecten orbicularis] Syncylonema haldonensis (Woods) [Entolium orbiculae (J. Sowerby) va? Haldonensis (Woods)] U.G.S. [Blackdown] Label reads Kingskerswell Purchased of Butler? 1884 LECTOTYPE. Figuied. Woods 1902. Mon. Palaeont. Soc. "Cretaceous lamellibranchia", Vol.I, pl.XXVII, fig.4. Cited. ibid pps 130-1. Cited. R. ? 1939 Mem. Mus r. Nat. Hist. Belg, 89 p. Cited A. D'hondt 1971, Bull, Inst. r. Sci nat. Belg. 47. 32, p.46-7. [1878 Cat add. D 44/10a] MS alt. 44/5
992 [Pecten] sp. U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 44/10a] MS alt. 44/5
993 [Plicatula] Anomia U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 38/1a] MS alt. D 38/11
994 Trigonia excentrica U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 38/19a] MS alt. D 38/29
995 Trigonia vicaryana U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 44/46] MS alt. D 44/68
996 Modiola reversa? J. ? Sow. (H.W.) U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat D 38/42] MS alt. D 38/13
997 Anthonya cantiana? Woods (H.W.) U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 38/42a] MS alt. D 38/36
998 Avellana incrassata (J.Sow) U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. 45/46a] MS alt. 45/93
999 Turritella U.G.S. Kingskerswell, Devon, 1"339 Purchased of Butler [1878 Cat add. D 45/69a] MS alt. D 38/7a
1000 Modiola Boloniense Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased AM Wallis 1885 D 30/12A
1001 Mytilus unguiculatus Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased AM Wallis D 30/16
1002 Perna? Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased AM Wallis D 30/1A
1003 Lima Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased AM Wallis D 29/56
1004 [Ammonites triplicatus] Kerberites sp. jar. ("portlandensis" Cox = "triplicatus" Blake) LFS 1940 Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased AM Wallis see also planter cast 3/5/63.
1005 Elonichthys aitkeni Coal low. giganteus zone. Cheadle, N. Staff M/41 Returned from Dr Traquair
1006 Trigonia muricata Portland Portland, Dorset Purchased of AM Wallis 1885
1007 Otoliths of fish Cor Crag Sutton Marshall Coll.
1008 Otoliths of fish Bracklesham Brack. ? Highcliff Pres by Stodart Esq Reregistered GSM 116043-116058 GSM 114959-114965
1009 Otoliths of fish Red or Cor Crag Suffolk Marshall Coll.
1010 [Cyprione Bristovii Jones] Darwinula Wad Clay Bexhill, Sussex Pres P. Rufford Esq? 1884 see also 60273 Ostracods mik(m)IOM, mik(m)2197 [MS X 6/54]
1011 Cypridea tuberculata Wealden Ecclesbourne, Sussex Pres P. Rufford Esq?
1012 Cypridea valdensis Wealden Lindfield, Sussex Pres P. Rufford Esq?
1013 [Favosites] Thamnopora cervicornis (de Blainville) large form approaching T. polymorpha Goldfuss) Mid Devonian Devon Purch. Butler
1014 Crustacean claws Barton Highcliff From stores
1015 Myliobatis acutus Bracklesham Bramshaw From stores
1016 Myliobatis canaliculatus Bracklesham Bracklesham From stores
1017 Myliobatis Dixoni Bracklesham Bramshaw From stores
1018 Myliobatis Dixoni Bracklesham Bracklesham From stores
1019 Myliobatis Dixoni Bracklesham Bracklesham ? From stores
1020 Myliobatis goniopleurus ? Bracklesham Bracklesham From stores
1021 Myliobatis striatus Bracklesham Bracklesham From stores
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1022 Myliobatis striatus Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1023 Myliobatis toliapicus Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1024 Myliobatis toliapicus Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1025 Myliobatis toliapicus Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1026 Myliobatis toliapicus ? Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1027 Myliobatis sp. Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1028 Myliobatis sp. Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1028 Myliobatis sp. Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1029 Myliobatis sp. Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1030 ætobatis irregularis Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1031 ætobatis irregularis Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1032 ætobatis n. sp. Bracklesham Bramshaw From Stores
1033 ætobatis sp. Bracklesham Bracklesham, Sussex From Stores
1034 ætobatis sp. Bracklesham Bracklesham, Sussex From Stores [XV/2/2/9 MS Cat. Palaeont. Dept.
1036 ætobatis sp. Barton Highcliff From Stores
1037 Myliobatis Eocene Brockenhurst From Stores 8 specs. rereg. 96974-81
1038 Myliobatis Up. Eocene From Stores
1039 Pristis Hastingæ Bracklesham Bracklesham ? From Stores
1040 Pristis sp. Bracklesham Bracklesham ? From Stores
1041 Pristis contortus? Bracklesham Bracklesham ? From Stores
1042 Silurus Egertoni Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1043 Silurus Egertoni Barton Highcliff From Stores
1044 Teleostean Lond Clay Herne Bay, Kent From Stores
1045 ? Bracklesham Bracklesham From Stores
1046 Elasmobranch vertebra Lond Clay Herne Bay, Kent From Stores Cited. E.I. White 1931 "Vertebrate faunas of the English Eocene, BMNH p.22 1 spec. rereg 101294 [XV/2/3/25 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1047 Glyphoea Coral Rag Red Cliff, Weymth Dorset Pres. H.A. Allen
1048 Cerithium Portlandicum Portland Portland, Dorset Purchd F Summer Sept 1885 [31/7 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1049 Pycnodus Portland Portland, Dorset Purchd F Summer
1050 Terebratula Kim Clay Portland, Dorset Purchd F Summer
1051 Crocodilus Hastignæ Eocene Hordwell ? From Stores
1052 Crocodilus sp Oolitie ? From Stores
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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 149

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1053 chelonian humerus Oldhaven, Beds Low Cocene Herne, Kent Pres. by W.Whitaker [xv/4/2/104 Palaeont. Dept. MS cat.
1054 Paloeophis toliapivus Owen Lond Clay I. of Sheppy, Kent From Stores - 1spec. rereg. 107874 [xv/5/2/40 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1055 do porcatus Braekleshaw Brackleshaw do 7Specs.1959 Pereg. 97463-68
1056 Crocodiliean teeth Cocene Hordwell do See a;sp 96871-78
1057 do scutes + do Up do Gurnet Bay do
1058 do do Mid do Hordwell do
1059 do Cocene Hempetead do
1060 Series nesembling Blackdown Sp Sp Black Venn, Charmouth, Dorset 1"327 Pres by Res W. Downs Ba, Kentisbeau, Collumpton
1061 Ostrea edubis Pliocene st Erth Purchased of Kendall See also 93812
1062 Foraminifera do do do reregistered Mik(T) 1159
1063 Borea shells do do do
1064 Natiea multipumetata do do do
1065 do so+dida do do do
1066 Nassa mutabilis do do do Cancelled. Now [52235]
1067 Nucula sulcata do do do
1068 Euthria lignaria do do do Cancelled see 28333
1069 Montaculta bidentata do do do bothless
1070 Spatanjus do do do
1071 Lasea rubra do do do
1072 Rissoa particancellata do do do
1073 Lepidotus Forest Marb Maperton, Somset Call. H.13. Woodward
10.Cam 12 Ammoniteo alternans Vootundatuo Kimeridge Halton Briekyard Call Survey - See Book E p205.
A1045 do peramplus L. Chalk South Shoresby. do
1074 do perensis upp Lucy Law Infoo. yeovil Dorsetshire [m. yeovil] Pres by Darrell Stephens Esq. ? Buckman Call-
1075 do nutfieldensis L. GF Sandgate, Kent Pres. by Ed blarke Eesz
1076 Cidaris te slab Coralliea from stpres np History
Cam 12 Pliosaurus Kimeridge Halton Brick Yd. Col survey see Book E.p 205.
1077 Crag Polyzoa 3 boyes Crag Purchased Kendall
1078 Lamna [Olidus] obliqu[us](Agassiz) A.G.D. Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent. Stores [xy/2/2/164 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. 5 specs. rereg. 101299-303
1079 Lamna vincenti Winkler
1078 [do do] do alum Bay., I. of Wight do 1spec.rereg/101275 [xv/2/2/64 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1080 Lamna obliqua (agassiz) A.G.D.
1079 [do do] do ? do 1 spec.rereg. 101309 [xv/2/2/167 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 158

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1081 Otodus obliquus Mid Cocene Hengietbury Wood From Stores.
1082 do Bartow High Cliff do 2 specs,rereg, 98200-201 [xv/2/2/73
1083 do Bracklshaw Bracklshaw do 6 specs. July 1959. 5 specs reg. 97457-61
1084 Oduntaspis cuspidata teretidens White A.G.D [do ?] Lond Clay- Herne Bay, Kent do cited E.I White 1931 "Veitebrate faunas of the English Eocene BMNH p.22 5 specs. April 1962 4 specs. rereg. 101271-74 [xy/2/2/63] Palapont. Dept. MS Cat.
1085 do ? (Basement Bed) Bracklshaw Brackleshaw do
1086 do sp - do do do
1087 Lamna [do] obliqu[us] (agassiz) A.G.D. Lond Clay Felixstors do (dredged ep) 2 specs. rereg.101307-08 [xv/2/2/166 Palapont. Dept. MS Cat.
1088 [do macrotus] do Sheppey, Kent do
1089 do do Mid Cocene Hengietbury Ha do
1090 do do Bartow High Cliff do
1091 do do Brackleshaw Brackleshaw do
1092 do do ! do do do
1093 do do do do do Cancelled see 48272-48273.
1094 Lamna contortidens Plastie Woolwich cited. E.I White. 1931 "Veitebrate Faunas of the English Eocene" BMNH p.22 do [xv/2/2/120 Palapont. Dept. MS Cat. 3specps. rereg 101283.84, 48494
1095 Odontaspis macrota striata (Winkler) [do do] A.G.D. Lond. Clay Herne Bay _ Kent do 2specs. April 1962. 1scpec. rereg. 101276 [xv/2/2/83 Palapont. Dept. MC Cat.
1096 Odontaspis contortidens? Agassiz [do do] do alum Bay _ I. of Wight do 2 specs. rereg. 101277-78 [xv/2/2/82 Palapont. Dept. MS Cat.
1097 O. contortidens? Agassiz [do do] do Sheppey -, Kent do
1098 do do Cocene Brockenburst do
1099 do do Bartow alum Bay, I. of Wight do
1100 do do do Goldsworth. do
1101 do do do Highcliff do
1102 do do Brcklshaw Brackleshaw do
1103 do do ? do do do
1104 do do ? Bartow Bartow do See also [HOA] 98199 [xv/2/2/135
1105 do elegans Thanet Herne Bay, Kent do
1106 Odontaspis macrota striata (Winkler) A.G.D. [do do] Lond. Clay do cited. E.I White 1931 "Vietbrate Faunas of the English Eocene," BMNH p22., do
1107 do do do alum Bay, I. of Wight do
1108 Odontaspis [Syndontaspis] macrota (agassiz) praemut.striata(Winkler) [do do] do Sheppey, Kent do 7 specs. rereg. 98740-46 [xv/2/2/125 Palapont. Dept. MS Cat.
1109 do do Bartow Goldsworth Hill do
1110 do do ? do Bartow do XV/2/2/155
1111 do do do Highcliff do XV/2/2/157
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register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 151

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1112 Lamna elegans Bracklesham Bracklesham Stores
1113 Lamna elegans Bracklesham Bracklesham Stores
1114 Lamna elegans Bracklesham Bracklesham Stores
1115 Odontaspis macrota striata (Winkler) A.G.D. [Lamna ?] Lond Clay Higham sta Stores, Cited. E.I. White 1931, "Vertebrate faunas of the English Eocene" BMNH p.22 [XV/2/2/121 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. formerly 94, Book A. p.168
1116 Odontaspis cuspidata teretidens E.I. White [Lamna Hopei] Lond Clay Herne Bay, Kent Stores, Cited. E.I. White 1931, "Vertebrate faunas of the English Eocene" BMNH p.22 [XV/2/2/90 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. 4 specs. rereg. 98731-34 see also 48495
1117 [Lamna Hopei] Odontaspis cuspidata (Ag.) hopei (Agassiz) Lond Clay Alum Bay, I. of Wight Stores [XV/2/2/92 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1118 Lamna Hopei Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores
1119 Lamna Hopei Midd. Eocene Hengistbury Stores
1120 Lamna Hopei Barton Highcliff Stores
1121 Lamna Hopei Barton Highcliff Stores
1123 Lamna Hopei ? Barton Highcliff Stores
1122 Lamna Hopei Brcklshm Bracklesham Stores
1124 Odontaspis trigolanis (Jackel) [Lamna verticalis] Lond Clay Alum Bay, I. of Wight Stores [XV/2/3/1 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1125 [Lamna verticalis] Barton Alum Bay, I. of Wight Stores
1126 [Lamna verticalis] Barton Goldsworth Stores
1127 [Lamna verticalis] ? Barton Goldsworth Stores
1128 [Lamna verticalis] Barton Highcliff Stores
1129 [Lamna verticalis] Barton Barton Stores
1130 [Lamna verticalis] Brcklshm Bracklesham Stores
1131 [Lamna verticalis] Brcklshm Bracklesham Stores
1132 [Lamna verticalis] ? Brcklshm Bracklesham Stores
1133 Edaphodon leptognathus Brcklshm Bracklesham Stores
1134 Odontaspis [Lamna] acutissima Agassiz London Cl. Alum Bay Stores [XV/2/2/79 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1135 Lamna acutissima Brcklsham Bracklesham Stores
1136 Lamna [compressa?] Vincenti Winkler London Cl. Sheppey, Kent Stores [XV/2/2/65 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. 3 specs. rereg. 98735-37
1137 Lamna [compressa?] Bracklesham Bracklesham Stores
1138 Lamna compressa? Barton Clay Alum Bay, I. of Wight Stores
1139 Lamna compressa? Barton Clay Goldsworth Stores
1140 Lamna compressa Barton Clay High Cliff Stores
1141 Lamna dubia Barton Clay Alum Bay, I. of Wight Stores
1142 Lamna contortidens Red Crag Suffolk Stores
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register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 151

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1143 Lamna contortidens ? Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1144 - Lamna dubia Thanet Herne Bay From stores - Cancelled see 48264-48268
1145 [Lamna dubia] Odontaspis cuspidata (Ag.) hopei (Agassiz) A.G.D. London Cl. Alum Bay - From stores 1 spec. April 1962 [XV/2/2/91 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1146 [Lamna dubia] Odontaspis [synodantaspis] cuspidata (Ag.) praemut. hopei (Ag.) London Cl. Sheppey From stores 8 specs. rereg. 98723-30 [XV/2/2/97 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1147 Lamna dubia Barton Highcliff From stores
1148 Lamna dubia Barton Highcliff From stores
1149 Lamna dubia Bracklsham Bracklsham From stores
1150 Lamna elegans Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1151 Lamna sp. 1 Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1152 Lamna sp. 1 Barton Barton From stores
1153 Lamna sp. 2 Eocene Brockenhurst From stores
1154 - Lamna sp. 2 Thanet Herne Bay From stores Cancelled see 48271
1155 [Lamna sp. 2] Odontaspis macrota striata Winkler A.G.D. Lond Cl Herne Bay From stores, Cited. E.I. White 1931, "Vertebrate Faunas of the English Eocene" BMNH p.22 [XV/2/2/119 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1156 [Lamna sp. 2] Odontaspis [synodontaspis] macrota (Agassiz) praemut. striata (Winkler) Lond Cl Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/2/24 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat. 1 spec. rereg. 98739
1157 Lamna sp. 2 Barton Highcliff From stores
1158 Lamna sp. 2 Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1159 Lamna sp. 2 Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1160 Lamna sp. 2 Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1161 Lamna sp. 3 Barton Highcliff From stores
1162 [Lamna sp. 4] [Odontaspis cuspidata (Agassiz) hopei Agassiz A.G.D.] London Cl Sheppey From stores 1 spec. rereg. 101282 [XV/2/2/96 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1163 [Lamna sp.4] Barton High Cliff From stores
1164 Lamna sp. Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1165 Lamna sp. Mid Eocene Hengistbury Wood From stores
1166 Otodus obliquus Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1167 Otodus obliquus ? Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1168 Otodus obliquus ? Barton Highcliff From stores
1169 Otodus sp. Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1170 Carcharodon angustidens Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1171 Carcharodon angustidens Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores
1172 Carcharodon angustidens Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores Now rereg. as 56128 [XV/2/3/19 Pal. Dept. MS Cat.
1173 Carcharodon megalodon Red Crag ? Felixstow From stores
1174 Carcharodon megalodon Red Crag ? Suffolk From stores
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1175 Carcharodon Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1176 Carcharodon (serrations) Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1177 ? Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1178 Carchardon Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1179 Otodus obliquus Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1180 Carchaodon Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1181 Oxyrhina Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1182 Myliobatis Red Crag Suffolk Marshall Collection
1183 Notidanus Red Crag Suffolk From stores
1184 Notidanus [serratissimus Agassiz] Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/2/61 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1185 [Tetrapterus ?] xiphiorhynchus Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/3/76 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. 2 specs. rereg. 101353-54
1186 Lepidotus Woolwich Dulwich, London From stores
1187 Crocodilian Eocene Hardwell From stores
1188 Galeocerdo latidens Owen Brcklsham Bracklesham From stores 7 specimens now registered as 56078-56084
1189 Corax Brcklsham Bracklesham From stores
1190 Platax Woodwardi Norwich Crag Norfolk From stores
1191 Hyopotamus ? Up. Eocene Hempstead From stores
1192 [Aceroularia Goldfussi] Phillipsastraea pentagona (Goldfuss) SS 1950 Mid Devonian E. Ogwell Pres by E.B. Luxmoore Esq
1193 Teleosaurus ? M. oolite Eype, 1M L.W. of Bridport Hon J Rhodes
1194 [Chondrites verisimilis] ? Acanthograptus ? 1933 [Up. Ludlow] ?Wenlock Deerhope From stores [Figd in Edinboro memoir] see also 50517-8 IX 4/36a
1195 Androgynoceras [ef] lataecosta (J. dec. Sow.) LFS. 1942 Lower Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Buckman Coll.
1196 Paludina ? Weald Hastings, Sussex Purch H. Butler one spec rereg. as 75357
1197 Unio [porrectus J. de.c. Sowerby] cf aduncus J. dec Sowerby Weald Hastings, Sussex Purch H. Butler [5 specimens on old tablet] [see also 50311] see also 50311-14 [MS Cat. 33/15]
1198 [Sponge ?] Craterospongia concentrica Dighton Thomas M? oolite Beaminster, Dorset 1"327 Pres by Col. Lane Fox
Phacops Nicholsoni Arenig Keswick JG Goodchild Esq cast
Agnostus morei Arenig Ellergill JG Goodchild Esq cast see 8697, 8698
1199 ? Crocodilian London Clay Sheppey, Kent Pres by N.T. Wetherell Esq [XV/2/5/31 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1200 Chelonian bones Brcklshm Bracklesham From stores see also 92307-13
1201 Trophon scalariformis Weybourn Crag E. Runton Pres. by Clement Reid Esq 17th Apl 1886
1202 Trionix Brcklesham Brcklsham From stores see also 92304-6
1203 Fish bed Hempstead, oligocene I. of Wight, Hamstead, 1"330 Old survey collection, J. Cotton Treated with savlon e PVA Pope Nov 1967 [MS Cat. vertebrates XV/2/4/45]
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1205 Trionyx Hempstead I. of Wight From stores: survey (R. Gibbs) G.H. 3 specs. rereg. 97234-6
1204 Fish (sparnodus?) London Cl Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/4/5 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1206 Ampheristus toliapicus Konig Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/4/13 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1207 Ampheristus sp. Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV/2/4/14 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1208 ? Teleostan Fish Jaw Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent From stores [XV2/4/22 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
R4179 Diastopora megastoma Carb. Limest. Simonburn Coll Rhodes
R4687 Loxonema Carb. Limest. Hopeshield Barn Coll Rhodes
R4688 Murchisonia sulcifera Carb. Limest. Wark Coll Rhodes
R4369 Carinella cellulifera Carb. Limest. Wark Coll Rhodes
1209 [Scienurus] Sparnodus Bowerbankii Ag. Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores 1 spec. rereg. 101363 [XV/2/3/78 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1210 Scienurus ? Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores [XV/2/4/3 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1211 Ampheristus toliapicus König Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores [XV/2/4/11 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1212 [Goniognathus coryphoenoides] Rhinocephalus planiceps Agassiz Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores [XV/2/4/21 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat.
1213 [Scombrinus nuchalis] Eocoelopoma curvatum Owen Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores 1 spec. rereg. 101345 [XV/2/3/71 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1214 Fish Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent Stores
1215 ? Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent [XV/2/4/37 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1216 [Arvicola ratticeps] {Lower jaw bones & teeth} Microtus ratticeps Keyserling ASK/40. Pleistocene Crayford, Kent Purchd Kendall Nov 14 1885
1217 A? of Ulua Pleistocene Crayford, Kent Purchd Kendall Nov 14 1885
1218 Elephas meridionalis Forest Bed Mundesley Purchd Thos. Davies Dec 5 1885
1219 Elephas ap? left nuciform carpal metacarpal 3 Forest Bed Sidestrand Purchd Thos. Davies Dec 5 1885
1220 Rhinoceros Etruscus astragalus Forest Bed Sidestrand Purchd Thos. Davies Dec 5 1885
1221 Cervus calcaneum Forest Bed Sidestrand Purchd Thos. Davies Dec 5 1885
1222 Elephas meridionalis mc5 Forest Bed Overstrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1223 Elephas meridionalis patella Forest Bed Overstrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1224 Elephas meridionalis milk mooth Forest Bed Overstrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1225 Rhinoceros etruscus ? Forest Bed Overstrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1226 Ursus spelaeus jaw Forest Bed Overstrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1227 Elephas meridionalis left nuciform Forest Bed Sidestrand Purchd W? Mayes Dec 5 1885
1228 Gastornis Klaasseni Newton tibiotarsal Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon Presented by ?M Vilassen? Dec 31 1885 Figd. Newton, Trans Zool. Soc., vol.12 1886, pl. 28; Citd. Newton, proc. Geol Assoc. vol.9 1886, p.350 [XV/2/5/46
1229 Gastornis Klaasseni tibiotarsal lower end Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon Presented by ?M Vilassen? Dec 31 1885 [XV/2/5/49 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1230 Gastornis Klaasseni tibiotarsal shaft Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon Presented by ?M Vilassen? Dec 31 1885 [XV2/5/48 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat.
Last edit 5 months ago by CaitlinBedford
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1231 Gastornis Klaasseni Newton femur Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon, Surrey Presented by H.M. Klaassen Dec 31 85 [XV/2/5/47 50 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1232 Gastornis Klaasseni tibia Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon, Surrey Presented by H.M. Klaassen Dec 31 85 [XV/2/5/52 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat.
1233 Gastornis Klaasseni young tibia Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon, Surrey Presented by H.M. Klaassen Dec 31 85 specimen conserved 2003, 1 spec. rereg. 98356 [XV/2/5/53 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1234 Trionyx Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon, Surrey Presented by H.M. Klaassen Dec 31 85 [XV/2/4/87 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1235 Trionyx Estuarine Blue Clay, Woolwich Levies Park Hill, Croydon, Surrey Presented by H.M. Klaassen Dec 31 85 [XV/2/4/87 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1236 Gastornis Edwardsii femur Laudinien Mesvin, Mons Presented by M.L. Dollo Jany 4 86 [XV/2/5/54 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat. {Figd Bull. Mus. Roy. Belg. Vol II, Be. XI. (1883.
1237 Euciphoceras regale (J. Sowerby) RAH 1989 London Cl Wimbledon, Surrey Presented by W. Santo Crimp Esq
1238 Lycopodites Coal M Bradwell Wood Purch. of Mrs Lunn, Luton Rejected E.A.N.A
1239 Coelacanthus lepturus Coal M Lon'tow Purch. of Mrs Lunn, Luton
1240 Acanthodes Coal M Lon'tow Purch. of Mrs Lunn, Luton
1241 Discites Leveillanus D Kon Carb Lst Derbyshire Purchased F.H. Butler 1886
1242 [Nautilus centralis] Cimonia imperialis (J. Sowerby) Lond Clay Whetstone, Middlesex Purchased F.H. Butler [XVIII/5/17 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1243 Plant remains Rhamnospermum bilobatum Chand. (E.M.R.) Bembridge Gurnet Bay Purchased F.H. Butler [XX 2/57a Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1244 Favosites Gothlandicus Wenlock Purchased F.H. Butler 1 returned to H. Butler
1245 Alveolites septosa Carb Lst Derbyshire Purchased F.H. Butler slide re regd. PF 3107
1246 Tetractinellia sponge Portland Rodwell Purchased F.H. Butler
1247 [Exogyra sinuata] Aetostieon cf osmana (Wollemann) Atherfield Clay Witley, Godalming, Surrey B. Fast's Well, Depth 70/0 Pres by Geo. H. Hayden Esq, Bethleu? 1886
1248 Anomia ephippium Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1249 Lima subauriculata Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1250 Gastrochaena dubia Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1251 Lasea pumila Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1252 Cardita orbicularis Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1253 Leda pygmaea Cor. Crag Gomer Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1254 Erycinella ovalis Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1255 Neara jugoza Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1256 Pandora inaequivalvis Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1257 Scacchia orbicularis Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1258 Scacchia elliptica Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1259 Cardita anceps Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1260 Argiope cistellula Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1261 Cryptodon sinuosum Cor. Crag Sutton Purchased of P.F. Kendall
Last edit 5 months ago by CaitlinBedford
Displaying pages 21 - 30 of 106 in total