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GSM specimens book 1: GSM 1 - 4658
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 157
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1293 | Cerithium metaxa | Cor. Crag | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | Purchased of P.F. Kendall | |
1294 | Chemnitzia filosa | Cor. Crag | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | [XIII 2/B1 1878 MS add] | |
1295 | Chemnitzia varicula | Cor. Crag | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1296 | Astarte Forbesi | Cor | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1297 | Vermetus subcancellatus | Cor | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1298 | Woodia excurrens | Cor | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1299 | Acasta undulata | Cor | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1300 | Eulimella acicula | Cor | Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 | ||
1301 | Trochus conulus | Cor | Gomer | ||
1302 | Capulus ungaricus | Cor | Gomer | ||
1303 | Odostomia conspicua | Cor | Sutton | ||
1304 | Nassa prismatica | Cor | Gomer | ||
1305 | Trophon propinquus | Cor | Gomer | ||
1306 | Cypraea Europaea | Cor | Sutton | ||
1307 | Mactra subtruncata | Cor | Sutton | 5 specimens Rereg. 93826-30 | |
1308 | Pecten dubius | Cor | Sutton | ||
1309 | Buccinum undatum | Cor | Gomer | ||
1310 | Diatomacea | Lond Clay | Sheppey, Kent | (slide) Pres. by Prof Rupert Jones | |
1311 | Trigonia carrei | Portland | Portland, Dorset | Purch. of A.M. Wallis 1884? | |
1312 | [Pseudodiadema] Tetragramma sp. (?coarctatum Hawkins sp. medit) H.L.H. | Portland | Portland, Dorset | Purch. of A.M. Wallis | See Mus. Reg. 38301. X4/18a |
1313 | Tetractinellia sponge | Portland Whit.B. | Portland, Dorset | Purch. of A.M. Wallis | |
1314 | Serpula | Portland | Portland, Dorset | Purch. of A.M. Wallis | |
1315 | Nemacanthus monilifer | Rhaetic | Holwell, Frome | Purchased F.H. Butler 1886? | see also 90696 |
1316 | Saurichthys acuminatus | Rhaetic | Holwell, Frome | Purchased by F.H. Butler | |
1317 | Trogontherium cuvieri | Forest Bed | E. Runton | Cast of snout in Mr A. Savin's Coll. | |
1318 | Acrodus minimus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purch. F.H. Butler | see also 90712 |
1319 | Machaerodus (incisor) | Forest Bed | W. Runton | Pres by A.J. Jukes-Browne Esq | |
1320 | Acrodus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purch. F.H. Butler | |
1321 | Verruca stromia | Weybourn Cr | E. Runton | Pres. by Clement Reid Esq | 17th Apl 1886 |
1322 | Hybodus minor | Purch F.H. Butler | |||
1323 | Hybodus reticulatus | Purch F.H. Butler |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1324 | Hybodus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purchased of F.H. Butler | |
1325 | Sargodon tomicus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purchased of F.H. Butler | |
1326 | Gyrolepis alberti | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purchased of F.H. Butler | |
1327 | Palaeosaurus platyodon | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purchased of F.H. Butler | |
1328 | Saurian | Rhaetic | Holwell | Purchased of F.H. Butler | |
HBW2940 | Saurichthys acuminatus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Acrodus minimus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Hybodus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Hybodus reticulatus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Sargodon tomicus | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Gyrolepis alberti | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Fish vertebrae | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Saurichthys apicalis | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Lepidotus ? | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | |
HBW2940 | Rhaetic | Holwell | Coll. H.B. Woodward | ||
1329 | Megalosaurus Bucklandi | Inf. oolite | Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd 2 J.G.S Vol.39 |
1330 | Megalosaurus Bucklandi | Inf. oolite | Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | 9/10/2013 TR3 TOUCHUP SCRATCHES ) REPAIR |
1331 | Megalosaurus Bucklandi | Inf. oolite | Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | |
1332 | [Chelone breviceps] Lytoloma planimentum (Owen) A.G.D. | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | [XV/2/7/5 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1333 | Argillornis longipennis Owen | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig2 |
1334 | Argillornis longipennis | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig3 |
1335 | Argillornis longipennis | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig 7 |
1336 | Argillornis longipennis | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig11 |
1337 | Argillornis longipennis | London Clay | Sheppey, Kent | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd Ann Mag Nat Hist Vol 14. 1854 p.263 [XV/2/5/61 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1338 | Trogontherium cuvieri | Forest Bed | Bacton | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Figd Owen. Foss. Ma???. f71. |
1339 | Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) | Pleistocene | Crayford, Kent | lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description |
1340 | Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) | Pleistocene | Crayford, Kent | lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description |
1341 | Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) | Pleistocene | Crayford, Kent | lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description |
1342 | Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) | Pleistocene | Crayford, Kent | lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description |
1343 | Machairodus latidens | Pleistocene | Torquay, Devon | tooth Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 | Descbd Brit Ass. Rept 1872 |
1344 | Cervus latifrons ? | Dredged | Doggerbank, N. Sea | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1345 | Ctenodus murchisoni | Coal M | Leebottwood, Salop | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) | Type Pois. Foss. V.I. pxxxv |
1346 | Ganorhynchus Woodwardi | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) | Figd Geol. Mag. Vol X. 1873 | ||
1347 | Tritylodon longaevous | Triassic ? | S. Africa | Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) | Figd 2 J.G.S. Vol 41. |
1348 | Elephas antiquus | Forest Bed | Munderley | Cast of specimen in Savin's collection | |
1349 | Ursus spelaeus tooth | Valley Gravel | Newbury, Bucks | Specimen sent by F.J. Bennett May 30. /85 | |
1350 | Elephas primigenius pelvis Blumenbach | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | Pres by Dr Hicks & EB Luxmoore Esq Oct 26' 1885 | see Q.J.G.S. vol XLII, 1886, pp. 3-19 |
1351 | Elephas primigenius pelvis | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1352 | Elephas primigenius [tibia] top portion of ulna. | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1353 | Elephas primigenius ? | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1354 | Elephas primigenius femur | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1355 | Elephas primigenius ? | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1356 | Elephas primigenius tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire label "Cae Gwyn Cave Fynnon Bueno V. of Clwyd." | Cae Gwyn Cave. Letter from Dr. R. Lister Univ. of Cambs. 23.3.89. Collagen sample taken from side of root (remain in plastic bag). Sample/analysis no. P2210, Uni of Oxford. Yield of collagen for radio C. too small so no date given. [cf result on another tooth which on minimal collagen ventured. c.18000Bf.] | |
1357 | Elephas primigenius tusk | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1358 | Rhinoceros antiquitatis B/ pelvis ASK/39. | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1359 | Rhinoceros femur | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1360 | Rhinoceros femur | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1361 | Rhinoceros radius | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | see also 49976 | |
1362 | Rhinoceros humerus | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1363 | Rhinoceros metatarsal | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1364 | Rhinoceros tibia, young | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1365 | Rhinoceros metatarsal | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1366 | Rhinoceros rib | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1367 | Rhinoceros astragalus | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1368 | Rhinoceros calcaneum | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1369 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1370 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blumenbach | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7 | |
1371 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1372 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1373 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blumenbach | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7 | |
1374 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire | ||
1375 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth | Cave | Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire |
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 160
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1376 | Rhinoceros [tichorhinus] l.m. antiquitatis Blum. ASK/39 | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | Presented by Dr. Hicks & E.B. Luxmoore Esq. | |
1376 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus l. grinder | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1377 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1378 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1379 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1380 | Rhinoceros tichorhinus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1381 | Rhinoceros (astragalus) | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1382 | Bos humerus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1383 | Bos metacarpal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1384 | Bos calcaneum | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1385 | Bos metacarpal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1386 | Bos metatarsal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1387 | Bos phalanges | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1388 | Bos phalanges | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1389 | Bos phalanges | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1390 | Bos astragalus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1391,2,3 | Bos low. grinders | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1394 | Bos ? tooth | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1395 | Reindeer humerus Rangifer tarandus (Linn) ASK/39 | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1396 | Reindeer pelvis | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1397 | Reindeer astragalus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1398 | Reindeer humerus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1399 | Reindeer ulna | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1400 | Reindeer naviculo-cuboid | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7 | |
1401,2 | Reindeer low teeth Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus) | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1403 | Reindeer phalanx | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1404 | Reindeer phalanx | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1405 | Reindeer antler | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1406 to 11 | Reindeer antler | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1412 | Reindeer calcaneum | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | ||
1413 | Reindeer metatarsal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) | Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7 |
register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 161
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1414,5,6 | Reindeer antler Rangifer tarandus (Linn) ASK/39 | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | Pres by Dr Hicks & E.B. Luxmoore Esq Oct 26th 1885 | |
1417 | Cervus humerus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1418 | Cervus femur | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1419 | Cervus? pelvis | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7 | |
1420 | Cervus elaphus antler Linn. | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1421 | Cervus? elaphus antler | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1422 | Cervus elaphus metatarsal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1423 | Cervus giganteus l. molar Cervus giganteus (Blumenbach) | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1424,5 | Cervus giganteus up. molar C. giganteus (Blumenbach) | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7 | |
1426 | Cervus astragalus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1427,8 | Cervus humerus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1429 | Hyaena spaelea, up. jaw Goldf. | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1430 | Hyaena spaelea low. jaw [Hyaena crocuta (Erxleben)] Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss) fide B.O. Kurten Apr. '55 | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1431 | Hyaena spaelea tooth | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1432 to 40 | Hyaena spaelea teeth [Hyaena crocuta (Erxleben)] Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldf.) B.O.K. | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | {1432, 1439 Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7 | |
1441 | Hyaena spaelea footbone | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1442 | Hyaena spaelea femur | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1443 | Equus caballus [fossilis] l. jaw Linnaeus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1444 | Equus caballus [fossils] metacarpal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1445 | Equus caballus [fossils] metatarsal | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1446 | Equus caballus [fossils] radius | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1447 | Equus caballus [fossils] tibia | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1448 | Equus caballus phalanx | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1449 | Equus caballus splint | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1450 | Equus caballus astragalus | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1451,2,3,4 | Equus caballus incisors | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1455 | Equus caballus lower molar | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1456 to 61 | Equus caballus fossilis lower molar | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | {1457, 1459, 1461 Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7 | |
1462 to 68 to 74 | Equus caballus fossilis up. molars | Cave | Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd | ||
1475 | Corbula globosa. J. Sby. A.G.D. 1935 | London Clay | Ealing, Middlesex | Pres. Ino. Allen Brown Esq. | |
1476 | Wood | Thanet | Herne Bay, Kent | Purch H. Butler |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1477 | Crustacean | Norwich Cr | Thorpe | Pres by Clement Reid Esq | |
R1432 | Archichthys Portlocki | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
R1433 | Ctenoptychius pectinatus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
R34 | Ctenoptychius pectinatus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | ||
R56 | Ctenoptychius pectinatus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | ||
R63 | Pristicladodus Goughii | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
R1986,2239,2286,2747 | Poecillodus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
R1728, 1536,1540 | Strepsodus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
R852,853,853a(2) | Psammodus rugosus | Carb Lst | Northumerld | Col. J Rhodes | |
1478 | Pisodus ? Albula | Gault Bed. VI | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 | [1878 Cat add. XVa 4/51a] MS alt. XVa 2/31 |
1479 | Polyptychodon interruptus | Gault Bed. XI | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 | [1878 Cat add. T 15/9a] |
1480 | [Hybodus] Dubrisiensis Synechodus (Mackie) | Gault Bed. XI | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 | see also GSM 112237-8 |
1481 | Ischyodus [brevirostris] thurmanni (Agassiz) | Gault | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 Figured. E.T.Newton. 1878, Mem.Geol.Survey, Mon.IV, "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes", pl. IX Fig.12. ? specimen mentioned by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.28, 29 | [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/41a] MS alt. IE 54. |
1482 | Ischyodus incisus lt. mandible Newton. | Gault | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 ? specimen mention by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.38 | [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/53a] |
1483 | Ischyodus [brevirostris] thurmanni (Agassiz) | Gault Bed VIII | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 ? specimen mention by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.28, 29 | [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/57a] MS alt. IE 66 |
1484 | [Pachyrhizodus] Apateodus glyphodus (Blake) | Gault | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 | |
1485 | Egg of Chelonian | Gault Bed X | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 | |
P1217 | Pseudodiadema hemisphaerica | Cor Rag | Yorkshire | Coll. H.Walters. 1871 | |
R1163 | } | ||||
R1154 | }Monticulipora | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
R1960 | } | ||||
R1153 | Cladochonus campanulatus | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
R230,287,464 | Dithyrocaris colei | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
R878,1536 | Leperditia | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
R1537 | Bairdia | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
R2004 | Kirkbya ? | Carb. Lst | Northumberld | Coll J Rhodes | |
1486 | Wood | Wealden | Hastings, Sussex | Purch of H. Butler 1886 | |
1487 | [Glycimeris] Cyntodaria Rutupiensis (Morris) | Thanet | Pegwell Bay, Kent | Purch of H. Butler 1886 | [54/45a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [54/55 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. |
1488 | Pholadomya cuneata C. Sow. | Thanet | Pegwell Bay, Kent | Purch of H. Butler 1886 | one specimen now registered as 60069. [54/63 MS addition in Palaeont. Dept. copy 1878 Cat. |
1489 | [Natica subdepressa] Polynices abducta (Deshayes) | Thanet | Pegwell Bay, Kent | Purch of H. Butler 1886 | [D 54/58? MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [D54/3 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. |
1490 | Nucula sp. | Thanet | Pegwell Bay, Kent | Purch of H. Butler 1886 1 spec rereg. 99460 | [54/59a MS entry 1878 Cat. [54/11 MS alteration in Palaeont. Dept. Copy 1878 Cat. |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1491 | Unio antiquus | Wealden | Cuckfield, Sussex | Purch H. Butler 1886 | See also GSM 111024 [MS Cat. 39/4] |
CR250 | Chalk bored by Pholas | Pleistocene | Waterbeach, Goodwood, Sussex | S.C. 1885 | |
1492 | Melania inquinata | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler 1886 | |
1493 | Cyrena cuneiformis Férussac | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler | [55/25a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [55/42 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1494 | Ostrea tenera J.Sowerby | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler | [55/9 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1495 | Ostrea Bellovacina Lamarck | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler | [55/3 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. [55/5 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1496 | Ostrea sp. | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler | [55/10 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. [55/12 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1497 | [Hydrobia] Stenothyra parkinsoni (Morris) | Woolwich | Newhaven, Sussex | Purch H. Butler | [D54/31a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [D54/26 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. |
1498 | Nassa ? | Chalk | Eastbourne, Sussex, 1"334 | Purch H. Butler | [1878 Cat. add. 51/89a] [MS Cat 51/87] |
1499 | [Elephas] Loxodonta antiquus tooth left (Falconer) | Forest Bed | Mundesley | Pres. by Clement Reid Esq. July 15 1886. | |
1500 | Physeter Macrocephalus (Linné) | Forest Bed | Sidestrand | 2 specimens Pres. by Clement Reid Esq. July 15 1886 | one tooth cut in two Figd Q.J.G.S. 1886, pl 11, fig0,1,2,3,4. |
1501 | Wood bored by Teredo | Thanet | Pegwell B. | Purch. FH Butler 1886 | |
1502 | [Leioceras distans] (Quenst.) Ioderoceras af. bispinigenum | Low. Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | Treated for pyrite decay, conserved 24/2/06. |
1503 | Tragophylloceras ambiguum (Simpson) | Low. Lias (Amartum zone) | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1504 | [Echioceras finitimum?] | Low. Lias (Capricornum zone) | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1505 | Dapedium [leiosomus Morris] politum Leach | Low. Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1506 | Ophioderma tenuibrachiata | Mid. Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1507 | Otozamites gracilis | Low. Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
HBW2645 | Ammonites Berryeri | Coral Rag | Westbury, Wilts. | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
HBW2646 | Ammonites pseudocordatus | Coral Rag | Westbury, Wilts. | Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1508 | [Sponge?] Hydrokerion sherborni Gregory | Chalk | ? SE England | Purch of E. Charlesworth 1886 | |
1509 | Pecten mitidus | Chalk | Luton? Bedfordshire, 1"220 | Purch. F.H. Butler | Figd. Gregory. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. VIII. Se?. 10. 1931, pl.XIX, fig.4, p.480 [1878 Cat add. 52/102a] MS Cat. D53/44 |
1510 | [Beryx] Ctenothrissa microcephala (Agassiz) C. Patterson 1968 | Lower Chalk | Luton? | Purch. F.H. Butler | |
1511 | Avellana | Chalk | Luton? | Purch. F.H. Butler | |
1512 | Notidanus microdon | Chalk | Charlton | Purch. F.H. Butler | |
1513 | Calamites approximatus | Coal M | ? | Purch. F.H. Butler | |
1514 | Astarte depressa Goldf. | Inf. oolite | Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 | Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886 | |
1515 | Astarte expansa | Inf. oolite | Sherborne, Dorset, 1"312 | Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886 | |
1516 | Astarte manseli | Inf. oolite | Bradfd Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 | Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886 | |
1517 | Astarte planata | Inf. oolite | 1/2 Way House, Dorset | Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886 | |
1518 | Astarte subquadrata | Inf. oolite | Bradfd Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 | Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886 |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1519 | Astarte subquadrata var. | Inf oolite | Bradford Abbas, Dorset 1"312 | Purch S.S. Buckman 1886 | |
1520 | Astarte spissa | Inf oolite | Sherborne, Dorset | Purch S.S. Buckman | 46892,46893 |
1521 | Astarte Goldfussi | Inf oolite | Sherborne, Dorset | Purch S.S. Buckman | |
1522 | Opis angulata | Inf oolite | Bradfd Abbas, Dorset | Purch S.S. Buckman | |
1523 | Opis ? | Inf oolite | Halfway House, Dorset | Purch S.S. Buckman | |
1524 | Modiola & Fish remains | Purbeck | Teffont | Pres by Rev W.R. Andrews | |
1525 | Lacuna antiqua | Carb Lst | Smiles Farm 106 N.E. | Coll Hugh Miller | |
1526 | Foraminifera | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler 1886 | reregistered MrkGJ 1158 [MS Cat. XX 3/32 reregistered MrkGJ 1157 [MS Cat. XX 3/31 |
1527 | Leptoclinum | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1528 | Cucumaria & Leptoclinum | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1529 | Lepralia pallaciana | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1530 | Cyclostrema nitens | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1531 | Rissoa | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1532 | Chemnitzia | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1533 | Lasea rubra | Pliocene | St Erth | Purch F.H. Butler | |
1534 | Iguanodon [mantelli] sp. tooth. Chaiig 1973 | Weald | Cuckfield, Sussex, 1"302 | Purch H Butler 1886 | [3/3/3/20 MS Cat.] |
1535 | Anomia tenuistriata Desh. | London Cl. | Bognor, Sussex | Purch H Butler | 1 spec. rereg. 99987 [55/65 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. |
1536 | Unio | Weald | Cuckfield, Sussex | Purch H Butler | see also GSM 111021-3. [MS Cat. 33/24] |
1537 | Pliosaurus trochanterius | Kimeridge | Ely | Pres. M Fisher Esq. per W. Whitaker | |
1538 | Euciphoceras regalis (J.Sow) RAH 1989. | London. Cl. | Piccadilly, London | Pres. F. Chapman. S.K. | formerly XVIII 1/1 |
CR38 | Pinus abies | Forest Bed | Trimingham | SC. | |
CR60 | Pinus sylvestris | Forest Bed | Trimingham | SC. | |
CR68 | Fir root | Forest Bed | Overstrand | SC. | |
CR6,7,8 | Salix | Forest Bed | Happisburgh | SC. | |
CR61 | Quercus robur | Forest Bed | Happisburgh | SC. | |
CR58 | Quercus robur | Forest Bed | Overstrand | SC. | |
CR16 | Betula alba | Forest Bed | Happisburgh | SC. | |
CR25 | Betula sp. | Forest Bed | Overstrand | SC. | |
CR39 | Phragmites | Forest Bed | Bacton | SC. | |
CR28 | Ulmus | Forest Bed | Happisburgh | SC. | |
CR66 | Equisetum | Forest Bed | Overstrand | SC. |
Register page number (usually in top right corner): 165
Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
CR 11, 12 | Grass | Forest Bed | Happisburgh | S.C. | |
J.HB 1 | Wood | Forest Bed | Kessingland | S.C. | |
JHB 23 | Oak | Forest Bed | Kessingland | S.C. | |
JHB 14 | Unio pictorum | Forest Bed | Kessingland | S.C. | |
CR 17 | Pisidium astartoides F | Forest Bed | W. Runton | S.C. | |
JHB 20 | Pisidium astartoides F | Forest Bed | Kessingland | S.C. | |
JHB 20 | Helix hispida | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
JHB 20 | Helix pulchella | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
CR 777 | Limax modioliformis F | Forest Bed | W. Runton | S.C. | |
J.HB 20 | Limnaea truneatula | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
J.HB 20 | Limnaea sp | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
J.HB 20 | Planorbis albus | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
J.HB 20 | Planorbis corneus | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
J.HB 20 | Planorbis spirorbis | Forest Bed | Corton | S.C. | |
CR 762 | Paludina gibba | Forest Bed | W. Runton | S.C. | |
CR 826 | Lithoglyphus fuscus F | Forest Bed | E. Runton | S.C. | |
CR 787 | Hydrobia Runtoniana F | Forest Bed | W. Runton | S.C. | |
CR 13 | Hydrobia Steinii F | Forest Bed | W. Runton | S.C. | |
1539 | Cancer pagurus | Cor Crag | Hall Farm Aldboro | Purch. of. A R Taylor. Bookg Office, Aldboro | Rereg. 55331 |
1540 | Neuroptesis acutifolia | Coral M | Cinderford, Forest of Dean, Glos | Pres by Rev A D. Pringle | |
1541 | Lepidodendron | Mill Grit | Ilkley, W.R. Yorkshire | Pres by D.F.A. Hervey Esq. | Ree 19108-19109 |
1542 | Terebratula grandis | Cor. Crag | Sudbourne | Purch. J C. Buckingham, Orford | Rereg. 55325 |
HBW. 720 | Ammonites Humphriesianus | Inf. Oo | Bridport. (Hyde) Dorset 1"327 | S.C. | |
1543 | Dapedius orbis | Low Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | Purch Mrs Dollin 1886 | |
1544 | Dapedius orbis | Low Lias | Litt[?]ton Quarry, Blackminster Worcs. | From Stores Presented by - Hunt Esq. 1866 | |
1545 | [Prognathodus Güntheri Auctt.] Myriacanthus paradoxus L. Agassiz | Low Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | [1,5,3,3] Purch Mrs Dollin 1886 | Fig'd. A.S. Woodward 1906 Q.J.G.S., Vol. LXII, pl.I, fig. 5 cit. A.S. Woodward 1906 ibid.p.3 |
1546 | Dimorphodon | Low Lias | Lyme Regis, Dorset | [1,5,3,3] Purch Mrs Dollin 1886 | See also 56607-56611. specimen conserved 2003 12/8/2014 TR70 Re. Attach |
1547 | Lepidotus minor | Purbeck | Swanage, Dorset | From stores | |
1548 | Cetacean bone | Cor Crag | Sudbourne | Purch. J.C. Buckingham |
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Reg. no | Specimen name | Formation | Locality | Provenance | Notes |
1608 | Inoceramus [concentricus]? cf. tenuis gr. | Gault | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | Price Collection, purchased 1886 | |
1609 | Inoceramus sulcatus, Parkinson | Gault Bed VIII | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 111610 - 111615 | |
1610 | Plicatula [pectenoides] gurgitus, Pictet & Roux | See also GSM 111552 - 111558 | |||
1611 | [Mytilus Galliennei] Perna sp. | Gault Bed VIII | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 20018 [1878 Cat add. 41/67a] MS alt. 41/61. | |
1612 | [Hinnites] Velopecten studeri, Pictet & Roux | Gault Bed X or II | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | Figured Woods 1903, Mon. Pal. Soc. pl.XLII, Fig.2. Cited 218, 219. | |
1613 | [Pecten] Aequipecten Beaveri (J. Sowerby) | Gault Bed X | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | ||
1614 | [Pecten] orbicularis, Entolium orbiculare (J. Sowerby) | Gault Bed XI | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 111581, decomposed 14.6.40 Rb. | |
1615 | [Pecten] Neithea quinquicostata (J.Sow) | Gault Bed III | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 111582 | |
1616 | [Pecten Raulinianus] Chlamy elongatus (Lamarck) | Gault Bed III | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 111579, 111580, 111585, 111586 | |
1617 | [Pecten Raulinianus near] [Chlamys elongatus (Lamarck)] Mimachlamys? aff rauliniana (d'Orb) | Gault Bed XI | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | [1878 Cat add. 41/30a] MS alt. 41/26. | |
1618 | [Pecten Rhotomagensis] Camptonectes gaultinus (Woods) | XI | [1878 Cat add. 41/30B] MS alt. 41/28. | ||
1619 | Pecten sp. (monoptera) | III | |||
1620 | [Pecten sp.] Velopecten | Gault Bed X | |||
1621 | [Lima] Velopecten | Gault Bed 4 | |||
1622 | [Pectunculus] Limopsis albensis, Woods. | See 18689-18697, see also GSM 111551 | |||
1623 | [Avicula Rauliniana?] Oxytoma pectinatum (J. de.C. Sowerby) | Gault Bed IX | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | [1878 Cat add 41/32e] MS alt. 41/21 | |
1624 | [Avicula cenomanensis] Bakevellia rostrata? (J. de.C. Sowerby) | Gault Bed / | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | Cited. Woods 1905. Mon Pal. Soc, "Cretaceous lamellibranchia Vol II p.84 [1878 Cat add 41/32a] | |
1625 | [Lima] Plagiostoma globosa (J. de.C. Sowerby) | Gault Bed VII | Folkestone, Kent 1"305 | See also GSM 111583, 111584 | [1878 Cat add 41/55a] MS alt. 41/41 |
1626 | Panopea mandibula, Sow. | nr. Lyme Regis, Dorset 1"326 | [1878 alt. cat add. 41/26] MS alt. 41/49 | ||
1627 | Lucina tenera (J. de.C. Sow.) | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | See 19762-19765 | [1878 cat add. 42/3] MS alt. 42/33 | |
1628 | [Cyprina] Provienella quadrata (d'Orbigny) | Gault Bed IV | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | [1878 cat ad. 42/14] MS alt. 42/36 | |
1629 | [Arca] Barbatia Hugardiana ? d'Orbigny | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | See also GSM 111530, 111531 | ||
1630 | Barbatia marullensis (d'Orb) | Gault Bed III | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | See 18619, see also GSM 111529 | Figuied. Woods Mon. Pal. Soc 1899, "Cretaceous Lamellibranchia" Vol I, pl. VII fig.5. cited. p.38. [1878 cat add. 41/70a] MS alt. 42/9 |
1631 | [Arca] Cucullaea nana, Leymerie | Bed VI | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | 2 decomposed 14.6.40. Rb? | See also GSM 111544-111547, 111570-1 |
1632 | [Arca] Nanonavis carinata (J. Sowerby) | Bed II | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | 1 decomposed 14.6.40 Rb? see 18680. see also GSM 111532-11138 | Figd. Woods. Mon. Pal. Soc [1909] 1899. pl.VIII fig.7. |
1633 | Cucullaea [glabra] obesa (Pictet & Roux) | Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 | one specimen decomposed 28.5.40 see also GSM 111539-111543 | [1878 cat add. 41/81a] MS alt. 42/16 | |
1634 | Nucula (young of pectinata J.Sow.) | Bed V | H.W. | see 18455 | |
1635 | [Nucula] bivirgata ( Sowerby) Acila (Truncacila) | Gault Bed X | two specimens decomposed 28.5.40 see also GSM 111487-111488 | ||
1636 | [Nucula capsaformis] Nucula (leionucula) ovata, Mantell. | Gault Bed I | see also GSM 111489 | ||
1637 | Nucula gaultina, Gardner | Bed VII | H.W. | see 18467-8 GSM 111502-111504 | [1878 cat add 42/51] |
1638 | Nucula albensis (d'Orbigny) Nucula (leionucula) | Bed IV | H.W. | see also GSM 6447-8, see also GSM 111490-111493 | Figd. Woods, 1899, ibid, pl.IV. fig.9. cited: p.24-25 |