GSM registers

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GSM specimens book 1: GSM 1 - 4658

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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1293 Cerithium metaxa Cor. Crag Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 Purchased of P.F. Kendall
1294 Chemnitzia filosa Cor. Crag Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208 [XIII 2/B1 1878 MS add]
1295 Chemnitzia varicula Cor. Crag Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1296 Astarte Forbesi Cor Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1297 Vermetus subcancellatus Cor Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1298 Woodia excurrens Cor Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1299 Acasta undulata Cor Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1300 Eulimella acicula Cor Sutton, Suffolk, 1"208
1301 Trochus conulus Cor Gomer
1302 Capulus ungaricus Cor Gomer
1303 Odostomia conspicua Cor Sutton
1304 Nassa prismatica Cor Gomer
1305 Trophon propinquus Cor Gomer
1306 Cypraea Europaea Cor Sutton
1307 Mactra subtruncata Cor Sutton 5 specimens Rereg. 93826-30
1308 Pecten dubius Cor Sutton
1309 Buccinum undatum Cor Gomer
1310 Diatomacea Lond Clay Sheppey, Kent (slide) Pres. by Prof Rupert Jones
1311 Trigonia carrei Portland Portland, Dorset Purch. of A.M. Wallis 1884?
1312 [Pseudodiadema] Tetragramma sp. (?coarctatum Hawkins sp. medit) H.L.H. Portland Portland, Dorset Purch. of A.M. Wallis See Mus. Reg. 38301. X4/18a
1313 Tetractinellia sponge Portland Whit.B. Portland, Dorset Purch. of A.M. Wallis
1314 Serpula Portland Portland, Dorset Purch. of A.M. Wallis
1315 Nemacanthus monilifer Rhaetic Holwell, Frome Purchased F.H. Butler 1886? see also 90696
1316 Saurichthys acuminatus Rhaetic Holwell, Frome Purchased by F.H. Butler
1317 Trogontherium cuvieri Forest Bed E. Runton Cast of snout in Mr A. Savin's Coll.
1318 Acrodus minimus Rhaetic Holwell Purch. F.H. Butler see also 90712
1319 Machaerodus (incisor) Forest Bed W. Runton Pres by A.J. Jukes-Browne Esq
1320 Acrodus Rhaetic Holwell Purch. F.H. Butler
1321 Verruca stromia Weybourn Cr E. Runton Pres. by Clement Reid Esq 17th Apl 1886
1322 Hybodus minor Purch F.H. Butler
1323 Hybodus reticulatus Purch F.H. Butler
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1324 Hybodus Rhaetic Holwell Purchased of F.H. Butler
1325 Sargodon tomicus Rhaetic Holwell Purchased of F.H. Butler
1326 Gyrolepis alberti Rhaetic Holwell Purchased of F.H. Butler
1327 Palaeosaurus platyodon Rhaetic Holwell Purchased of F.H. Butler
1328 Saurian Rhaetic Holwell Purchased of F.H. Butler
HBW2940 Saurichthys acuminatus Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Acrodus minimus Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Hybodus Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Hybodus reticulatus Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Sargodon tomicus Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Gyrolepis alberti Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Fish vertebrae Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Saurichthys apicalis Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Lepidotus ? Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
HBW2940 Rhaetic Holwell Coll. H.B. Woodward
1329 Megalosaurus Bucklandi Inf. oolite Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd 2 J.G.S Vol.39
1330 Megalosaurus Bucklandi Inf. oolite Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 9/10/2013 TR3 TOUCHUP SCRATCHES ) REPAIR
1331 Megalosaurus Bucklandi Inf. oolite Sherborne, Dorset 1"312 Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886
1332 [Chelone breviceps] Lytoloma planimentum (Owen) A.G.D. London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 [XV/2/7/5 Paleont. Dept. MS Cat.
1333 Argillornis longipennis Owen London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig2
1334 Argillornis longipennis London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig3
1335 Argillornis longipennis London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig 7
1336 Argillornis longipennis London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd 1878 2 JGS Vol 34 pl6 fig11
1337 Argillornis longipennis London Clay Sheppey, Kent Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd Ann Mag Nat Hist Vol 14. 1854 p.263 [XV/2/5/61 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1338 Trogontherium cuvieri Forest Bed Bacton Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Figd Owen. Foss. Ma???. f71.
1339 Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) Pleistocene Crayford, Kent lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description
1340 Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) Pleistocene Crayford, Kent lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description
1341 Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) Pleistocene Crayford, Kent lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description
1342 Ovibos moschatus (Zimmerman) Pleistocene Crayford, Kent lower molars Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Geol. Mag. Dec 2 Vol 6. Cit only with description
1343 Machairodus latidens Pleistocene Torquay, Devon tooth Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886 Descbd Brit Ass. Rept 1872
1344 Cervus latifrons ? Dredged Doggerbank, N. Sea Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) 13th March 1886
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1345 Ctenodus murchisoni Coal M Leebottwood, Salop Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) Type Pois. Foss. V.I. pxxxv
1346 Ganorhynchus Woodwardi Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) Figd Geol. Mag. Vol X. 1873
1347 Tritylodon longaevous Triassic ? S. Africa Casts. Presented by the Trustees of the British Museum (per Dr Woodward) Figd 2 J.G.S. Vol 41.
1348 Elephas antiquus Forest Bed Munderley Cast of specimen in Savin's collection
1349 Ursus spelaeus tooth Valley Gravel Newbury, Bucks Specimen sent by F.J. Bennett May 30. /85
1350 Elephas primigenius pelvis Blumenbach Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire Pres by Dr Hicks & EB Luxmoore Esq Oct 26' 1885 see Q.J.G.S. vol XLII, 1886, pp. 3-19
1351 Elephas primigenius pelvis Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1352 Elephas primigenius [tibia] top portion of ulna. Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1353 Elephas primigenius ? Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1354 Elephas primigenius femur Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1355 Elephas primigenius ? Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1356 Elephas primigenius tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire label "Cae Gwyn Cave Fynnon Bueno V. of Clwyd." Cae Gwyn Cave. Letter from Dr. R. Lister Univ. of Cambs. 23.3.89. Collagen sample taken from side of root (remain in plastic bag). Sample/analysis no. P2210, Uni of Oxford. Yield of collagen for radio C. too small so no date given. [cf result on another tooth which on minimal collagen ventured. c.18000Bf.]
1357 Elephas primigenius tusk Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1358 Rhinoceros antiquitatis B/ pelvis ASK/39. Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1359 Rhinoceros femur Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1360 Rhinoceros femur Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1361 Rhinoceros radius Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire see also 49976
1362 Rhinoceros humerus Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1363 Rhinoceros metatarsal Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1364 Rhinoceros tibia, young Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1365 Rhinoceros metatarsal Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1366 Rhinoceros rib Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1367 Rhinoceros astragalus Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1368 Rhinoceros calcaneum Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1369 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1370 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blumenbach Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7
1371 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1372 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1373 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Rhinoceros antiquitatis Blumenbach Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7
1374 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
1375 Rhinoceros tichorhinus up tooth Cave Vale of Clwyd near Tremeirchion, Flintshire
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1376 Rhinoceros [tichorhinus] l.m. antiquitatis Blum. ASK/39 Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) Presented by Dr. Hicks & E.B. Luxmoore Esq.
1376 Rhinoceros tichorhinus l. grinder Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1377 Rhinoceros tichorhinus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1378 Rhinoceros tichorhinus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1379 Rhinoceros tichorhinus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1380 Rhinoceros tichorhinus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1381 Rhinoceros (astragalus) Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1382 Bos humerus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1383 Bos metacarpal Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1384 Bos calcaneum Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1385 Bos metacarpal Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1386 Bos metatarsal Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1387 Bos phalanges Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1388 Bos phalanges Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1389 Bos phalanges Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1390 Bos astragalus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1391,2,3 Bos low. grinders Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1394 Bos ? tooth Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1395 Reindeer humerus Rangifer tarandus (Linn) ASK/39 Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1396 Reindeer pelvis Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1397 Reindeer astragalus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1398 Reindeer humerus Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1399 Reindeer ulna Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1400 Reindeer naviculo-cuboid Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7
1401,2 Reindeer low teeth Rangifer tarandus (Linnaeus) Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1403 Reindeer phalanx Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1404 Reindeer phalanx Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1405 Reindeer antler Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1406 to 11 Reindeer antler Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1412 Reindeer calcaneum Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd)
1413 Reindeer metatarsal Cave Fynnon Bueno & Cae Gwyn Caves near Tremeirchion, Flintshire (Vale of Clwyd) Transferred to Reginal Exhibit 7
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1414,5,6 Reindeer antler Rangifer tarandus (Linn) ASK/39 Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd Pres by Dr Hicks & E.B. Luxmoore Esq Oct 26th 1885
1417 Cervus humerus Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1418 Cervus femur Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1419 Cervus? pelvis Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7
1420 Cervus elaphus antler Linn. Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1421 Cervus? elaphus antler Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1422 Cervus elaphus metatarsal Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1423 Cervus giganteus l. molar Cervus giganteus (Blumenbach) Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1424,5 Cervus giganteus up. molar C. giganteus (Blumenbach) Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7
1426 Cervus astragalus Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1427,8 Cervus humerus Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1429 Hyaena spaelea, up. jaw Goldf. Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1430 Hyaena spaelea low. jaw [Hyaena crocuta (Erxleben)] Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss) fide B.O. Kurten Apr. '55 Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1431 Hyaena spaelea tooth Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1432 to 40 Hyaena spaelea teeth [Hyaena crocuta (Erxleben)] Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldf.) B.O.K. Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd {1432, 1439 Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7
1441 Hyaena spaelea footbone Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1442 Hyaena spaelea femur Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1443 Equus caballus [fossilis] l. jaw Linnaeus Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1444 Equus caballus [fossils] metacarpal Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1445 Equus caballus [fossils] metatarsal Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1446 Equus caballus [fossils] radius Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1447 Equus caballus [fossils] tibia Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1448 Equus caballus phalanx Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1449 Equus caballus splint Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1450 Equus caballus astragalus Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1451,2,3,4 Equus caballus incisors Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1455 Equus caballus lower molar Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1456 to 61 Equus caballus fossilis lower molar Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd {1457, 1459, 1461 Transferred to Reginae Exhibit 7
1462 to 68 to 74 Equus caballus fossilis up. molars Cave Fynnon Bueno and Cae Gwyn Caves, near Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Vale of Clwyd
1475 Corbula globosa. J. Sby. A.G.D. 1935 London Clay Ealing, Middlesex Pres. Ino. Allen Brown Esq.
1476 Wood Thanet Herne Bay, Kent Purch H. Butler
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1477 Crustacean Norwich Cr Thorpe Pres by Clement Reid Esq
R1432 Archichthys Portlocki Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
R1433 Ctenoptychius pectinatus Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
R34 Ctenoptychius pectinatus Carb Lst Northumerld
R56 Ctenoptychius pectinatus Carb Lst Northumerld
R63 Pristicladodus Goughii Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
R1986,2239,2286,2747 Poecillodus Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
R1728, 1536,1540 Strepsodus Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
R852,853,853a(2) Psammodus rugosus Carb Lst Northumerld Col. J Rhodes
1478 Pisodus ? Albula Gault Bed. VI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 [1878 Cat add. XVa 4/51a] MS alt. XVa 2/31
1479 Polyptychodon interruptus Gault Bed. XI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 [1878 Cat add. T 15/9a]
1480 [Hybodus] Dubrisiensis Synechodus (Mackie) Gault Bed. XI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 see also GSM 112237-8
1481 Ischyodus [brevirostris] thurmanni (Agassiz) Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 Figured. E.T.Newton. 1878, Mem.Geol.Survey, Mon.IV, "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes", pl. IX Fig.12. ? specimen mentioned by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.28, 29 [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/41a] MS alt. IE 54.
1482 Ischyodus incisus lt. mandible Newton. Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 ? specimen mention by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.38 [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/53a]
1483 Ischyodus [brevirostris] thurmanni (Agassiz) Gault Bed VIII Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886 ? specimen mention by E.T.Newton 1878 Mem.Geol.Surv. "Cretaceous Chimaeroid Fishes" p.28, 29 [1878 Cat add. XIVa 2/57a] MS alt. IE 66
1484 [Pachyrhizodus] Apateodus glyphodus (Blake) Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886
1485 Egg of Chelonian Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Purch. F.G.H. Price Esq. 1886
P1217 Pseudodiadema hemisphaerica Cor Rag Yorkshire Coll. H.Walters. 1871
R1163 }
R1154 }Monticulipora Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
R1960 }
R1153 Cladochonus campanulatus Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
R230,287,464 Dithyrocaris colei Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
R878,1536 Leperditia Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
R1537 Bairdia Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
R2004 Kirkbya ? Carb. Lst Northumberld Coll J Rhodes
1486 Wood Wealden Hastings, Sussex Purch of H. Butler 1886
1487 [Glycimeris] Cyntodaria Rutupiensis (Morris) Thanet Pegwell Bay, Kent Purch of H. Butler 1886 [54/45a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [54/55 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat.
1488 Pholadomya cuneata C. Sow. Thanet Pegwell Bay, Kent Purch of H. Butler 1886 one specimen now registered as 60069. [54/63 MS addition in Palaeont. Dept. copy 1878 Cat.
1489 [Natica subdepressa] Polynices abducta (Deshayes) Thanet Pegwell Bay, Kent Purch of H. Butler 1886 [D 54/58? MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [D54/3 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat.
1490 Nucula sp. Thanet Pegwell Bay, Kent Purch of H. Butler 1886 1 spec rereg. 99460 [54/59a MS entry 1878 Cat. [54/11 MS alteration in Palaeont. Dept. Copy 1878 Cat.
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1491 Unio antiquus Wealden Cuckfield, Sussex Purch H. Butler 1886 See also GSM 111024 [MS Cat. 39/4]
CR250 Chalk bored by Pholas Pleistocene Waterbeach, Goodwood, Sussex S.C. 1885
1492 Melania inquinata Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler 1886
1493 Cyrena cuneiformis Férussac Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler [55/25a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [55/42 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1494 Ostrea tenera J.Sowerby Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler [55/9 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1495 Ostrea Bellovacina Lamarck Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler [55/3 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. [55/5 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1496 Ostrea sp. Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler [55/10 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. [55/12 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1497 [Hydrobia] Stenothyra parkinsoni (Morris) Woolwich Newhaven, Sussex Purch H. Butler [D54/31a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [D54/26 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat.
1498 Nassa ? Chalk Eastbourne, Sussex, 1"334 Purch H. Butler [1878 Cat. add. 51/89a] [MS Cat 51/87]
1499 [Elephas] Loxodonta antiquus tooth left (Falconer) Forest Bed Mundesley Pres. by Clement Reid Esq. July 15 1886.
1500 Physeter Macrocephalus (Linné) Forest Bed Sidestrand 2 specimens Pres. by Clement Reid Esq. July 15 1886 one tooth cut in two Figd Q.J.G.S. 1886, pl 11, fig0,1,2,3,4.
1501 Wood bored by Teredo Thanet Pegwell B. Purch. FH Butler 1886
1502 [Leioceras distans] (Quenst.) Ioderoceras af. bispinigenum Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886 Treated for pyrite decay, conserved 24/2/06.
1503 Tragophylloceras ambiguum (Simpson) Low. Lias (Amartum zone) Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
1504 [Echioceras finitimum?] Low. Lias (Capricornum zone) Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
1505 Dapedium [leiosomus Morris] politum Leach Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
1506 Ophioderma tenuibrachiata Mid. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
1507 Otozamites gracilis Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
HBW2645 Ammonites Berryeri Coral Rag Westbury, Wilts. Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
HBW2646 Ammonites pseudocordatus Coral Rag Westbury, Wilts. Purch. Mrs Dollin 1886
1508 [Sponge?] Hydrokerion sherborni Gregory Chalk ? SE England Purch of E. Charlesworth 1886
1509 Pecten mitidus Chalk Luton? Bedfordshire, 1"220 Purch. F.H. Butler Figd. Gregory. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Vol. VIII. Se?. 10. 1931, pl.XIX, fig.4, p.480 [1878 Cat add. 52/102a] MS Cat. D53/44
1510 [Beryx] Ctenothrissa microcephala (Agassiz) C. Patterson 1968 Lower Chalk Luton? Purch. F.H. Butler
1511 Avellana Chalk Luton? Purch. F.H. Butler
1512 Notidanus microdon Chalk Charlton Purch. F.H. Butler
1513 Calamites approximatus Coal M ? Purch. F.H. Butler
1514 Astarte depressa Goldf. Inf. oolite Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886
1515 Astarte expansa Inf. oolite Sherborne, Dorset, 1"312 Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886
1516 Astarte manseli Inf. oolite Bradfd Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886
1517 Astarte planata Inf. oolite 1/2 Way House, Dorset Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886
1518 Astarte subquadrata Inf. oolite Bradfd Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 Purch. S.S. Buckman 1886
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1519 Astarte subquadrata var. Inf oolite Bradford Abbas, Dorset 1"312 Purch S.S. Buckman 1886
1520 Astarte spissa Inf oolite Sherborne, Dorset Purch S.S. Buckman 46892,46893
1521 Astarte Goldfussi Inf oolite Sherborne, Dorset Purch S.S. Buckman
1522 Opis angulata Inf oolite Bradfd Abbas, Dorset Purch S.S. Buckman
1523 Opis ? Inf oolite Halfway House, Dorset Purch S.S. Buckman
1524 Modiola & Fish remains Purbeck Teffont Pres by Rev W.R. Andrews
1525 Lacuna antiqua Carb Lst Smiles Farm 106 N.E. Coll Hugh Miller
1526 Foraminifera Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler 1886 reregistered MrkGJ 1158 [MS Cat. XX 3/32 reregistered MrkGJ 1157 [MS Cat. XX 3/31
1527 Leptoclinum Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1528 Cucumaria & Leptoclinum Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1529 Lepralia pallaciana Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1530 Cyclostrema nitens Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1531 Rissoa Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1532 Chemnitzia Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1533 Lasea rubra Pliocene St Erth Purch F.H. Butler
1534 Iguanodon [mantelli] sp. tooth. Chaiig 1973 Weald Cuckfield, Sussex, 1"302 Purch H Butler 1886 [3/3/3/20 MS Cat.]
1535 Anomia tenuistriata Desh. London Cl. Bognor, Sussex Purch H Butler 1 spec. rereg. 99987 [55/65 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat.
1536 Unio Weald Cuckfield, Sussex Purch H Butler see also GSM 111021-3. [MS Cat. 33/24]
1537 Pliosaurus trochanterius Kimeridge Ely Pres. M Fisher Esq. per W. Whitaker
1538 Euciphoceras regalis (J.Sow) RAH 1989. London. Cl. Piccadilly, London Pres. F. Chapman. S.K. formerly XVIII 1/1
CR38 Pinus abies Forest Bed Trimingham SC.
CR60 Pinus sylvestris Forest Bed Trimingham SC.
CR68 Fir root Forest Bed Overstrand SC.
CR6,7,8 Salix Forest Bed Happisburgh SC.
CR61 Quercus robur Forest Bed Happisburgh SC.
CR58 Quercus robur Forest Bed Overstrand SC.
CR16 Betula alba Forest Bed Happisburgh SC.
CR25 Betula sp. Forest Bed Overstrand SC.
CR39 Phragmites Forest Bed Bacton SC.
CR28 Ulmus Forest Bed Happisburgh SC.
CR66 Equisetum Forest Bed Overstrand SC.
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
CR 11, 12 Grass Forest Bed Happisburgh S.C.
J.HB 1 Wood Forest Bed Kessingland S.C.
JHB 23 Oak Forest Bed Kessingland S.C.
JHB 14 Unio pictorum Forest Bed Kessingland S.C.
CR 17 Pisidium astartoides F Forest Bed W. Runton S.C.
JHB 20 Pisidium astartoides F Forest Bed Kessingland S.C.
JHB 20 Helix hispida Forest Bed Corton S.C.
JHB 20 Helix pulchella Forest Bed Corton S.C.
CR 777 Limax modioliformis F Forest Bed W. Runton S.C.
J.HB 20 Limnaea truneatula Forest Bed Corton S.C.
J.HB 20 Limnaea sp Forest Bed Corton S.C.
J.HB 20 Planorbis albus Forest Bed Corton S.C.
J.HB 20 Planorbis corneus Forest Bed Corton S.C.
J.HB 20 Planorbis spirorbis Forest Bed Corton S.C.
CR 762 Paludina gibba Forest Bed W. Runton S.C.
CR 826 Lithoglyphus fuscus F Forest Bed E. Runton S.C.
CR 787 Hydrobia Runtoniana F Forest Bed W. Runton S.C.
CR 13 Hydrobia Steinii F Forest Bed W. Runton S.C.
1539 Cancer pagurus Cor Crag Hall Farm Aldboro Purch. of. A R Taylor. Bookg Office, Aldboro Rereg. 55331
1540 Neuroptesis acutifolia Coral M Cinderford, Forest of Dean, Glos Pres by Rev A D. Pringle
1541 Lepidodendron Mill Grit Ilkley, W.R. Yorkshire Pres by D.F.A. Hervey Esq. Ree 19108-19109
1542 Terebratula grandis Cor. Crag Sudbourne Purch. J C. Buckingham, Orford Rereg. 55325
HBW. 720 Ammonites Humphriesianus Inf. Oo Bridport. (Hyde) Dorset 1"327 S.C.
1543 Dapedius orbis Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purch Mrs Dollin 1886
1544 Dapedius orbis Low Lias Litt[?]ton Quarry, Blackminster Worcs. From Stores Presented by - Hunt Esq. 1866
1545 [Prognathodus Güntheri Auctt.] Myriacanthus paradoxus L. Agassiz Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset [1,5,3,3] Purch Mrs Dollin 1886 Fig'd. A.S. Woodward 1906 Q.J.G.S., Vol. LXII, pl.I, fig. 5 cit. A.S. Woodward 1906 ibid.p.3
1546 Dimorphodon Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset [1,5,3,3] Purch Mrs Dollin 1886 See also 56607-56611. specimen conserved 2003 12/8/2014 TR70 Re. Attach
1547 Lepidotus minor Purbeck Swanage, Dorset From stores
1548 Cetacean bone Cor Crag Sudbourne Purch. J.C. Buckingham
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Last edit over 1 year ago by RFoxton
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1608 Inoceramus [concentricus]? cf. tenuis gr. Gault Folkestone, Kent 1"305 Price Collection, purchased 1886
1609 Inoceramus sulcatus, Parkinson Gault Bed VIII Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 111610 - 111615
1610 Plicatula [pectenoides] gurgitus, Pictet & Roux See also GSM 111552 - 111558
1611 [Mytilus Galliennei] Perna sp. Gault Bed VIII Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 20018 [1878 Cat add. 41/67a] MS alt. 41/61.
1612 [Hinnites] Velopecten studeri, Pictet & Roux Gault Bed X or II Folkestone, Kent 1"305 Figured Woods 1903, Mon. Pal. Soc. pl.XLII, Fig.2. Cited 218, 219.
1613 [Pecten] Aequipecten Beaveri (J. Sowerby) Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent 1"305
1614 [Pecten] orbicularis, Entolium orbiculare (J. Sowerby) Gault Bed XI Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 111581, decomposed 14.6.40 Rb.
1615 [Pecten] Neithea quinquicostata (J.Sow) Gault Bed III Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 111582
1616 [Pecten Raulinianus] Chlamy elongatus (Lamarck) Gault Bed III Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 111579, 111580, 111585, 111586
1617 [Pecten Raulinianus near] [Chlamys elongatus (Lamarck)] Mimachlamys? aff rauliniana (d'Orb) Gault Bed XI Folkestone, Kent 1"305 [1878 Cat add. 41/30a] MS alt. 41/26.
1618 [Pecten Rhotomagensis] Camptonectes gaultinus (Woods) XI [1878 Cat add. 41/30B] MS alt. 41/28.
1619 Pecten sp. (monoptera) III
1620 [Pecten sp.] Velopecten Gault Bed X
1621 [Lima] Velopecten Gault Bed 4
1622 [Pectunculus] Limopsis albensis, Woods. See 18689-18697, see also GSM 111551
1623 [Avicula Rauliniana?] Oxytoma pectinatum (J. de.C. Sowerby) Gault Bed IX Folkestone, Kent 1"305 [1878 Cat add 41/32e] MS alt. 41/21
1624 [Avicula cenomanensis] Bakevellia rostrata? (J. de.C. Sowerby) Gault Bed / Folkestone, Kent 1"305 Cited. Woods 1905. Mon Pal. Soc, "Cretaceous lamellibranchia Vol II p.84 [1878 Cat add 41/32a]
1625 [Lima] Plagiostoma globosa (J. de.C. Sowerby) Gault Bed VII Folkestone, Kent 1"305 See also GSM 111583, 111584 [1878 Cat add 41/55a] MS alt. 41/41
1626 Panopea mandibula, Sow. nr. Lyme Regis, Dorset 1"326 [1878 alt. cat add. 41/26] MS alt. 41/49
1627 Lucina tenera (J. de.C. Sow.) Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 See 19762-19765 [1878 cat add. 42/3] MS alt. 42/33
1628 [Cyprina] Provienella quadrata (d'Orbigny) Gault Bed IV Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 [1878 cat ad. 42/14] MS alt. 42/36
1629 [Arca] Barbatia Hugardiana ? d'Orbigny Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 See also GSM 111530, 111531
1630 Barbatia marullensis (d'Orb) Gault Bed III Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 See 18619, see also GSM 111529 Figuied. Woods Mon. Pal. Soc 1899, "Cretaceous Lamellibranchia" Vol I, pl. VII fig.5. cited. p.38. [1878 cat add. 41/70a] MS alt. 42/9
1631 [Arca] Cucullaea nana, Leymerie Bed VI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 2 decomposed 14.6.40. Rb? See also GSM 111544-111547, 111570-1
1632 [Arca] Nanonavis carinata (J. Sowerby) Bed II Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 1 decomposed 14.6.40 Rb? see 18680. see also GSM 111532-11138 Figd. Woods. Mon. Pal. Soc [1909] 1899. pl.VIII fig.7.
1633 Cucullaea [glabra] obesa (Pictet & Roux) Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 one specimen decomposed 28.5.40 see also GSM 111539-111543 [1878 cat add. 41/81a] MS alt. 42/16
1634 Nucula (young of pectinata J.Sow.) Bed V H.W. see 18455
1635 [Nucula] bivirgata ( Sowerby) Acila (Truncacila) Gault Bed X two specimens decomposed 28.5.40 see also GSM 111487-111488
1636 [Nucula capsaformis] Nucula (leionucula) ovata, Mantell. Gault Bed I see also GSM 111489
1637 Nucula gaultina, Gardner Bed VII H.W. see 18467-8 GSM 111502-111504 [1878 cat add 42/51]
1638 Nucula albensis (d'Orbigny) Nucula (leionucula) Bed IV H.W. see also GSM 6447-8, see also GSM 111490-111493 Figd. Woods, 1899, ibid, pl.IV. fig.9. cited: p.24-25
Last edit 5 months ago by CaitlinBedford
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