GSM registers

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GSM specimens book 1: GSM 1 - 4658

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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2010 Trochus papillosus Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887
2011 Cypraea avellana Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887 Mus. Reg. 55297-300 Reregistered: Ang Reg Ex.
2012 Vermetus intortus Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887
Cancelled Trochus multigranus Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887 See 28226
2014 Admete [Reede] viridula (Fabricius) var. couthouyi Jay Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887 Figd Harmer, pl.XXXIX, f.48, p.407
2015 Hydractinia ? Coralline Crag Boyton Purchd of Buckingham Feb 24 1887
2016 Septastrea fromentelli Low Lias Broadford, Skye Pres. by Dr Geikie
Now 57162-3
2018 Vermicularia bognoriense Bracklesham Stubbington Morris Coll
2019 Polystomella striato-punctata Chillesford Chillesford Purchased Butler
2020 Polystomella striato-punctata Chillesford Easton Bavent Purchased Butler
2021 Polystomella crispa Chillesford Chillesford Purchased Butler
2022 Truncatulina lobatula Chillesford Chillesford Purchased Butler
2023 Rotalia Beccarii Chillesford Easton Bavent Purchased Butler
2024 Trigonia signata Inf. Oolite Hook Norton, Oxfordsh Pres by S. Stutterd Esq. per HB. Woodward
JR 31 Argiope megatrema Up. Chalk Watford Tunnel Pres by S. Stutterd Esq. per HB. Woodward
2025 Nucleolites quadratus (Wright) C Brash Chippenham Wright Coll. Purchased of H Butler One specimen re-reg. GSM 112801
2026 Nucleolites quadratus C Brash Sutton-Benger, Nr Chippenham, Wilts. Wright Coll. Dr T Wright Coll. Purchd from H Butler, 1886. One specimen rereg-GSM 112800
2027 Nucleolites clunicularis Gt. Oolite Minchinhpton Wright Coll.
2028 Nucleolites clunicularis C Brash Rushden Wright Coll. See also 53679-53680
2029 Nucleolites dimidiatus Cor Oolite Malton Wright Coll. 4th spec. re-reg. as GSM 117526 2029 2 specimens (now 58645-58646)
2030 Nucleolites morrissii Lyme Regis Wright Coll.
2031 Hyboclypus gibberulus Inf. Oolite Wright Coll.
2032 Hyboclypus ovalis Inf. Oolite Hampen, Cold Comfort Wright Coll.
2033 Hyboclypus caudatus Inf. Oolite Crickley Wright Coll. 3 specimens now 93531-3
2034 Holectypus hemisphaericus Inf. Oolite Bridport Wright Coll.
2035 Holectypus depressus (Leske) Inf. Oolite Between Crewkerne & Hazelbury Wright Coll.
2036 Discoides subucula (Leske) L. Chalk Folkestone? Wright Coll.
2037 Clypeus Michelini Inf. Oolite Nailsworth Wright Coll.
2038 Clypeus Mulleri Inf. Oolite ? Wright Coll.
2039 Clypeus Hugii Inf. Oolite Wright Coll.
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2040 Clypeus Mulleri Forest Marble Fairford, Glos. Wright Collection purchased from H. Butler 1886
2041 Clypeus Agassizii Inf. Ool. Wright Collection
2042 Clypeus Agassizii Inf. Ool. Wright Collection
2043 Clypeus subulatus Coral Rag. Malton Wright Collection
2044 Pygurus ? pentagonalis Inf. Oolite Crickley, Glos Wright Collection
2045 Pygurus ? pentagonalis Calc grit Scarboro, N.R.Yorks. Wright Collection
2046 Pygurus costatus Coral Rag Calne, Wilts. Wright Collection
2047 Pygaster umbrella Coral Rag ? Wright Collection
2048 Pygaster michileni Cornbrash ? Wright Collection
2049 Galeropygus agariciformis Inf. Oolite Littlehampton, Sussex Wright Collection
2050 Peltastes Bunburyi Low Chalk Folkestone, Kent Wright Collection
2051 Trematopygus faringdonensis, Wright Lower Greensand Farindon, R.V.M. Wright Collection
2052 [Echinocyphus difficile af.] Glyphocyphus radiatus [Hoeninghaus] Grey Chalk Folkestone, Kent Wright Collection 1 specimen reregistered 99223
2053 Cottaldia Benettiae H.L.H. [(Forbes)] UGS Warminster, Wilts Wright Collection
2054 ? Polydiadema sp. H.L.H. UGS Warminster, Wilts Wright Collection see 48318
2055 [Typocidaris] vesiculosa, Stereocidaris (Goldfuss) H.L.H. UGS Warminster, Wilts ? Wright Collection
2056 Hermicidaris intermedius Coral Rag Wright Collection
2057 Aerosalenia decorata Coral Rag Calne, Wilts Wright Collection
2058 Aerosalenia sp. ? Wright Collection
2059 [Astropecten] cottswoldiae Stonesfield Cyeford ? Glos Wright Collection reregistered 113839
2060 Polycyphus normannus Inf oo? ? Wright Collection
2061 [Pedina rotata] Pedina salteri de Loriol Inf oo? Gloucestersh Wright Collection see also 33201,2
2062 [Pedina Smithii] Pseudopedina smithi (Forbes) Inf oo? ? Wright Collection see also 32213
2063 Glyphocyphus radiatus Southern? Sussex 1"319 Wright Collection 1878 cat XII 2/41B MS.XIII 2/53
2064 Discoidea Dixoni L. Chalk? Wright Collection
2065 Cyphosoma corallare Up. Chalk Charlton, Kent, 1"271 Wright Collection MS XIV4/30
2066 Salenia petallifera, Desmaret? U.G.S. Warminster ? Wright Collection [1878 Cat add XII 3/98a]
2067 Salenia Austeni Low Chk Folkestone, Kent Wright Collection
2068 [Pseudodiadema ornatum] Tiaromma schlueteri (de Loriol) Kiw Chk Folkestone, Kent Wright Collection 1876 cat. XIII 2/47a MS XIII 2/58
2069 Hemipedina ? Ox Clay Folkestone, Kent Wright Collection (from Mr George on label)
2070 [Pseudodiadema 1/2 spherica] Pseudodiadema pseudodiadema (Lamk.) Cor. Rag Hildenly Wright Collection
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2071 [Pseudodiadema versipora] Diplopodia versipora (Phill.) (Typical form.) Coral Rag Calne, Wilts Wright Collection, Purchased of FH Butler 1886 See 38255-38257.
2072 Pseudodiadema homostigma Ag. Cornbrsh Wilts?
2073 Astropecten orion Kellaway Whitby Railway, Leavisham Sta, N.R.Y. Cast.
2074 Astropecten claviformis (var. 4 rays) Kellaway Whitby Railway, Leavisham Sta, N.R.Y. Cast.
2075 Astropecten claviformis Kellaway Whitby Railway, Leavisham Sta, N.R.Y. Cast.
2076 Iguanodon Wealden ? No History [3/3/3/11 Palaeont. Dept. MS Cat. 1904
2077 Hemipedina Waterhousii Inf. oo Crickley, Cheltenham, Glos.
2078 [Ammonites athleta] [Peltoceras aff. subtense (Bean) a more ? stage -?-sub-tense] Low Oxford
2079 [Ammonites Williamsoni] Peltoceratoides constantii (d'Orb) Calc Grit, zone. cordatum Yorkshire
2080 [Cosmoceras ornatum (Schloth) (?) B.] Kosmoceras spinosum ( C. Sowerby) Kel. Rock (ornatum zone) Gristhorpe Bay, Scarborough See 23681
2081 [Hammatoceras amaltheiforme Vacek] Inf. oo (concave. z) Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 [Eudmetoceras aff. amplectens (SSB) ? E. amaltheiforme (Vacek) concave zone] Sonninia (Euaptetoceras) aff. amplectens trans to. S.(E.) amaltheiforme (Vacek) LFS 1943
2082 [Sonninia cf. substriata S.Buckm] Mid. oo (Discites z.) Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 Sonninia (Euhoploceras) substriata SB
2083 Witchellia sutneri (Braneo - "actinophora" SB) [Russelli (Worlsey M.S.) Mid. oo Dundry, Somerset See 25589, 25590
2084 Sonninia crassinada S.Buckm. Mid. oo Inf. (Witchellia z.) Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312
2085 Sonninia (Euhoploceras) dirensa S.Buckm. Mid. oo (Discites zone) Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 ? Coll.
2086 [Pseudoleoceras] elegans (G.RB.?) ? (J. Sow) U Lias Whitby, N.R.Yorks.
2087 [Echioceras aff. macdonelli (Portl.) Low Lias ?
2088 See ? ? Lias Leckhampton, Glos. [Tragophylloceras intracrustatum (Quenst.)] Tragophylloceras undulatum (Smith)
2089 Inf. oolite Chideock, Quarry Hill, Dorsetshire, 1"327 Lytoceras (?) sp.
2090 [Arietites cf. collenotia? (d'Orb.)] Eparietites aff. tenellus (Simpson) L. Lias Robin H Bay, N.R.Yorks 1"34
2091 [Aetomoceras] Agassiceras colesi (J.Buckm.) L. Lias Cheltenham, Glos.
2092 Nerinea fumiculata Cor. Rag Malton
2093 Chemnizia Mid Lias Cheltenham, Glos.
2095 Chemnizia vittata Cornbrash Scarbro two specimens re-reg. GSM 112905-6
2094 Delphinula Buckmani Minchinhampton. Glos. See 41814, Dr. Wright Coll. purchd from F.H. Butler 1886
2095 See above
2096 Chemnizia vittata Cornbrash Scarbro, N.R.Yorks
2097 Pleurotomania ornata Inf. oo Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312
2098 Modiola Cor Rag Malton Wright Coll.
2099 Gomomya ? scripta Cor Rag Malton Wright Coll.
2100 Pecten barbatus Inf. oo. Bradford Abbas, Dorset, 1"312
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2132 Turritella? fasciata Lam. London Cl Wimbledon, Surrey Presented by Messrs. WS. Crimp & CH. Cooper [D 55/33a MS addition Palaeont. Dept 1878 Cat [D 55/34 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat
2133 Fusinus wetherelli, Wrigley London Cl Wimbledon, Surrey Presented by Messrs. WS. Crimp & CH. Cooper See 4516 [D55/35a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat [D 55/111 MS alteration Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat
2134 Nummulina Prestwichiana Barton Whitecliff Bay Pres. by H. Keeping Esq
2135 Serpulorbis ornatus Bracklesham Bracklesham Purch. of J. Wood.
2136 Serpulorbis ornatus Bracklesham Bracklesham B. Holmes 1888
2137 Astarte tenera J.Sby. Thanet Sands Herne Bay B. Holmes 1888 [57/16a MS addition Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat. [57/3 MS alteration Palaetont. Dept. 1878 Cat.
2138 [Cytherea] Pitaria incurvata (Edwards) Thanet Sands Herne Bay B. Holmes 1888 ? Figd Lowry Thart. ? See 22288
2139 [Cardium] Nemocardium semigranulatum Thanet Sands Herne Bay B. Holmes 1888 1 soec. rereg. 100065
2140 Tellina sealaroides Thanet Sands Herne Bay B. Holmes 1888
2141 [Cardita] Venericardia (Venericor) planicosta Thanet Sands Herne Bay B. Holmes 1888 [57/23a MS addition in Palaeont. Dept. copy of 1878 Cat. [57/10 MS alteration in Palaeont. Dept. copy of 1878 Cat.
2142 Terebellum sopita Barton Barton Morris Collection
2143 Lingula Dumortier Cor Crag Sutton ? Purch. of B. Holmes [Lowry Collection on label (?1852)]
2144 Terebratula [bisinuata] bartonensis Muir-Ward London Cl Fareham, Hampshire Purch. of JW Elwes, 1887 7 specs now registered as 60051-7
2145 Cardium decorticatum Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2146 Ostrea princeps Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2147 Ostrea sp. Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2148 Pectunculus glycimeris Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2149 Terebratula grandis Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2150 Balamis (B) crenatus Balanus inclusus Darwin and Bruguière group of shells Cor. Crag Sudborne Purch of J Buckingham 1887
2151 Hornera rhomboidalis Cor. Crag Sudborne Pres by C Reid Esq
2152 Cellepora tubigera Cor. Crag ? Purch. of J. Buckingham
2153 Natica multipunctata Cor. Crag Gomer, Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2154 Serpula Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2155 Odostomia pellucida Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2156 Pleurotoma mitrula Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2157 Rissoa obsoleta Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2158 Chemnizia similis Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2159 Serpula Cor. Crag Broom, Gedgrave Pres by Clem, Reid Esq
2160 Venus casima Cor. Crag Gedgrave Purchased of J. Buckingham 1887
2161 Tellina donacina Cor. Crag Gedgrave Purchased of J. Buckingham 1887
2162 Temnechinus excavatus S. Wood Red Crag Boyton, Suffolk, 1"208 Purchased of J. Buckingham 1887 [1878 cat MS add XXIII 2/97a]
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
4473, 4474 Avicula contorta Rhaetic Lavernock, Penarth S. C. H. B. Woodward -
2163 Oxyrhina hastalis Agassiz Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860 Figd Newton, Pliocene Deposits, pl.IX, f.15a,b, p.106. See 52460
2164 Oxyrhina hastalis Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2165 Lamna contortidens Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2166 Lamna sp. Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2167 Lamna elegans Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2168 Carcharodon sulcidens Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2169 Otodus obliquus Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2170 Otodus obliquus Red Crag Suffolk Rickman Coll. 1860
2171 Myliobatis Red Crag Wanderingfield Pit Rickman Coll. 1860 See Newton, Pliocene Deposits p.110. See 52461-5.
2172 Myliobatis toliapicus Agassiz Red Crag Suffolk Woodbridge Pit Rickman Coll. 1860 Cit Newton Pliocene Vertebrata, p.109
2173 CEtobatis Red Crag Wanderingfield Pit Rickman Coll. 1860
2174 Edaphodon Red Crag Wanderingfield Pit Rickman Coll. 1860
2175 Raia antiqua Red Crag Wanderingfield Pit Rickman Coll. 1860
2176 Bubo maximus Cast Forest Bed E. Runton From Mr Savin's Collection Cast.
2177 Phoea vitatina? astragalus Forest Bed Overstrand From Mr Savin's Collection Cast.
2178 Lutra vulgaris Erxleben Forest Bed E. Runton From Mr Savin's Collection Cast. Original Figd Newton, 1887, Geol. Mag., pl.4, figs 1&2, p.145 Original Figd Newton, 1891, Vertebrata Pliocene Britain, Mem. Geol. Surv. pl.4, fig.16, p.11
2179 Spatula clypeata Forest Bed W. Runton From Mr Savin's Collection Cast.
2180 Gadus Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2181 Gadus aeglifinus? Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2182 Gadus sp A Cor. Crag Sudbourne Pres. by Clement Reid Figd E.T. Newton 1891 Mem Geol.S. Pliocene Vertebr. pl10 f.7
2183 Gadus ps - aeglifinus? Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2184 Gadus sp A Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2185 Chrysophrys Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2186 Chrysophyrs Red Crag Felixstowe Pres. by Clement Reid
2187 Anarhichas lupus Cor Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2188 Fish Cor Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2189 Fish teeth Cor Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2190 Cor Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2191 Cor Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clement Reid
2192 Selachian ossicle Cor Crag Sudbourne [?] Pres. by Clement Reid
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2193 Raia antiqua Cor. Crag Orford Pres. by Clem. Reid Esq.
2194 Raia antiqua Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clem. Reid Esq.
2195 Raia batis Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clem. Reid Esq.
2196 Raia ? Cor. Crag Gedgrave Pres. by Clem. Reid Esq.
2197 Delphinus uncidens Red Crag Felixstow Rickman Coll - 1860.
2198 Jet (Deried) F. Bed Norfolk Pres by Clem Reid
2199 Balaena affinis Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860.
2200 Vermetus Bognoriensis Land Clay Birdham Sc
2201 Balaenoptera definita Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2202 Halitherium Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2203 Halitherium Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2204 Mastodon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2205 Mastodon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2206 Cervus Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2207 Eucetus amblyrdon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2208 Eucetus amblyrdon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2209 Eucetus amblyrdon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2210 Eucetus amblyrdon Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2211 Globicephalus ? Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2212 Cervus dichramos Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2213 Cervus dichramos Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2214 Rhinoceros Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860 XVI 5 2 26
2215 Delphinus sp. 2 Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2216 Delphinus sp 1. Red Crag Felixstowe Rickman Coll - 1860
2217 Tubulipora inconstans A spinatus [?] Kings Sutton, Northpton Pres by C.A. Walford Esq
2218 Vertigo angustior Pleistocene Barnwell Pres by Rev C. S. Dewick 1888 a XXV 5/54.
2219 Helix ericetorum Pleistocene ? Barnwell Pres by Rev C. S. Dewick Reregistered 54935.
2220 Cepaea [Helix] nemoralis Pleistocene Barnwell Pres by Rev C. S. Dewick See 54941-3
2221 Bulimus montanus Pleistocene ? Barnwell Pres by Rev C. S. Dewick
2222 Succinea putris Pleistocene ? Barnwell Pres by Rev C. S. Dewick a XXV 5/52.
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2255 Unicardium cardinoides Mid ? Lias Coldport, Cheltenham, Glos Purch. of SS. Buckman
2256 Unicardium cardinoides Mid ? Lias Hewletts, Cheltenham, Glos Purch. of SS. Buckman
2257 Pholadomya Lias Cheltenham, Glos Purch. of SS. Buckman
2258 Trigonia costata Fullers Erth Pendomer, Yeovil, Som. Purch. of SS. Buckman
2259 Triconia Damoniana Portland Aylesbury, Bucks. Purch. of SS. Buckman
2260 [Aroides stutterdi W. Carruthers] Stichoporella stutterdi (W. Carruthers) Gt Oolite Cirencester, Glos. Purch. of SS. Buckman Figd W.N. Edward Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ? 10. ? I. p 79. PeIII fig 5. 1928
2261 Lima Mid Lias S. Petherton, Som, 1"312 Purch. of SS. Buckman
2262 Annelid Inf. Oolite Bradfd Abbas, Dorset, 1"312 Purch. of SS. Buckman
2263 Acrosalenia Wiltoni, Wright Gt Oolite Cirencester, Glos. Purch. of SS. Buckman
2264 Acrosalenia aff. Wiltoni & Lamarcki Forest Mar G.O Cirencester, Glos. Purch. of SS. Buckman See 43918-43922
2265 Equisetum Headon 1m. NW of Hordle Purch. of SS. Buckman
2266 Osteolepis microlepidotus Pander = O. panderi, Jarvik 1948 Devonian Thuso Purch. of Hewson 1887.
2267 Osteolepis microlepidotus Pander = O. panderi, Jarvik 1948 Devonian Thuso Purch. of Hewson 1887.
2268 Osteolepis microlepidotus Pander = O. panderi, Jarvik 1948 Devonian Thuso Purch. of Hewson 1887.
2269 Tel. coccosteus (cuspidatus) decipiens Devonian Thuso Purch. of Hewson 1887.
2270 Cypricardia intermedia Lias (Henleyi) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes per HBW. See also 92011
2271 Cypricardia intermedia Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes
2272 [Cardium truncatum] Protocardia truncata (J. de C. Sow) Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes See also 50008
2273 Pleuromya [imioides] costata, Young & Bird Lias (Henleyi) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes See also 50009
2274 Arca Stricklandi Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes
2275 [Ammonites Davei] Prodactylioceras davoei (J. Sowerby) Lower Lias, davoei z. Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes
2276 [Ammonites Holandri] Deroceras davoei (J.Sow.) U. Lias Hook Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Purchased of J Windoes See 22560-22562
2277 [Cardium truncatum] Peronoceras aculeatum? Peronoceras fibulatum S.B. ? J.Sow. Protocardia truncata (J. de C. Sow.) Lias (Henleyi) davoei z. Hook Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW. See also 92044
2278 Annelid Gt Oolite Wilton, Oxon Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW.
2279 Gresslya intermedia, Simpson Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Nort, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW.
2280 Pinna spathulata Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW.
2281 Arcomya concinna Lias (Margaritatus) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW.
2282 [Ceromya] Ceratomya gibbosa (Eth.) Oxon. Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW. 29.20 p113.
2283 Pecten Lias (Marg z) Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW.
2284 [Waldheimia Lycetti] Pseudoglossothyris banburiensis S. Buckman Up. Lias Bloxham, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW. See 49506
2285 [Am. capricornis] Androgynoceras aff. artigyrus (Brown) [cf. hybrida (d'Orb.] Lias Lower capricornus oz [striatulum z] davoei z. Chipping Norton, Oxon, 1"218 Presented by J Windoes Esq 1888 per HBW. See 23729
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2286 Euagassiceras halecis (J.Buckm.) Low. Lias Pebworth, Gloucester Pres by J Windoes Esq
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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
R 4507 to 4515 Ostracoda Carb Limest Northumberland S.C.
R 1556 Loxonema Unei? Carb Limest Northumberland S.C.
R 3343 Pleurolomaria Griffithii Carb Limest Northumberland S.C.
R 3702 Petalodus tripartitus Carb Limest Northumberland S.C.
R 4138 Petalodus clavatus Carb Limest Northumberland S.C.
2315 Rhynchonella Wilsonia cuboides (J de C Sow) Mid Devonian Lummaton, Torquay Pres. by E.B. Luxmoore Esq See 33400-1
2316 Macropoma mantelli Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIV 4/32a] MS add XV 2/5
2317 Shark, vertebra Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add 4/24a] MS add T/E 109
2318 [Beryx superbus] Berycopsis elegans, Dixon C. Patterson 1959 Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIV 5/7a] MS XV a3/19]
2319 Macropoma coprolite Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887
2320 [Belemnitella plena] Actinocamax primis Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIII 3/17a] MS XIII 4/3
2321 Notidanus microdon Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887
2322 Teredo amphisbaena Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 MS Cat 52/48
2323 [Drepanophorus] canaliculatus] [Cestracion] Fin spine of Heterodontid Shark C. Patterson 1968 Lower Chk Burham, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 MS 1878 add XIV a2/70a MS alt. T/E 74
2324 Notidanus microdon Lower Chk Burham Purch of J Wood 1887 MS 1878 add XIV a3/70B MS alt. T/E 125a
2325 Notidanus microdon Lower Chk Upper Allen, Essex Purch of J Wood 1887
2326 Crustacean Lower Chk Holiwell Cliff, Lewes, 1"319 Purch of J Wood 1887 Figured Dixon 1850 'Geology of Sussex' TAB XXXVIII fig.12. Cited Dixon 1850, p.345. as a "Grapsiform brachyure" [1878 cat add XIII 3/15b]
2327 [Beryx] Ctenothrissa microcephala (Agassiz) C. Patterson 1968 Lower Chk Cuxton, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIVa 4/57a] XVa 3/12 MS add.
2328 [Beryx ornatus] Ctenothrissa radians (Agassiz) Lower Chk Cuxton, Kent, 1"272 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIVa 5/4a] MS add. XV a3/18
2329 Edaphodon mantelli ? Up Chk Gravesend, Kent, 1"271 Purch of J Wood 1887
2330 [Beryx] Caproberyx superbus (Dixon) Chalk Gravesend, Kent, 1"271 Purch of J Wood 1887 [1878 cat add XIV a5/7B] MS add. XV a 3/21
2331 Cimolichthys lewesiensis Chalk Glynde, Sussex, 1"319 Purch of Charlesworth 18'? [1878 cat add XIV a5/70B] MS add. XV 5/33
2332 Fish jaw Chalk Glynde, Sussex, 1"319 Purch of Charlesworth 18'? [1878 cat add XIV a5/74] MS add XV a5/56
2333 [Dercetis elongatus] Chalk Nr Lewes 1"319 Purch of Charlesworth 18'? [1878 cat add XIV a5/70D] MS add XV a5/38
2334 Chalk Eastbourne 1"334 Purch of Charlesworth 18'? [1878 cat add XIV a2/37B] MS add T/E 19.
2335 Chalk Nr Lewes 1"319 Purch of Charlesworth 18'? ]1878 cat add XIV a2/37a] MS add T/E 18.
2336 Lower Chalk (Tott. Stone) Hitchen nr, Herts, 1"221 Pres. by W Hill Esq 1898 1878 cat add. XIII 3/15a
2337 Lower Chalk (Tott. Stone) Hitchen nr, Herts, 1"221 Pres. by W Hill Esq 1898
2338 Lower Chalk (Tott. Stone) Hitchen nr, Herts, 1"221 Pres. by W Hill Esq 1898
2339 Up Chalk Rickmansworth, Mx. Pres. by W Whitaker Esq
2340 Up Chalk Margate, Kent Pres. by A Jukes-Brown [specimens numbered in error.? 2339, now GSM 111354-6]
Last edit 5 months ago by CaitlinBedford
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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 192

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
2340 Pycnodus Chalk Charmouth, Dorest 1"327 From Stores
2341 Pycnodus Chalk Charmouth, Dorest 1"327 From Stores
2342 Pycnodus
2343 Ptychodus mammillaris Chalk Charmouth, Dorest 1"327 From Stores
2344 Notidanus microdon U GP. From Stores
2345 Enchodus halcyon Gault Folkstone, Kent From Stores
2346 Otodus appendiculatus Gault Folkstone, Kent From Stores
2347 Lamna subulata Gault Folkstone, Kent From Stores
2348 Holaster rotundus Jukes-Browne Lower Chalk Louth, Lincoln Figd. Jukes-Browne, Q. J.G.S. Vol. XLIV, (1888), PC. XII, figs. 1 & 2, des. pp. 364-6. Pres. by W. Hill Esq. XIII 3/17a
2349 Holaster rotundus Jukes-Browne Lower Chalk Louth, Lincoln Figd. Jukes-Browne, ibid PC. XII, fig. 3, des. pp. 364-6. Pres. by W. Hill Esq. XIII 3/17a
2350 Holaster rotundus Jukes-Browne Lower Chalk Speeton Figd. Jukes-Browne ibid PC. XII, figs. 4-6, des. pp. 364-6. Pres. by W. Hill Esq. XIII 3/16a
2351 Cervus astragalus Forest Bed E Runton Figd. Jukes-Browne ibid PC. XII, figs. 4-6, des. pp. 364-6. Clement Reid
2352 Cetotherium dubium Red Crag Felixstow Figd. Jukes-Browne ibid PC. XII, figs. 4-6, des. pp. 364-6. HB. Woodward
2353 Delphinus Red Crag Suffolk Figd. Jukes-Browne ibid PC. XII, figs. 4-6, des. pp. 364-6. HB. Woodward
2354 Mesopiloceras hornei [Piloceras invaginatum] Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. To be figd. by Dr R. H. Flower New Mexico Bureau of Mines Memoir (10?) pt 10 D 3/49
2355 Orthoceras baculoides? Blake Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/49
2356 Orthoceras vertebrale Salt Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/35
2357 Orthoceras vertebrale Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/44
2358 Orthoceras sp. Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S.
2359 Cyclonema Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. Lost in transfer to Mrs. Longstaff. F.L.K., Jan, 5, 1920. D 3/23
2360 Murchisonia Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. Lost in transfer to Mrs. Longstaff. F.L.K., Jan, 5, 1920. D 3/15
2361 Maclurea sp. operculum Jh. 1919 Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/30
2362 Maclurea Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/29
2363 Maclurea [Peachii] sp. Salt. Jh. 1919 Low Llandeilo Strath, Skye Pres by Dr A Geike F.R.S. D 3/24
2364 Elephas antiquus Forest B Overstrand Purchased of Fox, Jetty Rd Cromer
2365 Elephas antiquus Forest B Overstrand Purchased of Fox, Jetty Rd Cromer
CR1101 Astarte borealis P. Pliocene Dimlington Coll by C Reid -
CR1103 Astarte compressa P. Pliocene Dimlington Coll by C Reid -
CR1105 Astarte crebricostata P. Pliocene Dimlington Coll by C Reid -
CR1102 Astarte elliptica P. Pliocene Dimlington Coll by C Reid -
CR1104 Astarte elliptica P. Pliocene Dimlington Coll by C Reid -
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