


Status: Page Status Needs Review

register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 125

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
228 Turbo apertus, Blake Portland Stone I of Portland, Dorset Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
229 Turbo apertus, Blake Portland Stone I of Portland, Dorset Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
230 Turbo apertus, Blake Portland Stone I of Portland, Dorset Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
231 Vermicularia polygonalis Low. Green ? Atherfield, I.O.W. Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
232 Turritella vibrayeana Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
233 Sealaria clementina Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
234 Cerithium Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
235 Toxoceras Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
236 [Rostellaria] Andara? carinata Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884 [MS add to 1878 43/75a]
237 Pseudodiadema? H.L.H. Gault Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884 XI 4?/41A
238 Ischyodus mafilla? Low? Chalk Lewes, Sussex Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
239 Cidaris in flint Chalk ? Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884 In series ? flint formation
240 Corax heretodon, ? Chalk Dover, Kent Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
241 ? Chalk Dover, Kent Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
242 Cone in cone Up. Lias Whitby, N.R. Yorks. Pres. by G. Wertendarp Esq 17 May 1884
243 Bos [primigenius?] not to come from ?
?? 154
246 Hemiaster Brauderianus London Clay Oak Hill, Hampstead Pres. by. W.H. Bartlett Esq 26 June 84 [XVIII 3/15B[XVIII 2/8 MS additions Palaeont. Dept. 1878 Cat.
244 Leperditia Silestones Ludlow Rd, Salop From stores, See also 33259
245 [Discina ungata?] [Up. Ludlow] Cleobury Rejected See 16837-40 (not fossil)
247 Fish jaw Silestones Shobdon Part of 26/35
251 Equus stenonis? Forest Bed Kessingland Cast from Mr Backhouse's specimen
252 Rhinoceras Etruscus Forest Bed Corton Cliff Cast - Mr Colman's specimen
253 Canis lupus Forest Bed E. Runton Cast - Mr Savin's specimen
254 Phalacrocorax carbo Forest Bed W. Runton Cast - Mr Banker's specimen
248 Bison priscus skull & horn Inter glacial Kelsey Hill Pres. by. J. Freeman Esq. 14.5.84.
249 Bison priscus Inter glacial Kelsey Hill Pres. by. J. Freeman Esq. 14.5.84.
250 Trichechus ?? penis? Inter glacial Kelsey Hill Pres. by. J. Freeman Esq. 14.5.84.

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