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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
408 Strophodus magnus Gt. oolite Wilts Cunnington Coll.
409 Strophodus reticulatus Ox Clay Peterborough Stores 29 Specs rereg.75452-80
410 Strophodus subreticulatus G. oolite Peterborough Porter Coll
411 Strophodus tenuis G. oolite Peterborough Porter Coll
412 Strophodus sp. G. oolite Peterborough Porter Coll
413 Strophodus ep. Forest marble Wilts Stores
414 {Hypodus sp. teeth; Sargodon sp. tooth; Saurichthys [Birgeria] acuminatus L. Agassiz, tooth; Gytolepis sp. or spp. scales; ?Dalatias bamstonesis Sykes, teeth;- Acrodus minimus L. Agassiz} Rhaetic, Bone Bed Axminster, Devon 1"326 Stores Some picked specimens labelled GSM414a-j. Half of specimen broken down in Acetic acid and picked for fish teeth, October 1971
415 Acrodus nobilis Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Stores
416 Ceratodus polymorphus Rhaetic Aust Passage Stores
417 Ischyodus Egertoni Oxford Standground Porter Collection
418 Ischyodus Egertoni ? Kimeridge Weymouth, Dorset Stores
419 Coccolepis andrewsi Purbeck Teffont Pres. Rev. W.R. Andrews 3/2/4/38
X4802 Nemacanthus monilifer Rhaetic, Bone Bed Penarth, Glamorgan Survery Collection
420 Pholidophorus Bechei L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/4] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/15]
421 Pholidophorus Bechei L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/3] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/14]
422 Pholidophorus Bechei L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen [1878 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/1] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/12]
423 Pholidophorus Bechei L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased 3/?
424 Pholidophorus Bechei L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased 3/? 3/1 ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/2] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/13]
425 Pholidophoroides crenulata (Egerton) [Pholidophorus crenulatus] L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/9] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/18]
426 [Pholidophorus crenulatus] L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Reregistered as GSM 112726, 112727
427 [Pholidophorus crenulatus] ? L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen 1877 ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/6] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/17]
428 Pholidophoroides limbata (L. Agassiz) [Pholidophorus limbatus] L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen 1877 ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/12] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/22]
429 Pholidophorus pachysomus L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/16] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/25]
430 Pholidophorus pachysomus L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased 8/. ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/41] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/9]
431 Pholidophorus sp. L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Stores ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/21] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/31]
432 Pholidophorus ? L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/23] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/5/33]
433 Leptolepis caudalis? L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen

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