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Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
434 Leptolepis sp. Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased
435 Leptolepis ? Low Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Lord Enniskillen
436 Ophiopsis penicillatus Purbeck Swanage, Dorset Day Coll.
437 Pleuropholis formosa A.S.W. [attenuatus] Purbeck Teffont Pres W.R. Andrews MA 3/2/5/25?
438 Liparoceras striatum (Bechiceras) gallicum spath figulinium LFS? Low. Lias Charmouth, Dorset 1"327 Purchd Robt Hunter Gn. Am. Bed
439 [Amaltheus rotula (Reinecke) Amaltheus aff. amaltheus (Schlotheim) LFS. 1942 (Reinecke) margantatus 3. Golden Cap, Dorset 1"327 Purchd Robt Hunter 3 Tiers, of Day?
440 Tragophylloceras Loscombi (J.Sow.) LFS. 1942 ?3. Lower Lias Charmouth, Dorset 1"327 Purchd Robt Hunter Green Am. Bed
441 Androgynoceras laticosta? (J. de C. Sow.) Charmouth, Dorset 1"327 Purchd Robt Hunter, Ref.Esc III Green Am. Bed
442 [Chelone] Rhinocelys Benstedi (Mantell) J.I. Collins 1970 Low Chalk Folkestone, Kent 1"305 Cited. J.I. Collins 1970, Palaeontology Vol-13, part.3. p.374. Purchased of Griffiths 1884 1878 Cat. XIV 6/31a
443 Equus metatarsal Pleistocene, fissures in rock Portland, Dorset Purchased A. Wallis
444 Equus phalanx Pleistocene, fissures in rock Portland, Dorset Purchased A. Wallis
445 Elephas calcaneum? Forest Bed Cromer, Norfolk Presented by C. Reid
446 Elephas meridionalis Nesti Forest Bed Mundesley Presented by C. Reid 1884 [XVII/3/2/18
447 Elephas antiquus Forest Bed Runton, Norfolk Presented by C. Reid
448 Cervus calcaneum Forest Bed Runton, Norfolk Presented by C. Reid
449 Cervus (axis vert.) Forest Bed Runton, Norfolk Presented by C. Reid
450 calcaneum Forest Bed Runton, Norfolk Presented by C. Reid
Equus Norwich Crag Thorpe Collected by J.H. Blake 13.
451 [Eugnathus] orthostomus Agassiz L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Stores ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/48?] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/4/8]
452 [Eugnathus] sp. L. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Purchased Mander 1878 ['Old' MS. Cat. 2/2/5/50?] [1904 MS. Cat. 2/2/4/10]
453 Leptolepis Low Purbeck Wockley Quarry Coll. H?W. ? Esq
454 Leptolepis macropthalmus Egerton Oxford ? Christian Malford, Wilts. 1"265 Cunnington Coll. 3 specimens re-reg'd. GSM 113433-5
455 Leptolepis macropthalmus Oxford ? Christian Malford, Wilts. 1"265 Cunnington Coll. one specimen re-reg'd. GSM 113430
456 Leptolepis macropthalmus Oxford ? Christian Malford, Wilts. 1"265 Cunnington Coll. one specimen re-reg'd. GSM 113431
457 Leptolepis macropthalmus Oxford ? Christian Malford, Wilts. 1"265 Cunnington Coll.
458 Leptolepis Brodiei Low Purbeck Durlstone Bay, Dorset Stores one specimen re-reg'd. GSM 113432
459 Dapedium [=orbicularis Morris] politum Leach Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Stores [1878 Cat 2/2/2/14 - 1904 Cat. 2/2/3/3]
460 Dapedium [=confluens Morris] politum Leach Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Stores [1878 Cat 2/2/2/5 1904 Cat. 2/2/3/14]
461 Dapedium pholidotum Agassiz Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Enniskillen Coll. Purch'd [1878 Cat 2/2/3/7 1904 Cat. 2/2/3/12]
462 Dapedium radiatum Agassiz Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Enniskillen Coll. Purch'd [1904 MS. Cat 2/2/3/15 ? 1878 Cat. 2/2/3/9]
463 Dapedium [=orbicularis Morris] politum Leach Low. Lias Lyme Regis, Dorset Enniskillen Coll. [1878 Cat 2/2/3/5; 1904 Cat. 2/2/3/9] Treated with vinyl acetate June 1948

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