



Status: Complete

register-page-number-usually-in-top-right-corner: 167

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
1577 [Pentacrinus] [Isocrinus cretaceus (Leymerie) (=filtoni)] W. Rasmussen 1967 Nielsencrinus cretaceus (Leymerie) W. Rasmussen 1961 Gault Folkestone 1"305 Price Collection purchased 1886 Figd W.H. Rasmussen 1961, Monograph of Cretaceous Crinoidea, pl.12, fig 6. cited p 101. cited
1578 [Serpula] Parsimonia antiquata (J deC Sowerby) AAM 1975 Gault Bed X Folkestone 1"305
1579 Vermicularia polygonalis
1580 [Vermicularia sp.] Proliserpula sp. cf ampullacea (J. deC Sowerby) Gault Bed XI Folkestone
1581 [Pollicipes] Cretiscalpellum unguis (J de.C. Sowerby) Gault Bed XI Folkestone see also GSM 112554-112561
1582 [Pollicipes] Pycnolepas rigidus XI (J.de.C.Sow) Gault Bed XII Greensand seam Folkestone see also GSM 112562
1583 Pollicipes sp. Arcoscalpellum arcuatum (Darwin) Gault Bed VIII Folkestone see also GSM 112563, decomposed 14.6.40 Rb.
1584 Hoploparia see also GSM 112440, 112441
1585 Etyus martini Mantell Gault Bed IX Folkestone see also GSM 112470, 112471, 112472
1586 [Palaeocorystes] Eucorystes Broderipii (Mantell) Gault Bed III Folkestone see also GSM 112483-112486
1587 Crustacean Gault Bed I Folkestone
1588 Crustacean see also (MR) 108226, 108227, 108228
1589 Terebratula biplicata Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 110452-110454
1590 Terebratula biplicata Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 Loaned to MRD.V Gerrish @ DR Woodlands request 12.5.67 NOT returned. [1878 cat add. 41/8a]
1591 Kingena lima Defiance Gault Bed XI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also 110449, 110450, 110451 [1878 cat add. 41/1a]
1592 [Anomia] Ostrea cf papyracea Sinzow Gault Bed VII Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also 111479-111484
1593 bed 1. Gault Bed I Folkestone, Kent, 1"305
1594 Exogyra [haliotoidea] obliquata (Pulteney) =conica (J.Sow) Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 20872-3 [1878 Cat add. 41/14a]MS alt. 41/81
1595 [Ostrea frons] Rastellum 1. [Lopha colubima (Lamarck)] Gault Bed I Folkestone, Kent, 1"305
1596 Anomia sigillina? Gault Bed see also GSM 111478, 111572
1597 [Pycnodonte vesicularis (Lamarck)] Exogyrine oyster ? Gryphaeostrea Gault Bed X Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 111573-6
1598 Pycnodonte sp. on Montonithyris sp. Gault Bed XI Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 111578
1599 Aucellina coquandiana auctt? Gault Bed XII see also GSM 111577, decomposed 14.6.40 Rb.
1600 [Avicula gryphoides] Aucellina coquandiana d'Orbigny auctt? Gault Bed XII see also GSM 21087-8
1601 [Avicula sp.] Pycnodonte (phygraea) sp. see also GSM 111591-111594
1602 [Avicula sp.] Anomia Gault Bed II Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 111595
1603 Pinna subtetragona Gault Bed II see also GSM 111599-111604
1604 [Gervillia solenoides] Ensigervilleia Forbesiana (d'Orbigny) Gault Bed III Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 111596-8
1605 [Perna] Isognomon raulianus (d'Orbigny) Gault Bed II Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also 12638 GSM 111609 Figured Woods 1905, Mon Pal. Soc, Vol II, pl. XII, Fig.8. [1878 cat add 41/48a] [MS alt. 41/59]
1606 Inoceramus concentricus Gault Bed IV Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also GSM 111605-111608 [1878 cat add. 41/39a] [MS alt 41/48]
1607 [vai] subsulcatus wilts. Inoceramus [concentricus Park] N.W. Folkestone, Kent, 1"305 see also 21153, 21154 [1878 cat add. 41/44a]

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