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Register page number (usually in top right corner): 207

Reg. no Specimen name Formation Locality Provenance Notes
3246 Polyzoa te Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent Pres. by W Gamble Esq
3247 Bourgueticrinus ellipticus (Miller) K W Rasmussen 1957 Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent see also 93209-22
3248 Porosphoera globularis Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent [MS cat XIV 2/78]
3249 Entalophora horrida Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3250 Polyzoa Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3251 Serpula granulata Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3252 Serpula turbinella Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3253 Serpula sp. Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3254 [Vermicularia] Serpula ampullacea? Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3255 Serpula ilium Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3256 Eggs of Fish? Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3257 [Thanmospongia]? Pharetrospongia sp. Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent see also slide reg PF 4453 [MS cat XIV 6/73]
3258 [Sponge?] Plinthosella squamosa Zittel Upper chalk Nr. Chatham, Kent
3259 Serpula [quadrilatera] canteriata Hay Upper chalk Trimmingham, Norfolk Pres. by Clem.Reid Esq. [MS cat XIV 5/65]
JR 3116 Defrancia? Upper chalk SE of Aldenham Ch SC
JR 2710 Diastopora Upper chalk W of Cookham Ch SC
JR 3157 Diastopora Upper chalk Watford Tunnel SC
JR 3188 Diastopora Upper chalk Watford Tunnel SC
JR 3095 Stomatopora ramea W of Harefield Ch. SC
JR 3139 Entalophora Upper chalk Watford SC
JR 3161 Entalophora horrida Upper chalk Watford tunnel SC
JR 3162 Entalophora horrida Upper chalk Watford tunnel SC
JR 3164 Entalophora clavata Upper chalk Watford tunnel SC
JR 3165 Entalophora obliqua Upper chalk Watford tunnel SC
JR 3167 Entalophora raripora Upper chalk Watford tunnel SC
JR 3081 Entalophora obliqua Upper chalk S of West Hyde SC
JR 3155 Diastopora Upper chalk S of West Hyde SC
JR 3154 3 Escharina intricata 2 Marginaria Upper chalk S of West Hyde SC
JR 3156 Escharina Upper chalk S of West Hyde SC
JR 3160 Escharina inelegans Upper chalk S of West Hyde SC
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