



Sept 5, 1945

Dear Mother:

I believe this will be quite a long letter. Censorship has been lifted so I can tell you a few things. The rest will have to wait until I get home for it takes too much explaining. First we will get to the question you have been asking so often lately. The ship was hit again on May 4th the 3rd your time. We were on the other side of the date line so a day ahead. We had dead and wounded, but it is not necessary to mention numbers now, I was not hurt. We went to Pearl Harbor for repairs. Were there all of June and July. We are now back at Okinawa. Everything is quiet now that the war is over. What we will do now I don't have the slightest idea.

I have already written you once about the point system we have but I'll repeat it incase the letter went astray. We have a system similar to that of the army. I have 33 for

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months in service, 29 for months over-seas, 45 for battle stars, nine in all, and 10 for two Purple hearts. That make 117 in all. We need 85, and also a relieve and transportation to the States. By a relieve I mean a man to take my place on the ship. Things will all work out in time but I don't have any idea now just how long it will take. We are making every effort to get off. I'll keep you posted.

I have been thinking as I write this of many more things to write such as what we have done since we left the States but I think I'll save it and spread it over the next few letters.

You asked if I knew a girl from 47th St. Named Lynch. I don't know her but I do know her brother and sister. Not to well. I don't believe I ever mentioned him in my letters. You also said Mary's mother had hurt herself. Please express to May my deepest sympathy. I'll try to write her myself in the next few

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days. Its too bad such things have to happen to people who are always so nice to everyone.

Well I guess I'll end this for tonight. I don't know when we will move or where to, so don't worry if you don't hear from me from time to time.

Give my best to all. Hope you had better weather on the second half of your vacation than you did on the first part, and had lots more fun.

Your loving son Georgie

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rec'd Sept 21st

Last edit over 5 years ago by bjwillis
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