


Status: Complete

Block sequence
It is a voyage of tedium
Music of the sea—Mr. Bland's tedious drop.
Terrestial blocks
Mr. Bland misses the boat

Did he expect to find someone outside the boat opening + closing heavy lead doors as he was pitched and tossed about his bunk? No. But someone or something was hammering on the outisde of the hull well bleow the water line. But he was told by a crew member with what he thought was a smile. But there were more insistant worries, what if the engine stopped This thought made it hard to concentrate on his project. For Mr. Bland had determined that rather than put his case to [mankind] in general he would sidestep the whole process by burying himself in the depths of the ocean. Not his body but excerpts from his memory banks. Cut out of granite & dropped in the ocean. Take something from one place on earth and return it to another location. Dig granite from the earth, cut designs + text upon it and return it to an opposite location—the bottom of the ocean

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