




Mr. Bland is not an adventurous person but he is at at sea this moment because of this dream. Now a reality dream, quite a different sleeping potion required for such difficult dream worlds. The sea has no interest in thoughts or actions of those [?] or by back. Mr. Bland leaves his calling card in the dark tranquil basement of the sea. An abyss she jealously guards with giant waves and life shattering storms. Mr. Bland the supplicant asked for permission but he was not heard. For no sign was given.

7/5/86 Work day brought 8 blocks to the deck — dropped #14 — video from dingy. The endurance test for Mr. bBand. The sea — traveling across the ocean at walking speed. Slow down one's perceptions! Adjust to its rhythm. One block per day.


One hundred miles per day


Last edit over 4 years ago by bpendercudlip
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Last edit over 4 years ago by bpendercudlip


Cloud seem from Fridhem 7/5/86 9PM

Cloud in the shape of Mr. Bland. Fragmentation of images—broken mirror? A while broken into pieces but the pieces put back together do not combine to form the original whole. A life is really a collection of fragments—the fragments d not add up to whole. Always missing parts. Are the blocks the missing parts? Observe a thing ~ you can only perceive part of object rest hidden perhaps unknowable.

use grid start with drawings meandering along [?] rather (my life) meandering diffused

Mr. Bland young abusers an absurd life no rhyme or reason all separate perhaps some meaning together—no meaning

Last edit over 4 years ago by bpendercudlip
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Last edit over 4 years ago by bpendercudlip


A helpless cry for help. Each separate block unrelated to rest. A collage together. Their reality only in themselves. Each block a separate entity the string has no meaning. a unit about teach block their gap oceans - 100 miles audio - I did it + then forgot a unit about next blocks

each block a thing in itself - done + forgotten each block sequence

Blank I rewatch it then forget each a separate / compartmentalization a cubic cell the irony of existence pervades it all. Endless waiting at the bottom. Endless waiting at the top.. Offer up the self to time. Cut off anticipation the only life is now - Return to this [moment] only. The block may still be falling. I can not hear it but however. But they are gone buried in the ooze. Fragmented memories - not a narrative or life not real life, more the fantasies of an unfulfilled life. Largely unrelated musings on what is or might have been. Each would be memory isolated from rest of [?] each a concentration of an

Last edit over 4 years ago by bpendercudlip
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