Recent Activity by CandiMH

CandiMH added a note to VMIUK_060 in Various Monument Inscriptions, United Kingdom in Cemetery Transcriptions Manuscript 1650-2000 Indexing, UK Monuments (Public), saying “This page is not blank ”Note Added
CandiMH transcribed 214 in Council Minutes Book E in Charlottesville City Council MinutesPage Transcribed
CandiMH transcribed 102 in Estate of Major General G.F.C. Bray - Correspondence and Records, 1883-1884 in The Papers of Solicitors J. M. Shugar and A. W. Vaisey, 1850-1914Page Transcribed
CandiMH edited gcls_SN_011a in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Edited
CandiMH edited gcls_SN_011a in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Edited
CandiMH reviewed gcls_SN_011a in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Reviewed
CandiMH marked gcls_SN_011a as needing review in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Needs Review
CandiMH edited gcls_SN_011a in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Edited
CandiMH edited gcls_SN_011a in V. 3 No. 11 - The Slater News in Slater NewsPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Supply charges for Kentucky Volunteers, 1794 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH marked Page 1 as needing review in Supply charges for Kentucky Volunteers, 1794 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Needs Review
CandiMH reviewed 3 in Photographic records, descriptions and criminal histories of prisoners executed - HM Gaol/Prison, Brisbane (Boggo Road) 1883-1913 (ITM2947) in Photographic records, descriptions and criminal histories of prisoners - HM Gaol/Prison, Brisbane (Boggo Road)Page Reviewed
CandiMH marked Page 1 as needing review in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Needs Review
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Magendie's Physiology medical publication, February 1822 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH marked Page 1 as needing review in Resolution from Kentucky's Congress regarding payments to the widows and orphans of War of 1812 soldiers, 20 January 1816 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Needs Review
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Resolution from Kentucky's Congress regarding payments to the widows and orphans of War of 1812 soldiers, 20 January 1816 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Resolution from Kentucky's Congress regarding payments to the widows and orphans of War of 1812 soldiers, 20 January 1816 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Resolution from Kentucky's Congress regarding payments to the widows and orphans of War of 1812 soldiers, 20 January 1816 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH edited Page 1 in Resolution from Kentucky's Congress regarding payments to the widows and orphans of War of 1812 soldiers, 20 January 1816 in Resurrecting the First American WestPage Edited
CandiMH added a note to page_0013 in Lydia_Gay_Diary in Diaries, saying “Could it possibly Mrs Haskings?”Note Added
CandiMH described metadata in stefansson-wrangel-09-06-070 in Collating Wrangel Island: Inhabiting the ‘Uninhabitable’, 1900-1930Described Metadata