San Francisco, Cal, Nov. 15th 1852
My very dear Love.
By this time I suppose
you are fully at work in the scientific
pursuits of the Neusselau Institute; & I hope
you find there as much to your taste,
and yourself as much adapted to their
ready acquisition, as was the prospect that
you would be the case when in your earlier
boyhood you were there.
I trust you executed successfully
& handsomely the pleasant task of
taking your cousin Louise to Clarkson,
& that you had a pleasant visit
among your friends in that quarter.
I, a few days since, visited
the quicksilver mine & works at New
Almaden near San Jose (pronounced
Hosay) about 62 miles south of San Francisco.
The cinnabar is found near the
top of a mountain in entirely irregular
veins, beds, wasses [washes] & leads, there are about
1 3/4 to 2 1/2 miles of shafts, chambers, adits,
tunnels & other subterranean passages,
running up & down, hither & thither, in all
possible directions, cutting up the interior
of the mountain into a honey-comb char-
[written sideways in left margin and a the top of the page]
I shall endeavor to Write Eva by evry [every] mail. My mind is
fully made
up to have
Auther &
Ellen join
me, if
inhertant [inherent]
shall prevent
I hope
will find
all right
with you
& Hacassy –
that you
& he
her coming
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