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foretaste of what we had to expect, got through safe however and
arrived at Camp "Mauvaisterie" at 4 Oclock [O'clock] making to day 20 miles, 11 Oclock [O'clock] at night
now on guard, heigh ho [heigh-ho] I wish it wasnt [wasn't] me on account of those I left
behind me. 29th This morning at 7 Oclock [O'clock] the bugle sounded
the advance and merrily we rolled on till 11 Oclock [O'clock] A.M when we
reached Jacksonville. Astornillea the material with the promptness and
celerity of our movements, moved today on "college hill" west of the
City, opposite the Deaf dumb asylum, we were much interested
with the play of the Deaf mutes male & female they all seemed to be very
happy the girls as usual were all talking at once, this institution is
a noble charity, honorable to state, and worthy of all commendation.
the building is a fine large brick most delightfully situated.

Arrived at Camp "Watson" (so called from my having located it when
the rest of the Co. could not agree upon a proper place) til 3 1/2 Oclock [O'clock]
pitched tents and went out to shoot squirrels. Wound up with a concert
very pleasant evening feet getting very sore. Made 17 miles

30th Started at the usual time, this day has been a very laborious
one upon men & mules. it would be impossible for me to describe the
difficulties of the way, we had to pull our wagons through some sloughs
Caused by back water from the Ills. [Illinois River] to day proved 14 men better
than 5 mules. we took our mules out of the wagon and pulled
it out of the mud, the country today has been very hilly Today and
land poor in places. Arrived at Camp "Naples" at 5, OClock [O'clock], making 17
miles. Prospects for crossing river very bad, and no hay for our mules

31 This morning we rolled our wagons we rolled our wagons on
the ferry boat, wind high, causing considerable anxiety about the result
boat returned about 4 oclock [o'clock] reported all landed safe. Lay round
Camp all day, a seasonable rest for all hands. Shot at a mark across the
river struck a tree three times in succession 1/4 miles. Expect to

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