



Status: Indexed

15 took breakfast at Hettys [Hetty's] dinner at home supper a [paper torn] other
Julia stayed all night with me. 16 went home with Julia done some
shoping [shopping] spent the afternoon with Mrs. Fisher stayed all night
at Mothers dreamed that my husband had come home. 17 at
Mothers untill [until] after dinner come got supper ate alone kissed
the little dear went to bed. 18 at home got dinner Melly stayed all
night dreamed of husband. 19 put in a quilt for the cradle
done some quilting Melly stayed all night. 20 quilting all
day Julia come up to help me went over to Hets [Het's] stayed a while kiss the boy.

21 done some washing and Ironing the cars come up for the first
time I went down to Mothers stayed all night. 22 at Mothers
all day Welly quite sick all day got som [some] better kissed Welly to bed.

23 went out shoping [shopping] with Mother made some calls came home
after dinner went with Hettie to see the cars come in. 24 at home
went over to Hettys [Hetty's] come home kissed Welly to bed dreamed of my
husband. 25 at home Hetty come over Julia stayed all night
with Hetty. 27 come home from Hettys done my washing got
supper at home alone kissed the boy to bed dreamed of my husband.

28 done my Ironing went down to Mothers to stay all night. 29
at Mothers all day. 30 at Mothers came up home went out shoping [shopping]
stayed all night at Mothers. 31 Walter took a cariage [carriage] of
family out blackberring [blackberrying] we stayed all day (I stayed all night)
at Mothers. August 1 the morning at Emalines [Emaline's] Mr Ives
and family called and took Welly an [and] I riding come home
Melly stayed all night. 2 at home Emaline spent the
afternoon got supper kissed your boy to bed.

Dear you will say that I go to Mothers every day but I cannot

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