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[upper right] 3.

to die" ... one of ^ the Miners went into a shop the other day
bought a watch for $200. went to the door and took
up a rock and broke it all to pieces to see what
it was made of "so he said." They think nothing of
losing a thousand in gambling in the evening, and I
heard a gambler boasting the other morning that last
night he won $5000. last night from the damned miners "so much
for the morals of San Francisco" ... And now as regards
business in San Francisco, Every thing looks dark. The
speculation spirit up to its highest point and done
up in real eastern style. New Cities are being laid
out, and lots offered for sale ranging from 3.00 to
$5000. according to persons who wish to purchase.

Lots in this city "for stores are selling at from $10,000.
to 20,000. each but not many to be sold, at even those
prices. Rents are enormous. To lease a lot say 20
by 60, the price would be from $800 to $1600. a Month,
and then you have to build your own house. Lots
since I arrived (which was 3 weeks ago last Monday) have
risen 25%. A small house ... say 12 x 20 ... will rent
at $300 a Month ^ or 3600 a year and I do not Know of one in
the whole city to rent now. Never before did I ever
hear of that. Money would not purchase a shelter for
a man to sleep" but tis the fact here. The Parker House
which is about 26 by 50, two stories rents now for
Eighty thousand dollars a year and tis not furnished

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