[centered] The Quaker Wedding
1 ... The moon was fair, the sun was bright,
And round him shone the rays of light,
Which spread abroad with briliant hue,
Oar [O'er] the etherial spase of blue,
This pleasant day they did appoint,
To tie the knot and lock the joint,
Between Joseph __ Young and Mary Sweet,
And make there happiness complete.
The house was thronged by old and young,
But no one dared to use his tongue,
But sat in silent sollem gloom,
With trembling steps and hanging head,
His bride he to the alter led,
They took their seats then side by side,
All eyes directed to the bride.
Sometimes she blushed, sometimes looked pale,
Sometimes her breath would allmost fail
Sometimes her sparkling eyes were dry,
And then a tear would wet her eye.
They sat till two half hours had fled,
And then they rose with hanging head,
First Joseph grasping Mary hand,
Before the people took his stand,
Said he I take the [thee] for my wife,
And will remain as long as life,
A husband affectionate and true,
And a kind friend Ile be to you,
As long as life, till Death shall part,
Thou shall have both my hand and heart,
Then Mary trembling with fear,
With a modest blush behind his ear,
Said to Joe the man to her mind,
I take the [thee] for my husband kind,
Ile be a true affectionate wife,
Till the last moment of my life,
2 ... Thou shall have both my hand and heart,
Till the last spark of life depart,
This being done they both sat down,
A long half hour again went round,
At length all rose with one accord,
But no one said a single word
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