But is the well, and how does the do,
And then shook hands till all withdrew,
There was no wine to chear the pair,
No songs to echo through the air,
No bridle dress too great display,
But bonnets all the colour of clay,
And broad rimed hats with little crowns,
And red snuff cats [coats?] and flour grey gowns,
There was no priest the pair to join,
Only the covenant they must sign,
The marriage done the people spread,
And to there homes there way they sped,
Some took the pond and some the shore
And sung the Quaker wedding's oer,
[on right] LP Perlin.
The marriage sermon above versified was _ _ _
performed at Winthrop at the Friends Meeting house
near the eastern shore of the Winthrop great pond,
[on right] March, 3 1828.
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