Edwin Fitzgerald

Seven letters from Edwin Fitzgerald in California to his wife, Frank (Frances), in Thomaston, Maine. All written in 1859. ** Please note that historical materials in the Gold Rush Collections may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period, but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.




George R Fitzgerald born April 12th 1859 about 1/2 10 oclock [10:30 o'clock]

Newyork New York May 7 1859

dier [dear] Frank I take this opurtunity [opportunity] to in form [inform] you what I en [am] about I hav [have] just baught [bought] my ticket on the Grinada Stearieg [steerage] 85 dolars [dollars] the boat of the 5th M Tailor tickets 100 dolars [dollars] so you per siev [perceive] that I could not go in her none of the Whitefield Boys hav [have] cum [come] I should hav [have] writen [written] sooner but could not make up my mind what to do before there are sevrel [several] Maine boys going on the boat so I shall not be alone I hav [have] not mutch [much] time to spare shell [shall] hav [have] to cloz [close] I em [am] well take good care of yower self [yourself] and the and the childrne [children] gev [give] my love to all enquiring friends

[written in left margin]

I remain your afectionate [affectionate]

Edwin Fitzgerald

Last edit 7 months ago by California State Library


Sanfransisco San Francisco June 3 1859

dier [dear] Frank I take this opurtunity [opportunity] let you know that I em [am] well and hope this ma [may] find you and the children the same dier [dear] Frank I write in hast [haste] for I hav [have ] just let my self [myself] to a man to pick strawberys [strawberries] at 1 dolar [dollar] per day and found to git [get] money to get out of the City with I hav [have] to at fore and it is now half past three dont [don't] you wish you had some berreys [berries] they are as big as your thumb how are you and the Children Ciss [Kiss] little Georg for me how I would like to see you all we areved [arrived] here yasturday [yesterday] morning all well and safe if I had money I should go rite [right] up to the menes [mines] but I must work and git [get] some there is not mutch [much] duing [doing] here at present I want to here [hear] from you write as soon as you git [get] this direct to sanfransisco San Francisco I must bid you good by [goodbye] the boat has cum [com]

[written in left margin]

from yower [your] Edwin

Last edit 7 months ago by California State Library


Contracosta Co Contra Costa County June 12 1859

Well Frank I sepose [suppose] you will be looking for aletter [a letter] and as I em [am] not in so mutch [much] of of a herrey [hurry] now as I was be fore [before] I will try and hav [have] a talk with you I wish I wish could hav [have] acup [a cup] of tea with you and we would talk the matter over. this is agrate [a great] ould [old] country and it was well for me that I arived [arrived] as i {I} did for it is the best time of the year the harvest is cuming [coming] on and the re [there] will be aplenty of work for too [two] or three months at from forty to saxty [sixty] per month I told you that I was going to pick strawberys [strawberries] I worked three days at that and quit it spent one day looking for work got agob [a job] on arantch [a ranch] for forty aolars [dollars] per month shell [shall] work aspell [a spell] at that there are plenty of men here that hav [have] bien [been] here for years that hav [have] not got one ded red but the folt [fault] is not in the country in most caises [cases] it is with them selves [themselves] if aman [a man] comes here he he must work hard foar [for] hard and be saving ceep [keep] to work if he can if not he is in abad [a bad] place I hav [have] found that out all ready [already] when I landed I had too [two] dolars [dollars] and fifty cts [cents] paid 75 cts [cents] for bed 50 for supper and 50 for breakfast I looked over the City for work but could git [get] none untill [until] after noon [afternoon] wen [when] the strawbery [strawberry] man came

Last edit 2 months ago by California State Library


and you know the ret [rest] the reason that I wrote in sutch [such] a herry [hurry] be fore [before] was had to go across the ferry to Almeda Alameda and I if I did not write then I should not hav [have] a chance be fore [before] the steamer left as it was I wrote in an express office and had just got my letter in if letter you could coll [call] it in the envelope when the steamer blew her whistle to leav [leave]

I had to giv [give] the directions to the express Man and get him to back it this is avery [a very] bad chance to [write] rite dont [don't] you think so I hav [have] not sean [seen] eney one [anyone] that I knew since I arived [arrived] here I think it ruther [rather] lonle [lonely] tell youer [your] Mother this is a good pll place to take boarders git [get] from six to 9 dolars [dollars] per week do her hens wowld [would] be worth one dolar [dollar] a dozan [dozen] eggs 75 cts [cents] butter 50 I cant [can't] write eney [any] more at present the men are cuming [coming] in giv [give] my lov [love] to all enquiring friends toll [tell] Nate to hav [have] a good garding [garden] and take care of the boys ciss [kiss] the children for me and lirn [learn] them thier [their] praers [prayers]. I will send you some money as son [soon] as I can git [get] it you ma [may] direct to Sanfransisco San Francisco till I go from here this leaves me well and I hope it ma [may] find you the same

from youer [your] Edwin

Last edit 2 months ago by California State Library


San Pablo, California

July 24 1859

My dier [dear] Wife I take this opuritunity [opportunity] to write you a fue [few] lines to let you know how I em [am] situated I em [am] still at work for Mr Morgan but hav [have] not been at work all the time I got My shoalder [shoulder] hurt pressing hay whitch [which] laid me up for three weeks but I em [am] as well now as ever in purson [person] but not in purse has to pay at the rate of twenty five dolars [dollars] per month for board when loafing I had 2 dolars [dollars] per day for pressing hay and boarded hav [have] lost the Chance em [am] at work at forty dolars [dollars] now it well [will] be a short gob [job] whare [where] I shell [shall] go then I dont [don't] know the acounts [accounts] we get here from the Mines are not very flattering tho I think I shell [shall] try them about the last of october [October] either that or origon [Oregon] this place is about ten miles from the sity [city] of San Francisco

Last edit 2 months ago by California State Library
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