Calais Maine Milltown Sept the 24th of 1850
Dear Father
I receved [received] your letter of the 19 of July on the 1
Day of Aug. I was glad to hear from you you must excuse
me for not writeing [writing] before but owing to sircumstances [circumstances] I
could not. I am sory [sorry] that the hay crops are likely to be light
but I shall try to assist you as mutch [much] as possable acording [according]
to your requist [request] you will tharefore [therefore] please to recive [receive] 20$
I am still to worck [work] at farming and the crops look very
well the y hay and grase [grass] has been a firstrate crop this
summer but thare [there] has been considerable failings in the
potatoes I would wish you to show this to Mr G. F. M.
as he requested me to write something of the place
lumbering is the cheif [chief] buisness of the town and vicinity
of Calais thare [there] is not mutch [much] farming caried [carried] on as
the soil is not sutable [suitable] for that purpse [purpose] in the moste [most]
of the place but thare [there] is some hansom [handsome] farms lumbering
is caried [carried] on in shape I tell you thare [there] is about 300 mills
with in 7 miles on the river and the most of them
contain 24 saws and you must know it takes some men
to run them as thay [they] go both Day and Night thay [they] git [get]
this lumber from 50 to 100 miles up the rive [river] Drive it
down thay [they] have built a raleroad [railroad] from salt watter [water] up to
barron this summer for of the purpose of fetching their
lumber to market witch [which] will make a grate [great] stir among
the lumbermen and thay [they] are laying it out throughout
Bangore [Bangor] and thay [they] will begin to work on it in the spring.
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