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Milltown St. Stephens Oct [October] the 26 of 1851

My Dear Farther

I now seat my self [myself] to write a few lines
to you to let you know that I am well and hope thay [they]
may find you the same I have been expecting to hear
from you for some time but I find thare [there] is no letters
for me I saw Mr Griffin the if other day and he told me that
he had no tidings from home for some time I am stil [still] at worck [work]
in mehanais but I intend to go in the woods as soon as I
can get a good chance prapes [perhaps] in a week and prapes [perhaps] in a month
but I will write to yu [you] again before I go when you write
Direct them Miltown ST Stphens NB and I will get some one to
send them to me I have got my money from the man that
I was worcking [working] for after some little truble [trouble] and I will in
close [enclose] $50 dollars to you I in tend [intend] to get a chance if I can
to got in for the rout that is to worck [work] on the logs until
thay [they] run in the boom that will probably be about
the last of June and then I think I shl [shall] go home
& if all is right. I have wrote to Georg Logan and
I dont [don't] know but I shall go round that way and see
the folks as I go home times are quite dull here this fall
owing to the scarsity of watter [water] but I think time
will be prety [pretty] good this winter if you have not wrote
I hope you will soon for I should like to hear
from you very mutch [much]. I saw Joseph Chipman last
summer and had a long talk with him about matters of

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