I have been doing very well at
mining cence [since] last July. I have cleared
a bout [about] eight hundred dollars with in [within] the
time and have a prety [pretty] good prospect
for this winter. If I should have
good luck this winter I think I
shall Call over next summer and
see how you get along. I hope you
will make no delay in answering this
and let me know wither [wether] you receved [received]
my letter of the twenty-seventh of Aug. [August]
I t do not know of any thing
more worth writing at present
pleas [Please] to giv [give] my love and best respect
to all enquring [enquiring] frends [friends] my love to my
Brothers and Sisters like wise [likewise] your
self [yourself].
and remember me to be
your affectionate Son
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____ have good luck this winter and think I shall shall nex next summer and se how you get along i hope you will make no delay in answering this and let me know wither you secured my letter of the twenty seventh of august do not know of any thing more worth writing at present . Head to give my love and best respect to all enquiring friends my love to my mothers and sisters like ___ your self
And remember me to be your affectionate you george _______