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[upper right]
Wolfe Creek June 10, 1856

My Dear Father

I receved [received] your letter of April the 24
yesterday and was verry [very] glad to heare [hear]
that you ware [were] all well I expect
you th havet got the letter witch [which]
I rote [wrote] to you on the 12 of May with
two hundred and twenty five dollars inclused [enclosed]
may the month of horrows has
passed a way may none like it ever return
the massacre at panama [Panama] the terribel [terrible] scenes
in San Francisco, the dreadful railroad
accident on the Isthmus the murder and
linch [lynch] lane in Navada have all crowded upon
us in quick succession witch [which] has cosed [caused] a general
excitiment throughout the State law matt [paper torn]
are worse here at present than I have th [paper torn]
ware [were] in 49 and 50 the disturbance first
started in the City owing to one editor
shooting an other [another] in broad day light on one [paper torn]
the princple [principle] streats [streets] of the City thare [there] has [paper torn]
men ruling the corts [courts] here who would
cleare [clear] any man no ods [odds] what thare [there] crime
might be if thay [they] only had money enough
thay [they] ware [were] sure to get cleare [clear] while a
poore [poor] man would stand no chance atall [at all]

So the vigilance commettee [committee] tock [tppk] things in
a hand thay [they] have hung three and drove
all gamblers and political lof ares lofers [loafers]
out of the City some thay [they] have sent to Chiley [Chile]
and siding. This committee is composed

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