



Status: Indexed

of all the leaf leading men
of the City the party caling [calling] themselves
the law and order party have maid [made]
several vane [vain] attempts to put them down
the Governor ordered out all the millitary [military]
compaynes [companies] but thay [they] refused to go and disband
how it will end it is hard to say the committee
have thare [there] rooms well fortified cannon on every
side and the men laing [laying] under armes [arms]
ready for action and the pepole [people] generaly [generally] simpathi [sympathize]
with them praps [perhaps] you may be a ble [able] to get a
paper from here you can form no idear [idea] what
vilany [villainy] has been maid [made] use of to get men in
to office here the mast [most] of them are nothing
more than black legs and swindlers but thay [they]
will have to leave now

P. I have had a fllow on my hand
since I last wrote to you witch [which] has
laid me up for three weeks it is will [well]
now I have first rate health but not
so heavy by teen [ten] pounds as I was two year
a go [ago]. I should like very mutch [much] to get
aletter [a letter] from Aunt Mary

I am very sorry to heare [hear] that my poor
litle [little] Sister is losing her sight

I have nothing mare [more] worth writing at present
My best respects to all inquring frends [friends]

My love ta [to] Annt Mary likewise
ta [to] you all

Blive [believe] me to be your Affecionate [Affectionate]

George Campbell

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