Wolfe Creek Wolf Creek, California Augist [August] 10th 1856
My Dear Farther [Father]
I now take my pen in
hand to adress [address] a few lines to
you to let you know that I
am well and hope those few lines may
find you all the Same
I sent you two hundred and twenty
five dollars teh 12 of last Apriel [April]
by Wells & Fargo express and as
I have not heard from you cence [since]
I begin to feal [feel] uneasy a bout [about] it
I have been at worck [work] in the Creek
cence [since] I last wrote it has cost us
three hundred dollars it paid us
nothing until day before yesterday
cence [since] then we have taken out
three hundred and thirty dollars I
think we have a better clame [claim] this
summer than we had last
I have two partners in the Creek
Thare [there] is seven of us in the the
river it has cost us thirty five
hundred dollars to flume and get
it ready for worcking [working] we comenced [commenced]
to wash last week and have taken
out eighty dollars this is a fare prospect
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