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New York Feb 26th 1853

Dear Mother, Brother, & Sister,

I arrived here
this afternoon about four O'clock rather used
up by my journey but feel pretty smart this

After C. left me at Lyngston I went
directly to Boston. Arrived safe, saw Mr. Tucker
went round with him for an hour or two and
then started for Dedham and arrived at Mr.
Fiskes about 5. Oclock [O'clock] P.M. and found them well.

Started from there this morning, came
in to Boston and started for N.Y.

Found Mr. W. T. Fisk at Springfield
waiting, then left there and arrived here in N.Y.
safe and sound. As it is twelve O'clock I
must tell short stories.

Has H. G. H. paid you that $8.?
How did Chas [Charles] get home with Jenney?

Is there any thing said about me?
My Baggage came along nicely I think although
I have not examined it. I shall enclose this
to Mr. Tucker and you will please write a few
lines in return by next mail and I will write
you again before I sail which will not prob-
ably be before the middle or last of next
week. Charles mend the Tinker, Harriett
fingers out of the sugar bowl. Did you
find my memorandum.

In great-haste Yours affctly [affectionately]

H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]

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