& that you had a nice dinner & enjoyed it which I have
no doubt you did do. Shall expect to hear all the particulars
in a few weeks. It is now past nine Oclock [O'clock] & as I shall
have a chance to write a few words tomorrow evening I
think I will now lay aside what I have already written
& retire to bed. So Good Night.
H.A.P. [Henry A. Parker]
Monday night 11. Oclock [O'clock]
After a dull rainy day we are now having a
pleasant night as it has cleared off cool & clear. Am
very well as are all of my California friends & I hope
you are also well. Suppose your work for this season
is now completed that is your out of door work, & I
hope you have got every thing arranged to your satisfaction
& as Charles takes so much interest in the work think
it must make your share of it much lighter than it
would otherwise be. Please give my love to C. & Hattie &
tell them I shall not be able to write them by this mail
as it closes tomorrow & I have so much to do through
the day that I find no time to write. Tell Hattie
that the few lines she wrote me by last mail were
very acceptable & that I am in hopes to hear from her
often. Tell Charles to write me also as often as he can
From you I shall expect a letter by every mail if it
is only a short one. The few lines which you enclosed
in your letter I destroyed as soon as I read them & I
find that your ideas accord with mine with regard
to my being connected in business with F.
As it is now nearly midnight, think I will close, by wish-
ing you, a good nights repose.
My love to friends from Your affectionate Son H A Parker [Henry A. Parker]
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