S. P. Tuckers [Samuel P. Tucker] health is not very good as yet, he being troubled
more or less with the fever & ague -- haves a chill & fever time
every two or three days which winds up with a bad
head-ache. He has also been troubled somewhat with
a cough for several weeks & I fear he never would
enjoy good health if he were to remain here for a long
time but I hope it would be otherwise as he rather thinks
of staying here through the summer if not longer
I remembered that you were 52 years old the 1st of Feb
& I should liked very much to have been at home with
you all -- hope you will yet live to see many more birth-
days & happy ones too, hope also that the remainder of your
life will be free from the care & trouble which has thus far
during your life seemed to fall to your lot
The little treat which you made for C. & H. was no
doubt very nice particularly the Tomato Figs & I hope that
I shall have a chance to eat some of them myself ere long.
I was glad to hear that you had so nice a Pig as I
know that you like to have things nice & when you have
the management of them yourself that you will have
them so. Wish I had a piece of the Pig to fry for supper
as I have not eaten a piece of fresh pork since I left home.
I think you have been fortunate in getting your wood
up in such good season, although I do not know as you
got it done any earlier than you commonly do, as last year
when I left home the last of Feb. Campbell had got it
nearly all cut up -- hope you will succeed in getting your
fencing stuff up in season & the rest of your spring-work
done. You & Mr Tucker both wrote me that Henry Leighton was
about to leave P. for this country & Mr T. wrote that he had given
Leighton a letter of introduction to Mr Wm. Walton [William Walton], but as yet
we have none of us seen him. I have now filled my sheet
& as I wish to write to Mr. Tucker I will close for today but shall
probably write a few lines crosswise before the mail closes
I remain Your Truly affectionate Son,
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
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