I think as you do that Chas [Charles] ought to improve his
times at School as well as he can for as you say he never
will have another such a chance & in a very few years
he will see the importance of "knowing a thing or two"
even if he remains in the quiet town of P. [Pepperell]
Sunday Eve July 31st
I have delayed finishing my letter until it is
now too late to get it into the mail, so I shall send
it by the Nicaragua Steamer via San Juan.
I am well as usual & I hope you are all enjoying
good health & will continue to do so. I have just
seen Henry Shipley -- he is well & Wm. [William Shipley] also ---
No news has transpired since I last wrote you
that I think would prove interesting, & for a change
think I will send you a little blank paper -- perhaps
it will be just as acceptable as though I filled
it out. At any rate think I will close as it is
getting late. Give my love to Chas [Charles] & Harriet & tell
them to write whenever they can conveniently do so
With many wishes for your health happiness & general
welfare I remain
Your affect [affectionate] Son,
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
To Mrs Ann Parker
East Pepperell
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