Charles is right in saying "that if I had done as
Mother wished -- conducted myself in a proper & be-
coming manner & staid [stayed] at home it would have
been much better for me" but I did not choose
to do so & "a thing once done cannot easily be un-
done" & now the only way I see to do is to "mend
my ways" & do right for the time to come -
& obey" Mothers wishes, & endeavor to atone for past conduct
I know of nothing to write you that will prove
interesting although if I could only see you I suppose
I could tell you "lots of news"
A young man from Nashua by the name of
Barr, returns home by this Steamer having as I
suppose "made his pile" but I begin to think
that if I wait until I make "my pile" that I
shall not see the good old town of Pepperell for
a long time yet, still fortune may favor me
when I least expect it this is my only hope
I should be very happy to return to P. & all
you & all my friends & no doubt you would like
to see me there again even if I had met with
but "poor success" in the country, but I should
be much better satisfied if I could return with
the means to provide for myself instead of being
dependent upon my friends for support -- so I shall
keep up good spirits & remain here for the present
& do my best to lay up something for the time of
need, & I hope the time will come sooner or later
when we shall all be permitted to meet again &
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