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a good mining claim & what is still better
112 hens & chickens & five turkies [turkeys] which they in-
tend to eat between now & spring. After relating
the above I will leave you to guess whether or no
they will not have a nice Thanksgiving dinner
but after all I am afraid that I shall be
unable to accept of their kind "invite" as it is
quite a journey from here to Columbia "but I"
hope they may have a nice dinner & enjoy it
too, although I fear they will not enjoy themselves quite
as well as they would do in P. were they there ---

You wrote that you should like to know if
Henry Shipley was married in answer to which I can
only say that last spring while on a visit here
from Sacramento he said that he was to be
married soon to a young lady & was then going
across the plains to the States. A few weeks afterward
I saw him again when he told me that soon
after starting on his proposed trip his wife died
& that he concluded to return back again -----

He exhibited no signs of grief, & did not wear
mourning for here, which is all I can say of him.

Judging from his stories, he has made many
quantity of money in this country & is in a fair
way of making still more. Now you can judge
for yourself, I understand that Pepperell folks think
that Wm. E. Shipley has made himself rich out here
& that now they want him to come home right away.

I rather think that if the truth were known that

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