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I suppose you too miss J. A. Tucker & his
family very much, at least I think you must
for they have always been kind to you as well as
me, being ever ready & willing to assist us in
any way, & I hope Mr. T. will be successful in bus-
iness while in Boston & in a short time remove again
with his family to Pepperell & make that his home
for life, for aside from Mother, Brother & Sister I
have no friends in this world like them & as I
intend to spend my days in P. after a short
time I of course should be happy to have my
friends settle there also

In all my wanderings although I have
seen many pleasant places none seem to equal
in natural beauty & advantages for living pleas-
antly, my own native town Perhaps I think so be-
cause it is my home. Be that as it may I hope I shall
be permitted to return to it ere long & find my
friends the same as when I left.

I was sorry to hear that Esq Jewett was so feeble
when you wrote & I hope he is more comfortable
at the present time & I hope that he & Augustus
both may continue to improve in health & strength

Mr. T. wrote me a long letter by last mail
saying that he had recieved [received] the "Power of Attorney"
which I sent him & that he should endeavor to
effect a speedy settlement with Esq. J. which I
hope he will be able to do as it may as well be
settled up first as last, as I have often said before

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