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best, which I certainly hope it will
do, and that I shall come out as well
off in every respect as I should have done
had I remained until now in a Boston
Dry Goods Store. Business seems to be very
dull in Boston, and I believe in all the
Eastern Cities at the present time, as I notice
that a great many have failed there within
a few weeks past, and a great many
more I dare say are liable to fail and
will soon do so providing business re-
mains as dull with them as it is at
present. You write that you heard
Mr. J. A. Tucker had failed -- I hope it
is not so, -- but if so, I hope he will
manage to come out all right, for
I should be sorry to have him lose in
Boston, the capital that he worked hard
for, in Pepperell, to obtain. Probably he
will be able to settle off with his creditors
and soon resume business, again

I did not receive a letter from Mr
T. by this last mail, nor from any one
of his family, but I shall look for
one from them by next mail and I
do not think I shall be disappointed
for it is seldom that they omit writing
me --

[written vertically in left margin]
Wednesday Jan. 31st. I am as well as usual this evening --
I recieved [received] a paper from Chas. this morning and shall send
him one in return. I also recieved [received] a paper from Cousin Jennie

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