[dark line runs from the left to right margin]
You will see an account, in the paper which I shall
send Charles, of the death, at Honolulu S. I. of Edmund
P. Hutchinson of Pepperell. It appears that he died
twenty days after his arrival there from Boston --
Poor fellow! Instead of regaining his health as he hoped
to do, he only left home to die among strangers in a
strange land.
[dark line runs from the left to right margin]
Mr. William Walton will leave here tomorrow,
accompanied by his wife and one child, on a visit
of a few months, to the Atlantic States.
He would willingly take this letter to you, but I
think I will not trouble him with it for you will
receive it as soon, if not sooner, if I send it by
mail, than you would if I sent it by him. --
Large handbills have been posted about the streets
this week announcing that a certain firm in this city
were prepared to sell nice, dry sound Potatoes for 20 cts per
bushel -- Cheap enough for California.
There are plenty of chestnuts now in market brought
from the Atlantic States which sell readily at retail for
$1.00 a pound or 25 cts for a small tumbler full. They
do not taste much however like chestnuts at home al-
though they are very good. Wishing you all health and
happiness I remain
Your affectionate Son
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
Mrs. Ann Parker E Pepperell Mass
[written vertically in the left margin]
Give my love to Charles & Hattie -- My regards to friends in general.
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