the property but took his word for it's being the
same as he represented it to be, and I do not
think he wishes to take the advantage of me in any
way, more than I do of him.
I wrote Mr Tucker about it by last mail
and asked him to take a ride out there and
take a look at the place, and then write me
what he thought of it and if he should go out
there he will be able to give you a much better
description of it than I can at the present time.
I noticed in the "Cultivator" the marriage of
Mr. John H. Batch to Miss Mary S. Wilder and I have
come to the conclusion that this is the same Mary
S. Wilder who used to attend school in Pepperell
when her Father was there. Dont [Don't] you think so?
I conclude that Charles sent me the paper on account
of that marriage notice. At any rate it was very
acceptable on that account, and I might as well
say it is always acceptable for I consider it a very
readable paper and I hope C. will send it to me
often. Give my love to him and to Harriet also
and ask them to write me. I shall try and send C.
four apricot stones in this letter, and bye and bye
shall send him some Water Melon seeds, that I
got out of a white meated melon, and some Musk
Melon seeds that I saved last year. Miss L. wrote
this "Too bad about the calf wasn't it." Now I should like to
have some of you explain the above for I do not know
what she means by it. Your loving Son
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
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