doing so, but on the contrary, in a letter
which I received from him last week
he wrote that he had not been doing
much for a few days previous to the time
he wrote, but was soon going a "prospecting"
for a claim to work the coming winter and
also wrote, that if I would join him he
would take up a claim for me also.
By that, I should judge that he did not
think of going home until Spring, even if
he intends to then. Sam was well, and I
guess he is very well contented.
Mr. Wm E. Shipley [William E. Shipley] and I called on Mr
Walton, this afternoon for the first time
since his return from the Atlantic States.
He says he only stopped in Pepperell four
days, and so did not find time to call on
you, but said he heard you were well.
He does not seem to think Pepperell
has changed much since he was there
before, but says it appears very dull to any
one who has lived in the excitement of
San Francisco for any length of time.
This is his idea of the subject -- mine
might be different at least I shall not
feel willing to take his word for it for
I intend to call there again sometime,
and I should not think it strange if my
call was a long one -----
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