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and Friends, as I should be in Pepperell
were I there, I do not think I should
ever wish to leave here for any length
of time -- but the beautiful climate which
the country possesses, and the large quantities
of gold which it contains cannot purchase
a pleasant Home, when dear relatives
and friends are living far away, and
for that reason I shall never think
of making this country my home even
if I do love its climate, and facilities
for doing business to good advantage.
Still I think I shall probably remain here
fifteen months longer or near that
length of time, although I should like
very much to leave here for home to-
morrow morning. The only objection
I could raise against being at home
now, would be the cold weather which
I do not think would agree with me
first-rate after been away from
it so long as I now have -- should
rather arrive at home in the spring
or summer, so that I should have a
chance to experience the cold gradually
so as not to feel the change so pensibly
as I should do were I to return home
now in the middle of winter ---

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