I have not heard from Sam T.
since I last wrote you, but presume
he is as well as usual. ---
I believe James K. Bolles, has not
yet returned from Puget Sound, but I
saw the vessel that he is in reported a
few days since, so I think he is safe
and well. I have got six or seven
letters for him which I have taken
from the Post Office here. They are all
from his folks at Pepperell and I shall
hand them to Jas. [James] as soon as I have
an opportunity. I do not hear from Thos.
G. Lawrence [Thomas G. Lawrence] or the Leightons, or rather
have not heard from them since they
first arrived from here, and then went to
Auburn. The rest of "The Pepperellites"
are all well I believe.
Please give my love to Chas. [Charles] & Harriet
and remember me to my Pepperell friends.
Write by every mail, and with this
accept the love, and kind wishes of
Your affectionate Son
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
To Mrs. Ann Parker
East Pepperell
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