


Status: Indexed

Friday Evening March 23rd. The Steamer
leaves here tomorrow morning, so I must
put my letters in the Express tonight.

I should like to finish this paper
out, but I have got a very violent
tooth ache this evening. It has been
aching all day, and this afternoon it
has pained me very bad, so that it
often brings the tears. Still I will
write away a few minutes.

You will remember that I wrote
about having two teeth pulled a
month or two ago, and it now appears
that a prong of one of them was
left in which is now troubling me,
but if it does not get better soon
I shall have to get it dug out. ---

Yesterday and today the weather
has been very warm and pleasant
and our trade has been quite good
and if I can only get rid of my
toothache I shall be "all right" again

Give my love to Chas. [Charles] & H. [Harriet] also
to Uncle Bradley and family, Mrs Betsey
& so on, and write often to

Your affectionate Son
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]

To Mrs Ann Parker
East Pepperell Mass

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