A young man by the name of Edward
Waters, from the State of Maine will
leave here next Saturday for home ---
He is one old friend of mine and
you may have heard me speak of
him before now, as we were at Tucker
Shaw & Co's at the same time.
He arrived here the same year
that I did, in the month of August,
but I think he is now obliged to borrow
the means of getting home with, for
he has been sick, some here, and has
been unfortunate otherwise, but has
finally made up his mind that he
may as well go home now, as to stay
here any longer, as there is no better
prospect ahead for him now than
there was a year ago -----
I was surprised to hear that, Dr
Parker, and Capt Robinson were intending
to leave Pepperell, and then form what
you write I think that Mrs Sewell will
join Parks at Wisconsin.
A few more such changes in P.
and it will never seem like home
to me again, and it must seem odd
to you also. I do not think you can
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