I saw Mr Shipley day before yesterday.
He is rather unwell but is so as
to be about, as he walked from where
he lives down to my stand, a distance
of more than a mile.
I think he would like to go on to
Massachusetts if he was so situated
that he could go conveniently, but
I guess he will not get away from
here this season. Perhaps he will
conclude to wait and go home along
with me.
We are now just beginning to
have our summer weather. Cold
winds every afternoon blow in from
the sea, so that is more pleasant
in the winter season when it does
not rain, than it is now, but I
have got through two California summers
and a part of a third very comfortably
and if my life is spared, I am in
hopes to get through the coming one
in the same way.
Give my love to Chas. [Charles] & Hattie [Harriet]
and accept a good share yourself from
Your loving Son
H. A. Parker [Henry A. Parker]
Mrs Ann Parker
East Pepperell
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