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San Francisco Cal. March 2d 1856 --

My Dear Mother,

The mail Steamer arrived
yesterday afternoon, and last morning I recd [received]
a letter from friend J. A. Tucker and one from Miss
Lizzie Lewis
, but none from mother. I went
to the Post office again this morning, and asked
the clerk at my window, if he had found
another letter for me, he says immediately "No,
Parker. I have not" so I was obliged to turn away,
disappointed I assure you, for I felt sure of
receiving a letter from you. Why I did not
do so, I cannot tell, but time will probably give
the reason. I hope you are all as well as usual,
and that nothing uncommon has happened to
any of you. How anxiously I shall await the
arrival of the next mail Steamer, which I hope
will bring the missing letter, and a companion
to it written, a fortnight later.

Mr Shipley called to see me this morning --
says he received a letter from Mrs S. she was
well, and did not write but what people in
general, in Pepperell were all as well as usual
although your Uncle Shipley, is growing old and
feeble, and Henry Mason I understand is very
sick at Chelsea.

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