I, Do not Know what to write about I wish
you was out Here to See the Country I have
got a Cane from Some of the timber of the
old Sutter Sawmill it is Pine and I want
to Send it to you but I have no way but
by Express and it would cost to [too] much to send
it that way I was in Hopes that I could
Come Home this Spring but it is not Possible
for me to Come I must Bring this to a close
as I cannot think of anything to write My
wife is not very well the children are going
to School. The baby is fat and Healthy and
growing fast it weighs 16 lbs [pounds] and it will not
be three months old till the 19 of this month
give my Love to Mother and the
Children I suppose that I would not
know them it will be 4 years the 19 of this
Month Since I left Newyork New York and what
a Change has taken Place I am an old man
af a few more years like the Past and I shall
have followed in the Path of the Rest of our
family I Shall try and Come home once more
if it is Possible to Do So had the County seat
not been moved I might have Realised [realized] quite
a Hansome [handsome] Sum for my property but now
it will fetch comparitively [comparatively] nothing tell David
to write to me, as often as he can I am
Glad he is able to Command good wages and
Hope that he may be able to make His
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